has been most effective in dealing with global terrorism - muslim-based or non muslim-based?
under which did you feel most safe in your home?
if you could put any of them back in office for the purposes of national security, which would it be?
Sunday, September 24, 2006
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Reagan didn't take any crap from any one. That's why Iran let the hostages go because they knew it would.t take long before Reagan would send in the military. Bush Jr. doesn't take any crap either. Kennedy stood his ground too. He likely had the greatest potential for the big war though. Nixon was the best diplomat. He open a lot of doors and it was his actions that really helped to end the cold war. I'm too young to remember Ike and Thuman. The rest were wossies.
Of the Recent Presidents, I would go with Reagan. It was a wise move to get of of Lebanon when the barracks was bombed. Staying there at that time would have drawn us into a war we would have been a third party. I liked Reagan because he wasnt afraid to call a spade a spade. e.g. "Mr Gorbachav, tear down this wall"
Free Thinker -
There is much you don't know about what went on after that incident. Reagan's response was much more than you know. I had to go and answer it. Some things that happen never make it into the news. Additionally, if politics would have stayed out of Viet Nam, that would have been a different ending. Again experience talking. A little info about the first Persian Gulf war. Had Norman been listened to, we wouldn't be there now. More experience. And you have now got more info than you have ever got before. Believe it or not.
Ronald Reagan was by far one of our greatest presidents. I do like Bush too, because he does stand firm for what he believes.
Yeah don't forget Nixon really was the one who got us out of Viet Nam.
Bush 2 is probaly the worse thing for the USA since Truman.
He is a liar that has increased hatrid of Americans all over the world.
He got us caught up in Iraq when we should have been straightening out Pakastan.
He created a country full of future terrorists by destroying Iraq for no reason. He wants the Mexicans to be able to pour in over the borders and then have a path paved to become citizens.
I can't think of a worse excuse for a leader we ever had. Everyone was worried about Clinton doing something to Monica, but a lot of people don't seem to care that Bush did the very same thing to our entire country.
The stain Bush is leaving on us will last for many years.
It's frustrating to watch the president of Afghanistan use better English and appear smarter and more honest that the supposed leader of the free world.
I hope we don't make the same mistakes in the next elections. Our country can't take another cheating dishonest stupid liar leading us. We are already in a giant hole from what will be 8 years of Bush.
Tell it all brother, tell it all.
Nixon....he was a very good international President, but not so at home....he had a rotten mouth but knew how to kick butt
the liberal media wants you to think Bush 2 is or has done nothing about Al Queida, but that is a farse. They have nor organization any longer. We did go to afganistan if you will remember and cleaned house, but that was only the right arm of the body of terror.
So dam insane and Iraq are teh heart, and Bush 2 peircing it so future generations want have to deal with a newly trained left arm later on down the road.
20 years from now we will look back on GW2 as one of the most courageous presidents we have ever had with enough forsight to see that if we dont deal with the core now, future generation will later.
Jim Dandy approves.
I certainly don't need to call Bush a liar. Bush calls himself a liar almost every time he speaks.
First he said the war in Iraq was all about weapons of mass destruction. When that didn't pan out, instead of being a man and admitting a mistake and getting back out of Iraq he changed his story. Now it is being called the frontline of the war on terrorists.
Anyone with any brains knows we are doing nothing but creating hatred there. Bin Laden is way over in the "stans" by India, and this administration is sending all our resources to Iran to fight something we can never win. We want people to love us by force and destruction of their lives. The USA has totally ruined the daily lives of the common person in Iraq. If they came over here and took Bush out and turned our country into what we have done over there, we would become terrorists too.
It's just like Vietnam, and I was there at the very front lines (I was actually many kilometers into Cambodia, although we lied and said we were not). We are making people hate us and our way of life. Shame on those who blindly support one of the most dysfunctional dishonest administrations the USA has ever known.
We should be busy trying to undo the harm to our country and to our worldwide image that Bush is doing, not sparring with each other. Sooner or later we will have to get out of Iraq, and no matter when Iraq will fall apart.
Dream on if you think the Taliban is suppressed. They are alive and strong in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Where did I graduate? Some small obscure university. I came from a house with dirt floors wondering when the next bottle of milk would appear. I was well into the top one percent of USA students in science, math, and reading. I was reading college textbooks on chemistry in seventh grade. Through companies I worked for, I hold or held several dozen patents. As a subcontractor for GE medical I designed parts of the original MRI machines, specifically the generators and applicators that ping the hydrogen cells with RF energy.
I worked on OTH RADAR when it was a concept, allowing land based systems to look over the horizon for drug smugglers and other things like missiles. In Nam I came up with unique ways to destroy enemy communications, find underground tunnels, and track the movement of small numbers of people.
Don’t try to dazzle me with crap about some village idiot who bought his way into a degree at some expensive school that made exceptions for someone from big money. I’m not impressed by the "accomplishments" of a party boy who throws on a flight suit when the only real flight he took was from serving in harm’s way.
Having been there and seen it all, I’m sickened to be seeing the same stuff all over again. Bush and the boyz are pulling the wool over your eyes. Better get back and look at it all objectively. Bush is putting the screws to us. Best to just admit the mistake and try to figure out how to fix the damage he did. After all, his real goal is to divide and conquer. Let’s not let him win. We will have a lot of work to do to fix the mess he is making.
