Monday, March 03, 2008

barnesville-lamar county native profiled....

carl walton...

click here


Anonymous said...

Its the economy stupid As in the price of oil. Quote from Pres. Bill the cigar Clinton

Anonymous said...

Nice article. I guess he shows that Barnesville doesn't produce total idiots.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

there's still at least 1 idiot at large

Anonymous said...

I agree! The link posts that follow 9:38PM do prove Barnesville has at least one childish immature or drunk idiot.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that by all of the administrator removals that Barnesville is full of half retarded bigots

Anonymous said...

someone trying to get walters goat posted a link to another website several times in a row. immature .

John W. said...
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Anonymous said...

One wonders how so many immature people gather in one spot.

Anonymous said...

I went to school and graduated with Mr. Walton. Although I don't agree with his political views, he is a good man and was a very good friend back in the day.

Anonymous said...

kum by ya me lord