Saturday, March 01, 2008

man dead of injuries from work-related fall...

accident happened today.

details where you would expect them at


Anonymous said...

What kind of a dumb ass moves a injured person that falls off a roof? Ibet they are not from around here. Any Cub Scout knows better than that!

Anonymous said...

What kind of a dumb ass moves a injured person that falls off a roof? Ibet they are not from around here. Any Cub Scout knows better than that!

Anonymous said...

read the text. they were Hispanics.

Anonymous said...

we need JOHN WYANE to get those wetbacks off the border. what is obobama mccain or that thich thighed bitch going to do ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

golly geeze no whirrly bird ride the ems must be getting better

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the Headline be " ILLEGAL KILLED FROM FALL"?

Anonymous said...

none of this is funny. stop it and behave before people say stupid things like ill eagle falls from sky. this is sad but it is what happens when people employ unskilled mnaual labor instead of qualified local tradesmen.

Anonymous said...

Wow this is horrible and you guys are makin' a friggin' joke out of it. Typical backwards Barnesvillian behavior.

Anonymous said...

why isnt the name of that business that employed the people being mentioned. thats part of the story.

Anonymous said...

This is really sad and it is important to remember that no matter how this man was killed, we should be resepectful of his family. This is a true tragedy regardless of the incident.
I have his family in my prayers.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

738 at least here you can venalate that other news source keeps it bottled like a old fart walter lets you smell everybodys that can get one loose

Anonymous said...

The deceased is my nephew, who not only was in this country legally, but was a US citizen!

Anonymous said...

Typical stereotyping. Hispanic is not the equivalent of illegal immigrant. I don't sympathize with illegals, but this could have happened to anyone, legal or not. Even if he is here illegaly, it is not punishable by death and his accident shouldn't be used as a springboard for your racist comments.

My thoughts and prayers to his family.

The rest of you are idiots.

Anonymous said...

rev, best surf on over to

Your brothers and sisters are well aware of the impact the illegal is having against the African American in the USA. There are only just so many jobs to go around, and the alien from down south is taking more and more.

Shame the illegal was killed in the accident, but it is a greater shame he was there in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Send the INS to 10:00AM home and arrest all the illegals. He's definitely one!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

irt was me. im the immature one but bossman made me do it.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me at how cruel some of you can be. What does it matter that he was hispanic? He lost his life. He was still a human being. I imagine if one of your family members were the ones that fell you would not be as heartless. Maybe you should really start thinking before you start typing and make crude comments on a prejudice stance.

Anonymous said...

People are much more likely to get injured on the job when they can't speak English or the common language of the other people in society around them, or when they don't follow safety regulations.

You'll find employers who hire illegals also break other laws, like safety regulations.

Anonymous said...

You will also find as many legal citizens break laws, do drugs, do not follow saftey regulations as well. You are just prejudice.

Anonymous said...

Also, what does speaking english have to do with losing your balance and falling? Are you able to stand straighter and prevent falling just b/c you speak english? These are the cruel comments I was talking about earlier.

Anonymous said...

Don't be such a fool.

When people can't share a common language they can't communicate. This makes it difficult if not impossible to convey instructions or other critical safety related or work related communications.

Also not being assimilated into society makes the person more likely to not know the system and safety laws, and an employer who knowing breaks one law (hiring illegals) just to save money is much more likely to break other laws related to employee safety.

This is why it is important to have a legal worker, and one that legal or not speaks English.

It isn't prejudiced.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you were never taught you to be any nicer than calling people fools.

You have your opinions. I worked with a company that actually legalized hispanics to work. I know the drill. I am far from being a fool.

Anonymous said...

The mexicans dont do nothin but take jobs away from black people. They need to go back to mexico so the rest of us can have a job.