Friday, March 21, 2008

my nominee for hero of the week...

is 81-year-old robert jenkins of tucker. on tuesday, jenkins and his wife were awakened in the middle of the night when convicted robber, crackhead and all-around loser jynard marshall, 25, broke into his home.

jenkins fetched his pistol and shot marshall dead. jenkins accidentally shot himself through the hand and banged his head but will survive.

the octogenarian's actions saved his life and that of his wife. he also saved the taxpayers of georgia countless tax dollars that would have been spent on the trial and incarceration of marshall.

what do you think?


Anonymous said...

Hopefully he was gut shot first then suffered for an hour or so and then finally asked to "BITE THE CURB".
American History X style. We need a little more of that.

Anonymous said...

Great news! That story is a prime example of why every honest American needs a gun in their home. I have several guns that I use for hunting and target shooting, but if need be I will use them to protect my family and myself. I hope the victims hand gets well soon!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see it.

Can we shoot politicians who rob our country?

Can we protect our borders?


But at least we can get local thiefs.

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Anonymous said...

The gossiping duo-tards have visited this comment string also.

Anonymous said...

hell I don't know why you didn't delete the whole post since nobody has a right to free speach.

Anonymous said...

walter believes in free speech, just not in the innocent until proven quilty....and the right to trial....and the right to best defensepossible

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Anonymous said...

glad to see the scum bag dead love to hear about things ending for a dirt worm like this,its funny as hell just needs to happen more often

Anonymous said...

ya gotta love it --anytime a DAN gets shot trying to rob somebody

reason said...

Yes! This man is a hero. Liberals just don't get it!

According to their doctrine, it should be illegal for Mr. Jenkins to posses a firearm.

Further investigation of liberal doctrine shows that Mr. Jenkins should have instead called 911 so that they could dispatch police.

I do not know where Mr. Jenkins sets on the political spectrum; but thank God, that Mr. Jenkins does not adhere at least to this part of liberalism. Because of that he and his family are alive and one bad guy is not.

I love it that Mr. Jenkins exercised his right protected by the 2nd amendment. This right is not given by the 2nd amendment; it is protected by the 2nd amendment.

Oh yeah, by the way, if you live in the US, you are more likely to be killed by accident by a medical professional than by your own fire arm. Maybe we should have waiting periods on medical procedures?

Anonymous said...

Jynard was my first cousin, and I can't believe you people would talk like that about him. Of course he had a record, but he would never hurt or harm or kill anyone. Do you see any assault or battery charges on him? NO! My uncle called me 2 days before Jay was shot and told me he called crying because he had no where to go. He'd been staying in GA since he was 13 w/ no father and his mother left and moved back to FL when he was in jail in his teenage years and never went back to get him. So, he was basically on his own. He made bad choices, but no one is perfect. I believe in my heart that Jay was just looking for food (sad to say but true) cause he told my uncle he had no food no money and nowhere to sleep. He was due to come back to FL that week. My uncle was sending him a bus ticket. But now he's gone. Over food? He wasn't even armed. Jay probably rushed the guy because he had a gun. No one knows but this killer and my cousin Jay and The Lord in Heaven. And I believe the Lord will have his way, even if he is free now... he will have to pass a judgement day.

Sincerely yours,
Jynard Marshall's 23 yr old female first cousin of Florida

And to let you know...I am a college medical assistant student and no I've never been in trouble with the law. So, know people before you pass judgement.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah... and I forgot to mention that my cousin Jynard was not even armed. So, why did this old guy have to kill my cousin?