Thursday, March 27, 2008

an interesting take on the barack obama/jeremiah wright...

controversy from patrick j. buchanan...

click here


liberleft said...

pat bucanan needs to crawl back under his racial rock......he is worse than hanniety or o'reilly....he would make lester maddox look like a liberal.....he acts like there arent any whites on medicaid, no whites on welfare, no whites in government housing, no whites with college grants and whites with illeg children,,,no whites dropping out of schools......he is an idiot.....the whites have held back the blacks for decades, and if it was left up to the right wingers of the republican party, we would see slavery again,,,,,they arent happy enough having mexicans to do their work, they want to exclude the blacks from the american dream

reason said...


I am ultra right. I am a fiscal conservative and a social conservative. The Republican party is too liberal for me. I DO NOT want slavery again. Nor do I know anyone who does who are in my right wing circle of friends. I don't know of any one who wants slavery.

All us ultra nutty right wingers want is for the government to leave us alone and let us do business and provide for our families.

I'm not interested in holding anyone back if they're not white anglo saxon protestant. I believe the blessings of liberty are for all.

Anonymous said...

liberleft -
just who the hell do you think you are anyway, another black that thinks whitey owes them a living or some liberal whitey that thinks they must kiss the worlds ass? pat does not try and opress anyone. you are thinking with something other than a brain. as for obama - we dont need a racist with an above average ability for public speaking. why don't you get a life?

Anonymous said...

When you cant find something to hate a man for, you hate him for something around him or some strawman you create.

Anonymous said...

What white has been holding back blacks? I haven't done it. I don't even know anyone that has done it.
I guess it is the whites that are making the black "fathers" run at the first sight of pregnancy, leaving an undereducated mother to fend for herself and her child.

I guess it is the whites that are writing the rap songs that glorify a life of crime.

I guess it is the whites that refuse to allow the growing percentage of blacks to sit through 12 years of paid for by the evil whites.

I guess it is the whites that refuse to teach the blacks proper english.

I guess it is the whites that refuse to tell the black children that they better pay attention in school just in case that rapping career doesn't exactly take off.

Regardless, what more can the white community do to "level" the playing field? See, Liberleft, race has nothing to do with it. It is culture. But dare them say anything about this, because culture can be changed, which would call for some action and responsibility on the black community. A white kid that refuses to speak proper english, refuses to pay attention in school, refuses to make responsible choices, and refuses to prepare for a productive life is in the same boat as his black counterparts.

Anonymous said...

The proof is in the pudding. Go to the courtroom when court is in session or to the prison. What is the black white ratio? Is it the white man's fault that the black man commits the crimes that he does? We all have equal rights to succeed, and when you don't, it's your own fault. I have said it on the blog before. I agree that blacks were once not treated equally, but that has been long resolved and the ones who keep using it as an excuse for their failures need to live in the present.

Anonymous said...

all of you whites who think you are not racist, please let me know the name of your black dentist, your black personal physician, your black lawyer, your black pastor, your black best friend, your black next door neighbor, your black barber, your black accountant, your black investment advisor, your black boss,, the name of your black gardener, your black mechanic and your black maid doesnt count.......wake up american, when whites think black, it is usually a negative thought...........liberleft may be the only truth teller on this blog

Anonymous said...

9:17 you are obvisously black. you surely don't know what you're saying. you still want to live in the old school. you and liberleft deserve each other. any future wedding plans, you racist, you?

Anonymous said...

What percentage of Dr.'s, lawyers, accountants, and investment advisors are black? Where do they locate their businesses? To whom do they market their product?

How about you give some names.
Name one black dentist in Lamar County. Name one black doctor in Lamar County. Name one black investment advisor in Lamar County. Is it our fault they are so few and far between?

Because I don't get my taxes done on Mill St or Atlanta St makes me a racist? I have a degree in accounting and there were only 2 or 3 blacks in the entire graduating class of about 150 accounting majors. Should I go hunt for them to prove I am not racist? You want me to choose an accountant, or a doctor, or a dentist based on their skin color, not their professional reputation. Is that not racist?