Cameron Frey wrote:
You have made some pretty bold statements and I would like to learn more about your assertions. How did Bush lie? How did Bush cheat? How is Iraq destroyed? (Voting processes, new schools, new hospitals, more access to basic utitlities such as electricity and running water, and being able to live your life free of government oppression) From what Ivy League institution did you graduate, to constitute your calling Bush dumb? Is your assertion based on grades, decisions, grammar, dictation, etc? Is the record breaking economy part of the hole that W put us in? Is the absence of terrorist attacks part of that hole? Is the overthrow of Saddam and his radical government part of that hole? Is the overthrow of the Taliban part of that hole?>>
If you think that is the way things are, then you are seriously out of touch with reality.
You better look again at Iraq, Bush, our economy, and how "good" things really are.
Mr. Frye,
I think you are as far out to the right as the other guys is to the left.
You must have some rosey glasses on there if you think we are improving things in Iraq.
We made a big mistake, things aren't going well, and now we have to live with it. Being dishonest with ourselves isn't helpful.
I'm sure it all isn't Bush's fault. He didn't get us into this mess all by himself. Let's work on how to get out of it.
It seems we all agree we are in a mess that we cannot just pick up and leave.
The difference of perception is in the condition of Iraq and the mindset of its people now, thanks to our war, and where the fault lies for us being in the position we are in over there.
We all know the terrorists didn't come from Iraq. The only excuse our leadership really had was WMD, and that turned out to be a sham. Quite frankly Cameron the USA, despite what some of us think, has no business going into another nation because we don't like the leader. We can't justify it because of treatment of people in that country because we ignore other genocide as a matter of practice. Our sole excuse was WMD and they didn't have any.
Now that we are in we have made life considerably worse for the population. Just by being there we encourage the very thing we claim to stop.
Without a doubt Bush talked us into a war we cannot win and we cannot finish.
At the same time, Bush wants illegals to have an easy pass to the USA. He wants or wanted Arabs to manage our ports. He won't put his foot down on the two primary nations that are harboring terrorists and their training camps, instead placing all our resources on a useless war that became the front for the "fight against terror" only because we created the war.
While you might think in your own twisted way that Bush is the next best thing to Jesus, the facts are he is doesn't pick good people to advise him and his leadership has gotten what once was a great nation into an unwinable war. Those people have been fighting for thousands of years and we can't stop it.
The best we can do is put our mistakes behind us and figure out how to get out of Iraq with the minimum damage possible.
That's really our only choice. A few of us might cling to the party line, but anyone who knows history and the way people work would also realize Bush has gotten into one of the biggest messes in history.
It may largely be due to his little friend Donald, but Bush approved the mess. Bush owes the country an apology and the truth.
The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service estimates that the total price tag for U.S. military activities in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as counterterrorism activities around the world, will significantly exceed the half-trillion-dollar mark over the next fiscal year.
This projection, spelled out in a new 36-page report, is based in part on a little-noticed White House Office of Management and Budget estimate in July that projects $110 billion in fiscal year 2007 war funding, $8 billion less than the Defense Department required in fiscal year 2006.
“Based on this OMB projection, cumulative war funding . . . would reach about $549 billion,” states the Sept. 22 CRS report, “The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan and Other Global War on Terror Operations since 9/11,” written by Amy Belasco, a defense budget expert.
The report also estimates that the monthly costs of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan will move 20 percent higher to $9.5 billion in 2006. In FY-05, the Pentagon spent $6.4 billion each month, on average, for Iraqi operations; $1.3 billion for operations in Afghanistan; and $180 million for enhanced base operations; in FY-06, those figures are on track to increase to about $8 billion for Iraq and $1.5 billion for Afghanistan, according to the report.
Between fiscal years 2001 and 2006, Congress has appropriated roughly $437 billion to fund a range of activities related to countering Islamic extremists around the world, including military operations, base security, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs and veterans' health care, according to the report.
The Senate and House are slated to vote soon on a FY-07 defense appropriations conference bill that includes a $70 billion “bridge fund” to pay for war costs in the first part of the new fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1.
If enacted, this would fund the first few months of operational costs and bring total war appropriations to $507 billion. The July OMB projections estimated a total of $110 billion in FY-07 war costs, including the $70 billion bridge fund; this would leave the military in need of another emergency supplemental appropriations bill next spring for $40 billion to pay for continuing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan .
Sorry Cam. I was in a hurry when I put this in. It was easier to click Anon at the time. I didn't have anything you said in mind when I put this in the blog. I thought it was interesting and I thought others might find it interesting too. It was not in reference to any of your comments. However, If you would like to comment, please do so.
The cost identified by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service for U.S. military activities in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as counterterrorism activities around the world will exceed the half-trillion-dollar mark over the next fiscal year.
These cost, as far as I know, are coming from the American tax payers. My questions are:
1. What are we actually getting for all that money?
2. If we are reducing the terrorist threat for the world, why are we footing the majority of the bill?
3. How will our government get a return on all that money spent?
4. Is the US a world police?
We may be hearing about the progress but we should also be informed about how the taxpayer will be repaid for the expense. What are the opinions of others?
Cameron. As long as you're in the area, say hello to Peter Pan for me. Don't fly to high, the air gets thinner the higher you go.
It's interesting to watch the reaction of the moral God-like republicans in light of all the recent events with our wars and our congress.
How will the people ever correct this corrupt government? Anyone have any idea?
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