Friday, March 21, 2008

weigh in on the barack obama/jeremiah wright...

controversy if you like.

personally, i cannot imagine a supposedly christian minister calling for God to damn this country - but that's just me.


Anonymous said...

I agree. We are not going to see eye to eye on everything, but on major issues like this, I would have left that church long ago. Obama scares me. He seems to be an "all things to all people" kind of guy. He talks pretty, but his motives are not so pretty. We need to be very careful with this man.

Anonymous said...

Obama is everywhere at all times- without actually being anywhere?

That negro is magic, BLACK MAGIC!

If you vote McCain you will shock the monkey.


Anonymous said...

Donna, well said. "We need to be very careful with this man." To be a member of this church for 20 years and is only now "Shocked" at the preacher? Hell the preacher married him and was his confidante. This is not political rhetoric, this is ulterior motive(s).

Anonymous said...

if a white preacher said all those things, there would be a demand from blacks that he is racist and should be removed and of course the white liberals would agree-----------------------------------------wright says it and it is black liberation theology. and of course you white liberals agree. Be careful if obama doesn't win- WILL THEY RIOT? (REMEMBER 1968)

Anonymous said...

if a white preacher said all those things, there would be a demand from blacks that he is racist and should be removed and of course the white liberals would agree-----------------------------------------wright says it and it is black liberation theology. and of course you white liberals agree. Be careful if obama doesn't win- WILL THEY RIOT? (REMEMBER 1968)

Anonymous said...

Obama is not Wright, Wright is not Obama.

Before we go throwing stones at Obama let's remember that local fellow that was appointed a Barnesville judge and who was a member of the IDA. Des this mean everyone in Barnesville on the IDA or City offices would want sex with minors?

People can be good people but have quirks. That doesn't mean everyone around them shares the same quirks.

It amazes me people can be so harsh about Obama's preacher yet forget about some of the creeps they supported or put in office. For example Bush has started a war that murdered thousands of innocent people as a byproduct of his war in the country where Binladen is not...and has never been.

I don't see many of the hardcore Republicans whining about Obama calling for Bush to suffer for the deasths he has caused. I don't see people distancing themselves from that judge because he made a few mistakes.

How about it? What is YOUR excuse?

wdm said...

Comparing a locally appointed city judge to a top US presidential candidate, and especially the President himself, in any shape, form, or fashion is asinine...and if it isn't, it should be.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Obama is a racist. I don't believe his former pastor is a racist. Being black in American is hard. You always have to work extra hard to prove yourself. If something is missing or stolen if blacks are near by then a blacks are the suspects. I am a young black man I have work hard to get everything I have. Other than my mother has given me, no one has given me anything. I am tired of whites not trusting black and I am tired of blacks not trusting whites. I truly believe Obama is about change. If you heard his speech the other day, that would tell you this man is about change. We have had the same people in Washington for years, no change in health care, and the economy is terrible. John McCain is another old white guy who has been in Washington for years. He stands for business as usual. McCain is not change. Obama has been standing up for the needy for years. Believe it or not but my president is in Heaven. However I know my God will seen us a great earthly leader if we would stop liking at the color of our skin and focus on contents of our minds and charater.

Anonymous said...

most democrats that voted in the primaries voted for hillary.....most republicans that voted in the democractic primaries voted for what does that tell you

Anonymous said...

7:40 you are correct in saying Obama is not Jeremiah Write. And this Black Liberation Theology that is associated with Write is something I have never heard of until now. My basic understanding of Christianity is to believe and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and live with him in heaven for all eternity. I have never witnessed nor heard any preacher speak of any skin color restrictions to get in. Therefore, I did a little research and discovered that black theology and black power basically go hand in hand. If McCain’s pastor had made racist remarks about blacks similar to the racist white remarks by Write, McCain’s political career would no doubt be over. Obviously we have differing guidelines based on race.

Between 1517 and 1840 it is estimated that twenty million blacks were captured in Africa, transported to America, and brutally enslaved. The experience of these blacks - and their descendants - serves as the backdrop for understanding contemporary black liberation theology. (Ron Rhodes)

MY POINT: I did not live in that era, nor do I know anyone alive today that did. I am not responsible nor will I accept any responsibility for what people of that era did. If slavery serves as the backdrop, then it should be noted that slavery was not just a white race thing. The black race participated in slave ownership too, and when population of slave owners are put into perspective, blacks owned more black slaves than did whites. In my opinion slavery is man’s inhumanity toward man and vengeance belongs to God. I thought the Bible teaches forgiveness. If I’m wrong, someone correct me please.