My main question......
Is there a difference in promoting someone because of race and demoting them because of race? Either way skin color, not achievement, is the determinig factor.

reason said...

Anon 9:17

black dentist: My old dentist happens to be white. I'm between Dentists right now. I'm considering my childhood dentist Dr. Cauthen as I'm not completely confident with the dentist in the country that I'm living (from personal experience)

black personal physician: After a bicycle accident, I saw (first) a black doctor/surgeon. I was concerned about the way I fell on my wrist. He wanted to do surgery. I got a 2nd opinion. I did not need surgery.

black lawyer: I do not have a lawyer.

black pastor: My last pastor was white. My current pastor is Hispanic.

black best friend: I don't have one best friend. I have a lot friends who would do almost anything for me (and I for them) Many of them are black.

black next door neighbor: My next door neighbor is black. And she is awesome! Great person and an asset to my neighborhood. Oh yeah, my kids play with hers.

black barber: sorry hispanic.

black accountant: sorry a white guy.

black investment advisor: don't have a white or black one.

black boss: I've had a black boss just 2 years ago. She was awesome. A real go getter. I would work for her again. Later, I got her an interview at the current place I'm working now.

And what else???? Why do I have to prove I'm not racist? Sorry. I'm just having a hard time getting it.

Anonymous said...

Obama's wife has the longest arms I have ever seen on a female.
Just an observation that I wanted to share with you people.
She needs a basketball immediately!

She could be the next big thing in the WNBA.

Obama looks like a black George Burns, minus the cigar.
This means that he looks exactly like a big eared monkey.

Am I being racist?

Anonymous said...

Obama hasn't dropped in popularity despite all the antics about his Church's past pastor. It just isn't working folks.

Try something different to make McCai,n or that liar Hillary who dodged bullets, look better.

Anonymous said...

Will one black person or liberal please admit that Jeremiah wright is a racist, and what he said was racist.

And don't blame it on his experiences. If I get robbed by a black person, then go around preaching that all black people are thieves based on my personal experience, is it justified?

And can we please define racism once and for all. We can't have a dialogue and discuss an issue if we can't even agree on a defninition.

Anonymous said...

a racist is one that believes his race is superior and would not want his children to marry outside their race......they will also pay extra to get their children taught at smaller inferior school just as long as their arent any of the inferior kids there.....the racist also wouldnt dare let his wife get examined by a gynecologist who is of the inferior class.....

Anonymous said...

someone pointed out that there were no black doctors, dentist, or investment advisors.......ever wonder why???? if you were black, would want to practice your profession in such a racist county........she would starve to death........i am surprised that the chinese people believe they will be accepted

Anonymous said...

9:17, all the maids and housekeepers I have been around recently have been white. Mechanics too. All the jobs you have mentioned are honorable positions. Stop putting people in caste systems by the color of their skin or the job they do. A person does a job by their ability and are respected for it. Accept yourself as God made you and stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder. Color is only skin deep, but true character comes from within.

Anonymous said...


Why do you only post your name to the first post you write on a blog, then switch to anonymous when you and your asinine views are challenged?

I'm gonna disregard everything that is wrong with your post except the most blatant. I believe you just referred to private schools as "inferior". Last I checked private schools dominate in every category. Especially true if you are referring to the Lamar County school system vs. area private schools. I went to a private school. My parents sent me there, not because of racism, but because they care enough about me to see to it that I got the best education possible.

I went to Lamar County through the fourth grade. My older sister went through the seventh grade. After two years of what was then a combined Lamar County middle and highschool for my sister, my parenst had enough of the incompetence of the school administrators and their underachieving curriculum. My parenst, thank God, didn't believe it was in my best interest to ship me off to an incompetent government school for my education.

If wanting the best for your children and wanting them to have a good education is racist, then I guess I too will be racist one day. Hell, if that is racist, I urge everyone of you to embrace racism for all of its glory.

Anonymous said...

so you are saying that if a black church started a great private school,,,the whites would be wanting to attend to get a great education......i think not......if there were no blacks and no poor whites in a county, there would be no private schools.....

