Tuesday, March 11, 2008

are you tired of the railroad work crews....

in downtown barnesville yet?


Anonymous said...

They are just doing their job. It has to be done, why fuss about it?

Anonymous said...

No, but I am tired of newspaper publishers' trying to stir up hate and discontent.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather have a railroad crew performing track maintenance than deal with the nightmare of a train derailment!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Anonymous said...

How do you get a job with them it looked like the circus this morning they have big toys to play with

Anonymous said...

Say, why doesn't Barnesville build a bypass for the railroad around the town...?

They seem to find money for every other bypass.

Anonymous said...

Amen 5:34 you can say a lot about a lot of people but don't mention a certain politician on here or it will be deleted.Typical small town back scratching bs

Anonymous said...

are they going to build the rail from atlanta to b'ville? or is it not going to happen?

Anonymous said...

Expect an increase in train speed and the number of trains. This might irritate some people, but it is good for our economy. Trains move freight much more efficiently than trucks so far as energy use and safety goes. A fully loaded freight train can move a ton of freight over 400 miles on a gallon of fuel.

The rebuild has nothing to do with a commuter line. It is about an increase in train traffic and the rebuild was planned several years ago.

The old rail was in bad shape and could not support the weight and speeds needed. When complete more of the lower priority mainline traffic will be routed through our spur.

According to a source at the FRA this line will be good for speeds up to 60 MPH when the upgrade is complete, so watch those crossing lights.

As fuel prices increase from the drop in the dollar's value railroads might be the savior of our county.

Anonymous said...

"Expect an increase in train speed and the number of trains."

Hmm, the artists living in Carnegie library are in for a treat!

Anonymous said...

Check out the welfare bums in this video.


Citizens are pissed off because they're not getting their section 8 housing.
You know they all deserve it.
Look for a common denominator in this video.

All Obama supporters- just a hunch.

They should have tested out the new tasers and tear gas on these moochers- for the COMMON GOOD.
Lets pray that all their children grow up and become basketball stars and break the cycle of whitey's oppression.

I also love how they picked the few specks of salt out of this crowd to be interviewed.

They should all be punished as thieves.
If you can hang out all day to protest you can definitely find a job.
Some had to be taken to the hospital because of exhaustion- another bill for us to pay.

God bless America- unless your Obama's preacher Jeremiah Wright, then you say God D**N America.

I can't wait until the Revolution.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

GEE, I can't wait for the Revolution.

Anonymous said...

7:08 AM, are you that guy that takes pictures of trains around Barnesville...?

Anonymous said...

708 is Tom Rauch?Rouch?, forget the spelling, sorry.

Anonymous said...

18 wheelers need their own lane (completely separated or heavily enforced), trains should be used as much as possible, drilling oil on our soil should be priority #1- some of the ways to take the $ burden off of us.

And ditch the Fed Reserve.

Anonymous said...

trains should have there own roads because the trucks are so big they don't need to compeat with trains