Wednesday, March 19, 2008

opinion piece from 3.18.08 edition...

I can't help it. I'm still mad!

The senseless killings of Auburn University coed Lauren Burk and University of North Carolina student body president Eve Carson have me fuming.

Nothing positive has come out of these cases since the murders except arrests. If you watch closely you will see defense attorneys for the killers – all of them paid by you – slowly deflecting the spotlight off the dead and onto the reasons their clients should not be executed for their crimes.

When was the last time you heard a criminal defense attorney even mention the family of a victim or talk of a victim in kind terms? You haven’t and you won’t.

In the Burk case, the mother of confessed killer Courtney Lockhart apologized for her son’s actions but, in the next breath, blamed the killing on her son’s tour in Iraq. Sorry, woman. Your scum thug son does not get a pass. Military service in a war zone does not give anyone the right to kill once back at home.

Lockhart’s father has not been mentioned but he, too, should bear his fair share of the blame for Burk’s death in the unlikely event anyone knows who or where he is.

In the Carson case, two gang bangers – Demario James Atwater and Laurence Alvin Lovette – car jacked Carson, executed her, dumped her body at an intersection and stole her car and credit cards. Carson was an exceptionally gifted student who likely possessed far more IQ points than the entire extended families of Atwater and Lovette.

Atwater is a convicted burglar. Two days before Carson’s killing, he was supposed to be in court for carrying a gun while on probation. Due to a snafu, his hearing was not held and he was free to kill.

Atwater should never have been released on probation and was obviously not properly supervised once he was released. Heads should roll for this.

Prepare to hear less and less about Burk and Carson and more and more about how sad it is that three disenfranchised young men became killers because ‘society failed them’.

In fact, society did not fail Lockhart, Atwater or Lovette. They had access to Head Start, Pre-K, public schools, welfare, food stamps, free and reduced price school lunches, public housing and God only knows how many other entitlements all paid for out of your wallet.

Society did not fail these young men. They failed society.

Now you will pay for their legal defenses whether you like it or not.

The Brian Nichols case in Atlanta has me wondering if it is time to require thugs to pay for their own defenses, have such provided pro bono by liberal law firms or get none at all. That’s right, those of us who pay for everything have done enough for these people.

If we are going to have huge taxpayer funded organizations in place to defend thug killers we also need a taxpayer funded bevy of lawyers working overtime to execute them as rapidly as possible.

To this, I would gladly fork over my tax dollars.

The vast majority of Americans want the lethally-injected carcasses Lockhart, Atwater, Lovette and Nichols buried in pauper’s graves as soon as possible and won’t mind paying extra for it.

That is the hard truth – a truth we as a society have become too spineless to speak!


Anonymous said...

Lets go over annd GET ER DUN !

Anonymous said...

A good friend of mine went to Vietnam in the 101st Airborn. He did four tours as a sargent. He was the friendliest happiest kid. He always smiled and we called him Ray Ray, the man was so nice he smiled twice.

He came back and in a fit of rage over someone telling him to move his car he beat the man senseless, then drove back and forth over the man with his car while his kids were inside the car.

Ray got 20 to life. He deserved that or more.

Binladen was trained by the CIA and financed by us to kill Russians.

War teaches people to kill, so do video games. Standby for a nasty terrible world where kids are taught to kill from the time they are born.

Anonymous said...

I,too, am mad! Thanks for explaining the feelings of many free American citizens.

Anonymous said...

The question do we fix it? Our elected officials are too busy worrying about getting re-elected and don't want to loose vote by offending these people.

I learned a new term this morning. Everyone has heard the remarks from Obamas preacher...well the liberals and black community say that that is just how black churches are, its not now called "Black Liberation Theology".....I think that is BS. How many more ways and words can they come up with to justify the way they act? How long can they keep blaming others?

Anonymous said...

Focusing on a few words from Obama's preacher is EXACTLY what Republicans and the Hillary team want. It stirs racial things up and discredits Obama based on something his preacher said.

Since they can't find anything wrong with Obama they have to find something wrong with someone around Obama.

The fact is America has been pretty tough on blacks and on poor white people. It's been tough on Italians and Poles, and Irish, and Chinese. I occasionally call people who stop and block the road to chat or who are too fat and lazy to use a parking spot and pull up by the door the N word under my breath.

When someone gets shot and robbed or raped by a black person I use the N word, and I bet most white people do. I hear it all the time even from white folks who attend black rallys and act like their best friends.

I don't see why white people are so in a dander about a few words a preacher said about America when America does and always has had the habit of letting rich people avoid wars (George W Bush for example) and killing innocent people in the name of what we want.