Anonymous said...

What a Black Columnist Has to Say About Obama.

----By Ken Blackwell - Columnist for the New York Sun

It's an amazing time to be alive in America. We're in a year of firsts in this presidential election: the first viable woman candidate; the first viable African-American candidate; and, a candidate who is the first frontrunning freedom fighter over 70. The next president of America will be a first.

We won't truly be in an election of firsts, however, until we judge every candidate by where they stand. We won't arrive where we should be until we no longer talk about skin color or gender. Now that Barack Obama steps to the front of the Democratic field, we need to stop talking about his race, and start talking about his policies and his politics.

The reality is this: Though the Democrats will not have a nominee until August, unless Hillary Clinton drops out, Mr. Obama is now the frontrunner, and its time America takes a closer and deeper look at him.

Some pundits are calling him the next John F. Kennedy. He's not. He's the next George McGovern. And it's time people learned the facts.

Because the truth is that Mr. Obama is the single most liberal senator in the entire U.S. Senate. He is more liberal than Ted Kennedy, Bernie Sanders, or Mrs. Clinton. Never in my life have I seen a presidential frontrunner whose rhetoric is so far removed from his record.

Walter Mondale promised to raise our taxes, and he lost.
George McGovern promised military weakness, and he lost.
Michael Dukakis promised a liberal domestic agenda, and he lost.

Yet Mr. Obama is promising all those things, and he's not behind in the polls. Why? Because the press has dealt with him as if he were in a beauty pageant.

Mr. Obama talks about getting past party, getting past red and blue, to lead the United States of America. But let's look at the more defined strokes of who he is underneath this superficial 'beauty.'

Start with national security, since the president's most important duties are as commander-in-chief. Over the summer, Mr. Obama talked about invading Pakistan, a nation armed with nuclear weapons; meeting without preconditions with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who vows to destroy Israel
And create another Holocaust; and Kim Jong II, who is murdering and starving his people, but emphasized that the nuclear option was off the table Against terrorists -- something no president has ever taken off the table since we created nuclear weapons in the 1940s. Even Democrats who have worked in national security condemned all of those remarks. Mr. Obama is a Foreign-policy novice who would put our national security at risk.

Next, consider economic policy. For all its faults, our health care system is the strongest in the world. And free trade agreements, created by Bill Clinton as well as President Bush, have made more goods more affordable so that even people of modest means can live a life that no one imagined a generation ago. Yet Mr. Obama promises to raise taxes on 'the rich.' How to fix Social Security? Raise taxes. How to fix Medicare? Raise taxes! Prescription drugs? Raise taxes! Free college? Raise taxes! Socialize Medicine? Raise taxes!

His solution to everything is to have government take it over; Big Brother on steroids, funded by your paycheck.

Finally, look at the social issues. Mr. Obama had the audacity to open a stadium rally by saying, 'All praise and glory to God!' but says that Christian leaders speaking for life and marriage have 'hijacked' - hijacked! Christianity. He is pro-partial birth abortion, and promises to appoint Supreme Court justices who will rule any restriction on it unconstitutional. He espouses the abortion views of Margaret Sanger, one of the early advocates of racial cleansing. His spiritual leaders endorse homosexual marriage, and he is moving in that direction. In Illinois, he refused to vote against a statewide ban on all handguns in the state. These are radical left, Hollywood, and San Francisco values, not Middle America values.

The real Mr. Obama is an easy target for the general election. Mrs. Clinton is a far tougher opponent. But Mr. Obama could win if people don't start looking behind his veneer and flowery speeches. His vision of 'bringing America together' means saying that those who disagree with his agenda for America are hijackers or warmongers. Uniting the country means adopting his liberal agenda and abandoning any conflicting beliefs.

But right now everyone is talking about how eloquent of a speaker he is and - yes - they're talking about his race. Those should never be the factors on which we base our choice for president. Mr. Obama's radical agenda sets him far outside the American mainstream, to the left of Mrs. Clinton.