In 1969 James Cone published the book, Black Theology and Black Power. In the book, Cone asserted that not only was black power not alien to the Gospel; it was, in fact, the Gospel message for all of 20th century America. (Wikipedia)

No one has matched James Cone either in terms of sheer volume of writing, or in terms of the challenge posed by his books. (Ron Rhodes)

Cone says black theology is the religious counterpart of black power. "Black Theology is the theological arm of Black Power, and Black Power is the political arm of Black Theology. And, "while Black Power focuses on the political, social, and economic condition of black people, Black Theology puts black identity in a theological context." (Ron Rhodes)

Anonymous said...

When they can't find anything to pick on a person for, they will pick on what someone who knows that person says.

People in this country do anything to hammer on a person even when it is nothing at all.

On one hand we have Hillary who openly lies about everything every chance she gets. She campaigned for NAFATA and now her and her buddies say even though that was her public stance she was secretly opposed to it. McCain told lies about Romney even when confronted with the truth in writing he would not change his tune.

Frankly I'm refreshed to see a politician just not lie and hide or throw someone under the bus.

Everyone I know is flawed in some serious way, some in some disgusting hypocritical ways. Doesn't mean just because I tolerate the flaws and overlook them that I embrace those flaws.

Peoople need to get a freaking life and stop picking on Obama because his minister is an egghead in some areas. Bush's brothers robbed the S and L's. He evaded the draft. He used cocaine. He had an alchohol problem. If we can stomach all that and dismiss it we can surely stomach what someone's preacher said.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ANON 11:56
No black person was ever captured by Americans in Africa!!! Slavery was booming in Africa so the Americans bought slaves from their black African slave owners. Black people want to talk about how horrible the Americans were and how they must stay true to "mother Africa". Africa had slavery long before America.America simply went to Africa with a pocket full of cash and came home with their new slaves.

The largest slave owner ever in America was a free black man. It was a way of life back then. If blacks want to blam someone they should start with Africa.

Anonymous said...

dcb, I agree that being black in America was once very hard. Not any more. You have so many groups looking out for your rights if you are a black person that it makes it hard for the white man at times. He is often the one that is discriminated against. There are many special days and organizations just for the black person, yet there are not any for the whites. That isn't an issue with me until I hear black people say how difficult whites have made their lives. It just isn't so! I am all for equal opportunity, and we certainly have it. But the prisons and court systems do have more blacks going through them because more blacks are doing crimes, not because they are being arrested for their color.

Anonymous said...

Obama was a member of this mans church for 20 years but basically says he didn't know what this man stood for! I do not believe him, he talks from more than both sides of his mouth, this man is a flat out liar. Maybe the change he is for are the principles of his pastor!

Anonymous said...

Oh bullloney.

Many Catholics attend church but believe in abortion rights. They don't become pedophiles because of the priests.

Lots of Babtists I know seem to like black people and don't care about gays or killing animals.

Hillary stayed with Bill despite his sexual perversions, and that doesn't mean she is a cigar weilding kinko.

We all knew who hung around with and balied out the local judgeand that doesn't make his friends or supporters drunks or teen preditors.

What meakes you biggots all think Obama is any different than you? You people are all sick. You are just looking for something to dislike Obama for and since you can't find anything wrong with HIM you have to blame his pasture.

Also Get a life dispatch link poster boy. Quit playing your baby games and trying to irritate walter with your childish posts of a link to that useless wanna be newsweb thing. Walter is a much bigger and mature man than you and that freakie Patsy. He doesn't stoop to little kid games. Walter has a life. You need to get one.

Anonymous said...

Obama attending black power teaching with regular attendance would be no different than a white political runner attending KKK teaching with regular attendance. They both appear to teach racism.

The Islamic religion is not Christianity. So, comparing a preacher teaching black power vs the white race and a preacher teaching Christianity over Islam is not the same.

Anonymous said...

For the idiot that posted the link to the dispatch.
The dispatch doesn't have any site that people can comment on unless they use the "contact us" link which is definately publisher controlled. So, free speech is disallowed. The site used to have one but the publisher became so worried about what he should allow people to say, that he removed it. That is control over a persons freedom to express their thoughts. I'll agree the site is well put together but, why would anyone want to visit a 100% publisher controlled site. I'm against socialism and communism and dictatorships.

