Tuesday, March 11, 2008

derick austin named lcchs principal...

austin (pictured) served as assistant principal and coached defensive backs at washington county high school.

details where you would expect them at www.barnesville.com


Anonymous said...

I hope that he will not be assisting with the football coaching. I do not think that a principle would have enough extra time for coaching if he is addressing his duties as principle. Yes, it would be fun to have a winning football team but I would like it even more if Lamar was known for it's high academics! I hope he raises expectations for the students, teachers, parents, and the community. I hope he sets the bar high!

Anonymous said...

265 lbs get er dun gig ole boy

Anonymous said...

I hope his kids go to Lamar schools.

Anyone know if that will happen?

Anonymous said...

The coach part bothers me, hope he stays off the sidelines and watches the performance of the team from a spectator point of view. Yes I would love a winning season, but I sure would like to see Lamar
become known in this area for its academic standards and achievements. Welcome Mr. Austin.

Anonymous said...

You inbreed rednecks will never have high academic standards! You don't even realize that the word is PRINCIPAL. What a bunch of idiots! If you want the bar to be set high start with your home before you release them to the school systems by actually trying to teach your kids colors,numbers,letters, or possibly to actually read like in other cities where the kids aren't behind when they leave highschool. That way they don't get a shock in the "real world". It's the fault of the parents more than the educators. So you all should just sack up and deal with it.

Anonymous said...

The Principal is your pal. thats how I was taught :) right here in Lamar County school system.

reason said...

8:40, That's how I was taught also. I think in Mrs. Moore's class if I remember correctly back at Milner Middle School.

For me, it would be interesting to see a list of all the principals and corresponding dates of service that the high school has had.

It seems like when I was in High School (late 80s), we had a new principal every year.

Anonymous said...

I had Hinsen (sorry if I spelled that wrong) and Tillman.
I had Mrs. Christopher for Geometry and my daughter did also, two years ago.
I am sorry to see Mr. Bonner go. I thought he really made a good difference in a hurry. It is a really tough job.
I have known some brilliant people who really weren't good spellers. I didn't hold it against them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Mate had to be the absolute worst teacher ever to set foot in a lamar county highschool. They made this cunt the head of the math department at one time. Now how does that speak for our county education?