It's time to talk about the real Barack Obama. In an election of firsts, let's first make sure we elect the person who is qualified to be our president in a nuclear age during a global civilizational war.

According to The Book of Revelations: The anti-Christ will be a man, in
his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive
language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that
people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and
when he is in power, will destroy everything.

Is it OBAMA?? I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to repost this as many times as you can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media it!

If you think I am crazy...I'm sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the 'unknown' candidate.
Ken Blackwell

Anonymous said...

nobody takes what ken blackwell says for the truth.....he is black, but he has worked for the bush administration so long that he doesnt recognize the truth....he was secretary of state for ohio and was chairman of the committee to reelect george w bush in 2004....and was knee deep in the controversity over the ohio election.....he is a republican mouthpiece and will say anything the national gop wants him to say.......he has been in trouble with the i r s and has been condemned by a large group of religious leaders.....

Anonymous said...

the new york sun is a relatively new neocon paper with a very small is very right wing rag and boasts that it is mainly a pro jewish recently stated in an editorial that anyone who protest the iraq war should be tried for treason and jailed......the paper recently offered free subscription to anyone in new york because of poor sales

Anonymous said...

Mr. Blackwell is a lifelong resident of Cincinnati. He was a founding partner of the highly successful Blue Chip Broadcasting Company, a network of 20 urban format radio stations. At the time of its sale in 2001, Blue Chip Broadcasting had become the second largest African-American owned Radio Company in the nation. He and his wife of 39 years, Rosa, who currently serves as superintendent of Cincinnati Public Schools, have three adult children, Kimberly, Rahshann, and Kristin. In 1994, the Blackwells were honored as one of the National Council of Negro Women’s Families of the Year, and, in 1996, Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell together received the Martin Luther King, Jr. Dreamkeeper Award from the Cincinnati Historical Society. In 2006, the Blackwells became minority shareholders in the Cincinnati Reds, the city’s major league baseball team. Mr. Blackwell is a member of the Sigma Pi Phi fraternity, the Ohio Gun Collectors Association, the Literary Club of Cincinnati and is a life member of the NAACP.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i am not saying mr blackwell isnt a powerful and well known person.....i am saying that he is a republican power broker...rumsfeld, cheney, bush, pat buchanan, o'reilly, and etc are all powerful and prominant people, but you cant expect them to be objective in their flow of words about a black democrat hard enough for them to be good to john mccain

Anonymous said...

I'm happy you're not saying ..... and, I'm happy at least that you agree that you're a hippocrit.

Anonymous said...

When certain sick Republicans and the Clintons can't get a man down for who he actually is, they will try to knock him down for something someone he knows said a few times over the past 30 years.

Republicans and the Clintons about make we want to puke. So do newsmen who keep trying to stir the pot by bring the same worn out things that didn't work last week and won't work next week. It's WRONG from any side.

What it will take is someone to actually find something Obama said or did that creates a problem. Walter Geiger forgets that he wrote at least one nice long article supporting Judge Abru and talking about how great he was. If Obama is bad because of Wright, what does that make people in this town who had years associating with less than perfect people?

I guess it is OK for some people to make mistakes with who they like, but not for others. Is that right?

Anonymous said...

8:05 it obvious you support Obama and that's your right to do so. I'm sure many other people will support a racist or a female liar. The color of his skin or a persons gender has nothing to do with running this country. The opinions they side with or the abilities they try to display does. Neither Obama or Hilary is fit to run this country and McCain isn't a lot better but, he is the most qualified regardless of his party. I hope he will pick a good running mate. Sonny would be good but I'm sure there are others as good or better. As for my opinion of you - you have no idea who whould make a good are black and want to elect Obama as a black president. You are part of the problems we have today.

Anonymous said...

S.2433- Global Poverty Act

If you want to defend Obama start by defending this bill.

Since soooooooo many people are going to vote for Obama because he is black I am NOT going to vote for him because he white.

That's how I roll "brotha".

Seriously, please defend this.

Anonymous said...

Too bad all we have to pick between people is typical old devisive politics and tarnishing people, rather than looking at the people.