Anonymous said...

mr. williams please stop trying to detour people over to your site using mr. geiger's site. if you want people to visit, offer them a chance to comment.

Anonymous said...

It serves the community better when people play fair and act like adults.

Anonymous said...

stop using my name in vein

Anonymous said...

6:48AM, You will not find any comment that says Americans captured slaves in Africa. And they didn't purchase them from slave owners every time.

Black Africans would capture other black africans and sell them into the slave trade. They actually made a business of it. Therefore, blacks would capture free black in Africa and sell them.

Anonymous said...

Bill Richardson now joins the rank with Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, and Jay Rockefeller—all UNsuccessful presidential candidates endorsing Obama.

These four presidential Losers can be compared to the famous card game called the “Gang of Four,” which originated in the gambling backstreets of Hong Kong, an exciting game of Cunning, Strategy and Power.

But beware – a strategic mistake and this group will find themselves in a struggle to survive, never attaining the power they so desire.

Anonymous said...

About Richardson's endorsement of Osama:

"The reaction of some of Mr. Clinton’s allies suggests that might have been a wise decision. “An act of betrayal,” said James Carville, an adviser to Mrs. Clinton and a friend of Mr. Clinton.

“Mr. Richardson’s endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic,” Mr. Carville said, referring to Holy Week.'

Anonymous said...

That's why I won't vote for Hillary no matter what the cost. I'll even vote for McCain over Hillary.

She is too much like her liar husband.

Anonymous said...

I can not understand why everyone keeps on saying Obama is Black. I guess everyone is forgetting that his mother is White. So I think that makes his mixed. And for all the black voters that are voting for him he just using that part of him for the vote. I but if he gets in office his White thoughts will come out.

Anonymous said...

His black liberation theology side is evident even before he ran for the seat he now holds.

This young man has spent the last twelve years running for office. First, he ran for a house seat and lost, then he ran two times for the state senate seat,three years ago for the U.S. Senate, and before he has even learned his way around the capitol, he has thrown his hat into the presidential ring. His pastor preaches anti-Americanism from the pulpit and his wife is just now proud to be an American even though other black men have run for the presidency.

Most people would be proud to cast a ballot for someone like Colen Powell or Condi Rice who have proved themselves to be great Americans.

But, I'm afraid Osama Bama is preaching the "Audacity of Deception."

Anonymous said...

Because there wasn't a B-ville blog back then.
Try all you want but you can't make this seem right.
The more everyone tries the more they make it seem like this is a normal part of the "black experience".

What about the "typical white lady" comment?
I guess that is alright also.
Probably taken out of context.

Anonymous said...

The typical white person does think blacks commit more crimes. Thats an absolute. So what is wrong with saying it?

I dont see why all the unnecessary attacks on Obama based on his preacher. Ill bet there are very few people that agree with and follow everything their preacher or priest says. When we look at people we should look at their overall good and not focus on a single statement or flaw. We especially shouild not focus on someone by saying they are flawed because they dont run away from someone else who happens to be less than perfect.

When you think about it it is pretty damn dumb to slam obama because his minister said a few things we dont like. mccain openly lied about romney, hillary openly lies about many things. At least obama has the guts to stand by his church. Hillary would have lied and said she went to the church but never agreed with it, just like she lied about nafata and that sniper foire visit that turned out to be a big lie.

We have to reach pretty far to trash obama based on where he went to church. Pity the poor people who went to Jimmy Swagerts church. He laid down with prostitutes. I guess that makes anyone who supports the good things he did a john.

Anonymous said...

stop with that I love obama stuff. there isnt any way a black man can run the country as good as a white man could. if he gets in it will mess us up in iraq. we are winning the war the muslims started. last thing we need is some south chicago muslim setting us back.

Anonymous said...


That was a joke, right? He will mess us up in Iraq? As though we're not already messed up? We're winning the war? IF that was a serious comment, you my dear are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

We have already won the war in Iraq! The war is over for the ones who didnt know that. We are just cleaning up the mess now.

Anonymous said...

"We have already won the war in Iraq! The war is over for the ones who didnt know that."

Is that what Fox News told you? Geez.