We need to stop pretending that we don't deserve some of what we get.

This of course all relates to the thugs that shot that girl. Anyone who does that needs to be removed from society or simply suffer the same as they did.

But we all help create that. We allow the rap music. We allow the video games. Black parents are more irresponsible with raising kids. Whites are almost getting that bad too, especially the rednecks who let kids run lose.

We are all a mess to some extent, and it's time to face facts and not pretend we don't deserve what we get. I don't need some fat drug driven Republican talk-show host or some white preacher who picks up prostitutes to rile me up about blacks.

It's a part

Anonymous said...

Do you think this was the first instance where this preacher spewed vile crap out of his mouth or do you think this was the first time it was caught on tape? Obama has been going to this church for a long time so he must agree with the church views....or he would have left. All we need is for the President to think of more ways to hand out money to the people that want a free ride....
What if that had been a white person preaching those views??? Every black person in America would be screaming for his head! We all know its true. Not only that, look what he said about America....GD America, isnt that what he said? I say get the hell out if you dont like it.

Anonymous said...

Get a life.

Quit being part of the paranoid crowd that thinks a few statements by a preacher means every person attending the church thinks exactly the same way.

You've been listening to that drug addicted Rush or some of the other bubble heads far too long to think with any rational logical thought.

America needs to wake up. We don't think twice about going in and destroying another country and killing thousands of innocent people in the name of what WE think is good for us.

We think nothing of electing a draft evading worthless bum who led us into Iraq when the guy we were looking for was 3000 miles away. A fellow whose family was involved in all kinds of savings and loan problems, and who do business with the country that spawned most of the highjackers.

Why should everyone get that pissed off at a few out of context words from a crazy preacher? If we are going to hold Obama accountable for that, why not hold Bush accountable for his friends and family? Why not hold Bush accountable for the tens of thousands of people who have died in a country that had NOTHING to do with terrorists?

Stop with your stupid double standards.

Anonymous said...

First, parts of at least a dozen, not just one, tapes of Rev. Wright have been broadcast over the media.

Second, I can remember when blacks called us kids "soda crackers" and we called them "fudge cycles."
Today, however, blacks are known to call some of their own race the "N" word.

Third, in this race for the presidency, white voters have shown a willingness to vote for a black candidate; thus negating the claim of discrimination on thier part.

Last, we live in a great country where most of our people are neither liberal left nor liberal right. In the end, our people will do the right thing. We will choose the presidental candidate who represents the majority. Aren't we great people-both black and white and yes, Mexican-our great America! God Bless America!

Anonymous said...

folks its only going to get worse,just look at the way this society has become a "turn the other cheek" bunch of whining quivering wimps we are just a bunch of beat dogs that are letting one race with a culture that has the mentality of savages get away with everything and anything they want to because we are afraid they will screan "racism" people you better WAKE UP!! this society of subhuman waste has drug down the american way of life to the lowest point sence the country began,and you sad sacks of shi#$ are going to vote one of these things as president!! dont cry about my wonderfull little daughter oh how sweet she is when YOU PARENTS turn the other cheek and say "well that's just one bad apple out of the whole bunch" it not one bad apple out of the whole bunch!!! the truth be known you would be lucky to find ONE GOOD APPLE OUT OF THE WHOLE CULTURE tell me when the last time you heard of a white boy going out and kill a black gril??just listen to what you let your kids listen to on their mp3 players,what the watch on tv,who they hang out with,walk thru ingles or any store in barnesville and what do you see?white grils with mixed race kids everywhere like its some kind of fad how do yoy think those kids will be rasied?i just bet they will become outstanding citizens of the community just like their parents

Anonymous said...

12:42 Out of context words...I don't think so. You must be a follower of Black Liberation Theology...or a freaking Liberal.

You cant blame Bush on the lazy black culture. You cant blame him on their "everybody owes me everything attitude." The black people are the most racist people on this earth and the last thing we need is one as a president. I didn't have anything against Obama until I saw what he was a part of. He can deny it and play ignorant if he wants to. I'm sure now he is going to blame the white people for the racist remarks and the racial tension around his campaign now.

Anonymous said...

We live in a country that used to be great.

Now we are a nation of debtors without much of a future.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:00 AM

Video games do not teach kids to kill!!!!

You need to see the Wizard of Oz and get a brain!

What games have you played!

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Anonymous said...

Team screwloose in action.

Anonymous said...

This paper/website has officially been renamed the Barnesville Faux Gazette. Very Sad indeed!