in lamar superior court today. despite a multitude of character witnesses on his behalf, english was sentenced to two years in prison and eight years on probation today by judge stephen boswell.
english was also fined $10,000 and ordered to pay restitution. he must report to custody by noon monday, sept. 25. a hearing on an appeal bond will be held at a later date.
the character witnesses - many of them attorneys - argued for a probated, first offender status sentence for english that would have offered the possibility of reclaiming his law license at some future point. boswell chose not to do that however.
English should have chased minor girls, he would have only got probation. I dont understand how these Judges, in their infantile minds, give the different sentences they give.
no doubt, Brutz did not even do the intitial act of stealing, he just did not rat out his brother and kept items from his brothers crimes.
No doubt he is guilty and deserves punishment, but for him to get this and Henry to get what he got is unbelievable in my mind.
Cant do the time, dont do the crime in my book. Dont cry about it, take your punishment like a man and move on! It's time we get tough with criminals, no matter the name!
For those of you who were not in the courtroom during the sentencing; Chief prosecutor David Fowler stated on the record that he would support probation for English if he would own up to actions and appologize to the court. Judge Boswell asked English if he would address the court, and he refused. Boswell, with two sentences in hand, then sentenced English to prison. Had he appolgized as Abreu did, he could have avoided it.
that was my asessment as well.
Now those are facts people need to know. Thanks.
so henry was willing to say what ever to get off whether he meant it or not, and brutz would not, so he gets the rope. How about keeping the eye on the ball which is the crime committed.
Brutz now how do you feel? think of what you did to Robert Reynolds!!
So, the judge gave him a chance and he didn't take it. I'll bet he's wishing he did now.
We need to keep his wife and mother in our prayers. Having two sons in the big house has got to be tough on anyone.
I have known the English boys since they were small boys. They have always been spoiled mommy's boys.
They both have become what they were raised to be.
Maybe now they will have to grow up and become responsible adults.
That was a cold blooded post my friend. Let some healing begin for their family without piling on some of your silly spew. Time will pass and life will go on. The court has passed judgement so that you don't have to.
The one way to end the majority of these mean spirited blogs is if Walter required people to use real names. Blogging behind anonymous must be the equivalent of drinking liquor -- it makes you ten foot tall and bulletproof.
Unbelievable, the judge gives English 2 yrs in prison, 8 yrs probation and a fine but only gives Abreu 5 yrs probation and a fine. I'm not a rocket scientist but in my opinion Abreu should have gotten a tougher sentence for what he did. Most of the time the justice system works pretty good but this time I disagree with the judgements passed down to these 2 men.
Why don't we start with wdm's idenity. You're no better by not posting your name. Set the example.
Those are my initials which is more than I can say for you. But more importantly, I haven't ever bashed someone nor do I intend to.
Actually, I may have bashed the CameronFrye (aka anonymous) dude but it was very mild.
And most importantly, don't take my blogs to serious. Blogging is more entertainment to me than being judge and jury on fellow citizens.
Trust me, I have done some of the dumbest things humanly possible. I don't want everyone judging me so therefore I am not judging.
Weren't the girls in Abreu's case 16? If so, stop referring to him as a child molestor or a sexual predator. The age of consent in GA is 16, which means that Abreu only broke the alchohol rules.
...and who's to say that the name used will actually be that person? So if I sign this post "Whitney Houston" would anyone believe me? Probably not. But if I sign this "Karen Snead" everyone on here would probably believe that this is my true identity...which it is not. My real name is...
I really do not think the age of the age of the girls really matters, i guess it is safe to assume you do not have a daughter, b/ if you did you would understand that just b/c your of consenting age means you are mature enough not to be damaged for the rest of your life
GA. is 21 years of age to purchase alcohol and 18 to vote and purchase tobacco .Tell me what does a grown man want to have drinks with someone who barely can barely drive? Statutory rape can be considered if one or both of 16yr olds comes forward in the future, then he would become a sexual predetor,and you all know what goes along with that. But in the mean time all you parents out there be weary!
Let us not throw around that "lady" label. I am guessing there was some sort of fault with these "ladies". Abreu didn't walk up to two random 16 year old girls sitting in the library and offer to buy them alchohol. I am not saying it is right or wong, just that calling him a child molestor is wrong because he didn't break the law as it is written and enforced by our government. Can we call him a murderer or a theif as well because we don't agree with something that he did that was legal? The judges ruled on the law how it is written by our legislators. If the law sais 16, they can't indict him for child molestation if the girls are 16.
the people I was talking to earlier were calling him a child molester. You chimed in to tell me to quit worrying about him being called names, so I assumed you supported their calling him a child molestor.
He is on probation. OK.Just because he is willing to scream "uncle". Better not move on my 15 year old granddaughter.
that's funny
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