Monday, March 03, 2008

update on jobsite fall; victim was not moved by coworkers...

this information was communicated to the coroner's office but has now been refuted by witnesses.

the victim has been identified.

details where you would expect them at


Anonymous said...

So now that the truth is out where is all of the hate speeches

Anonymous said...

teh real problem is our government doesnt do what it should. this is what breeds malcontent. it isnt hate of huispanics it is hate of illegals who steal our resources.

Anonymous said...

This just goes to show what no speaking English does, and potentially what illegal alieans suffer.

First none of us really know what happened. When an employee dies even the coroner can't get good information when the workers can't speak English.

It is very likely no one will ever really know what happened except the coworkers, and if any of them are illegals or the employee was an illegal it is unlikely they will convey the real facts.

Anonymous said...

ustedes son los diablos llenos de todo el odio ignorante lamentable que se quemarĂ¡n en el infierno para usted peca del mal.