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Monday, September 11, 2006
how would you describe...
the current state of race relations in barnesville-lamar county?
Walter! I love ya' man, but I wouldn't touch that question with a ten foot pole.
Basically, I think they are pretty good. You have always had, will always have those who think they are superior because of the color of their skin, and you will have those who will use their race as an excuse to complain about being treated unfairly. God made us as equal human beings, and we are not to judge a man by the color of his skin or how much money he has but by his character.
we've come a long way, but not far enough. Will we ever get to the place where race truely doesn't matter? I hope so. Maybe next time I apply for something I won't have to check the ethnic group box.
Barnesville lacks diversity and suffers immensely as a result. I now live in a very diverse and dynamic Ohio city. In the year that I have been here, I have been exposed to varying cultures...some cultures I never even knew existed. Growing up in Barnesville taught me to think solely in terms of Black and white. My mindframe was so rigid and closed to the degree that I embraced stereotypes and prejudices towards other cultures of people. A one-track mind is very boring and breeds ignorance. Unfortunately, Barnesville is too conservative, too "Black and White," and too far down on the educational totem pole for anything to change within the next decade or so. Barnesville's only hope is the sudden onslaught of inter-racial children that the town was blessed to have added to the population in the 1990s. Hopefully, these children will embrace the "grey areas" (diveristy) that Barnesvillites have ignored as time has passed.
Racial relations differ depending upon what part of the world you happen to live. It’s not just a black and white issue and it won’t end until people can see people as people. Even though the color on the outside is different, the mechanical features inside the human body are the same. However, skin color is not always the driving factor. Often it is mannerisms of people that provoke racial issues. Hopefully, I can address a part of this question without offending others but, I’m sure someone out there will label me a bigot for making a comment. How is anyone to know how another feels about a subject unless it’s said? If I should say something which I am totally wrong about, because of my current knowledge of the subject, someone is welcome to introduce me to a better understanding with an attempt to change my perception of the issue. You also know whose perception you’re changing because unlike many who make a post, I have the intestinal fortitude to let you know who I am. Because of our southern location, I’m going to keep the issue only black and white.
Anonymous posted a comment that apparently offended some people. Regardless of how you feel about the posting, there is a lot of truth in it. But, why are some white people offended by the comment? Well, in my opinion, it is because you are weak. You are afraid to say what’s on your mind because you are afraid you will offend a black person. You are afraid of the repercussions of what you might say so, you feel safer telling a little white lie. You only encourage more racial issues by painting a false picture of yourself. Blacks can see right through your little self portrait and would much prefer to here how you really feel rather than insult their intelligence with your hidden feelings.
What offends me? What do I find racial? The term “African-American” offends me the worst, and I want the term banned from all our vocabulary. In fact, I want all Half-American terms banned from use. You are either a red-blooded American through and through, or you’re not. There is no half-way measurement. Attaching another label to your American heritage is the same as giving away part of our country. My family descended from Germany, but I’m not a German-American. I am an American, and I’m damned proud to say it.
Enough said for now. If I’m not beaten up too bad over my comment, I may share other opinions on what I consider out-right racial problems that we have in our society. I think racial issues are a good subject to start up a dialogue. If everyone is honest, we may just learn something about our self, our race, or another’s race. Or not!
Ok, Im sitting here reading and am wondering why I am not mentioned here, after all I am a quarter Indian. If I had the attitude that some people would have towards skin color, I would have to yell ((Get off my land)) But I dont, why? Because I believe we live in the greatest country and I believe in diversity. I dont flaunt my race, skin color, I just try to be a productive person in society.
I think You just made a great point. You try to be productive. Some think everyone owes them something. Everything should be a hand out because of the way they were treated. If people continue to use the race card to get what they want, racism will be around forever! I am tired of hearing about what is owed to the black people. I would also like to say that I know all black people are not like this and want to move on, but then what would Jesse Jackson an Al Sharpton do? Or the NAACP.
What an ignorant thing to say. I would say that you're kids (if you have any) are the 'poor' kids. Growing up with such close minded views about race is sick. You're going to teach them to hate people and they aren't even going to know why. Why is sick? Why are those precious children poor little things? Do you even know why you think that way? I'll bet your answer is no.
I am far from closed minded and I know exactly why I said what I said. If you looked at some of the parents that were with these kids you would understand where i am comming from. I will not post what I really feel, got to keep it clean. Society is cruel. Its the kids who are going to put up with all the ridicule, not the parents. You are the ignorant one if you do not think so.
and thats whats wrong with the world today "IGNARANTE" people saying ingorant things. true statement would be there are mixed kids out there that are gonna catch crap about who they are and didn't have any control over it. all comes back to the parents, dont mix it up and make it a rough road for your offspring.
spelling a word wrong dosen't make someone ignorant, it makes them a bad speller. Teaching your children to treat people equally isn't making it a rough road.
Walter! I love ya' man, but I wouldn't touch that question with a ten foot pole.
Basically, I think they are pretty good. You have always had, will always have those who think they are superior because of the color of their skin, and you will have those who will use their race as an excuse to complain about being treated unfairly. God made us as equal human beings, and we are not to judge a man by the color of his skin or how much money he has but by his character.
About forty years behind the rest of the world!
I think it's all good.
And Pandora's Box was opened.
we've come a long way, but not far enough. Will we ever get to the place where race truely doesn't matter? I hope so. Maybe next time I apply for something I won't have to check the ethnic group box.
Barnesville lacks diversity and suffers immensely as a result. I now live in a very diverse and dynamic Ohio city. In the year that I have been here, I have been exposed to varying cultures...some cultures I never even knew existed. Growing up in Barnesville taught me to think solely in terms of Black and white. My mindframe was so rigid and closed to the degree that I embraced stereotypes and prejudices towards other cultures of people. A one-track mind is very boring and breeds ignorance. Unfortunately, Barnesville is too conservative, too "Black and White," and too far down on the educational totem pole for anything to change within the next decade or so. Barnesville's only hope is the sudden onslaught of inter-racial children that the town was blessed to have added to the population in the 1990s. Hopefully, these children will embrace the "grey areas" (diveristy) that Barnesvillites have ignored as time has passed.
Anonymous that posted the email story...why not put your name on it?
You can't make or repeat statements like that and hope to have peace among the races...
Wake up! We're all human beings...only 1 race that matters: The human race.
Instead of worrying about being called a racist, why not try to be called a Christian!
Just some thoughts for you to ponder while you're reading other satirical emails.
The truth is the truth.
Racial relations differ depending upon what part of the world you happen to live. It’s not just a black and white issue and it won’t end until people can see people as people. Even though the color on the outside is different, the mechanical features inside the human body are the same. However, skin color is not always the driving factor. Often it is mannerisms of people that provoke racial issues. Hopefully, I can address a part of this question without offending others but, I’m sure someone out there will label me a bigot for making a comment. How is anyone to know how another feels about a subject unless it’s said? If I should say something which I am totally wrong about, because of my current knowledge of the subject, someone is welcome to introduce me to a better understanding with an attempt to change my perception of the issue. You also know whose perception you’re changing because unlike many who make a post, I have the intestinal fortitude to let you know who I am. Because of our southern location, I’m going to keep the issue only black and white.
Anonymous posted a comment that apparently offended some people. Regardless of how you feel about the posting, there is a lot of truth in it. But, why are some white people offended by the comment? Well, in my opinion, it is because you are weak. You are afraid to say what’s on your mind because you are afraid you will offend a black person. You are afraid of the repercussions of what you might say so, you feel safer telling a little white lie. You only encourage more racial issues by painting a false picture of yourself. Blacks can see right through your little self portrait and would much prefer to here how you really feel rather than insult their intelligence with your hidden feelings.
What offends me? What do I find racial? The term “African-American” offends me the worst, and I want the term banned from all our vocabulary. In fact, I want all Half-American terms banned from use. You are either a red-blooded American through and through, or you’re not. There is no half-way measurement. Attaching another label to your American heritage is the same as giving away part of our country. My family descended from Germany, but I’m not a German-American. I am an American, and I’m damned proud to say it.
Enough said for now. If I’m not beaten up too bad over my comment, I may share other opinions on what I consider out-right racial problems that we have in our society. I think racial issues are a good subject to start up a dialogue. If everyone is honest, we may just learn something about our self, our race, or another’s race. Or not!
Ok, Im sitting here reading and am wondering why I am not mentioned here, after all I am a quarter Indian. If I had the attitude that some people would have towards skin color, I would have to yell ((Get off my land)) But I dont, why? Because I believe we live in the greatest country and I believe in diversity. I dont flaunt my race, skin color, I just try to be a productive person in society.
I think You just made a great point. You try to be productive. Some think everyone owes them something. Everything should be a hand out because of the way they were treated. If people continue to use the race card to get what they want, racism will be around forever! I am tired of hearing about what is owed to the black people. I would also like to say that I know all black people are not like this and want to move on, but then what would Jesse Jackson an Al Sharpton do? Or the NAACP.
wdm you said "Pandora's Box is opened. We all know all the evils of the world came out. However, what did she put back in?
wdm you said "Pandora's Box is opened. We all know all the evils of the world came out. However, what did she put back in?
Considering the mixed race children and couples seen at Buggy Days, I'd have to say,relations are excellent!!
guess when I see a blue jay and a red bird together i'll say the interracial status is ok...till then i think its sick
Poor kids!
What an ignorant thing to say. I would say that you're kids (if you have any) are the 'poor' kids. Growing up with such close minded views about race is sick. You're going to teach them to hate people and they aren't even going to know why. Why is sick? Why are those precious children poor little things? Do you even know why you think that way? I'll bet your answer is no.
I am far from closed minded and I know exactly why I said what I said. If you looked at some of the parents that were with these kids you would understand where i am comming from. I will not post what I really feel, got to keep it clean. Society is cruel. Its the kids who are going to put up with all the ridicule, not the parents. You are the ignorant one if you do not think so.
I apologize -- I haven't been back in this discussion in a while but Pandora put 'hope' back in the box.
And it actually wasn't a box at all -- it was more of a jar. But that's the way the saying goes.
and thats whats wrong with the world today "IGNARANTE" people saying ingorant things. true statement would be there are mixed kids out there that are gonna catch crap about who they are and didn't have any control over it. all comes back to the parents, dont mix it up and make it a rough road for your offspring.
spelling a word wrong dosen't make someone ignorant, it makes them a bad speller.
Teaching your children to treat people equally isn't making it a rough road.
there was no 'e' on the ignorant you refered to
Also if you're Scottish/irish or french/german or part native american then you're all mixed up too.
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