But then I guess that's why we elected a president that tried to overturn the Texas courts with an executive order. Bush tried to free and order Texas to retry with Mexican representation a Mexican who raped and murdered two young girls in Texas. the last time.

We will probably try to do it again, and elect another one of these wonderful Christians who gets us into another senseless prolonged war and tries to free murdering rapists with excutive order, and not free the two US border patrol agents that are in jail for chasing a drug smuggler.

How anyone can think continuing the policies of the Republicans we have now is beyone all common sense. People must not look at documented actions, they must look only at Fox News.

Anonymous said...

Both parties have shafted the American people, and both parties will continue to do so no matter who we elect from those parties. We are now seeing the results of 35 years of deregulation, big business running the country, and the push for fully open borders.

Anonymous said...

Let me see, what was Abe Lincoln, Oh yea, A RIGHT WING REPUBLICAN!
I am a right winger and I want EVERY ONE to STAND ON THEIR OWN TWO FEET!
There is a big difference between giving someone an opportunity and giving them a check and food stamps every month. I don't care what color you are! Opportunity comes through education and training. Neither of which matter if you aren't willing to get up every morning and hit the floor running!

Anonymous said...

obama needs to understand that this is america and that just because you get the most votes doesnt mean that you win......the republicans and obama want the democrats to follow the rules and not sit the michigan and fla delegates, but they dont want to follow the democract rules that says superdelegates can vote for whoever they want

Anonymous said...

Celebrating Women: A Note from Dr. Maya Angelou

3/31/2008 11:45:30 AMThis entry is part of a series in celebration of Women's History Month.

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

This is not the first time you have seen Hillary Clinton seemingly at her wits end, but she has always risen, always risen, much to the dismay of her adversaries and the delight of her friends.

Hillary Clinton will not give up on you and all she asks of you is that you do not give up on her.

There is a world of difference between being a woman and being an old female. If you’re born a girl, grow up, and live long enough, you can become an old female. But, to become a woman is a serious matter. A woman takes responsibility for the time she takes up and the space she occupies.

Hillary Clinton is a woman. She has been there and done that and has still risen. She is in this race for the long haul. She intends to make a difference in our country.

She is the prayer of every woman and man who long for fair play, healthy families, good schools, and a balanced economy.

She declares she wants to see more smiles in the families, more courtesies between men and women, more honesty in the marketplace. Hillary Clinton intends to help our country to what it can become.

She means to rise.

She means to help our country rise. Don’t give up on her, ever.

In fact, if you help her to rise, you will rise with her and help her make this country a wonderful, wonderful place where every man and every woman can live freely without sanctimonious piety, without crippling fear.

Rise Hillary.


Anonymous said...

Ode To Hillary

I am woman - hear me roar.

Rise Taxes Rise ... Rise Up To A Height Never Felt Before. Rise So High That No-one Gets Through The Door. Rise Up That We Are A Free Country No More.

Rise Taxes Rise... You Should Not Be Blue. We're Going To Force Piss Poor Health Care Down On You. Don't Be Mad and Don't Be Sad. If I get Elected I'll Guarentee You'll Be Had.

I'm A Smart Woman Without A Big Head. I Know That
Is True Cause Liberleft Said. Don't Look For The Peaches - Don't Look For The Cream Cause Hilary Is Coming To F*** Up Your Dream.

Rise Taxes Rise I'll Go Take A Bath Cause I Won't Be Happy Till I Give All The Shaft.

reason said...


That makes me want to throw up.

reason said...

sorry, too busy throwing up and got distracted.

2:52, its what you posted that really makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

For me "rise" and "Hillary" don't fit in the same sentence.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the Obama lovers are choosing to side step the Global Poverty Act question. I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

2:52, Is Hillary the prayer for Jennifer Flowers' justice for Bill's rape on her? Is she the prayer of the victims of the other Slick Willie rapes, travelgate and whitewater?

Anonymous said...

Obama is a liberal...that is the last thing we need in office...a bleeding heart. Just think of a President that has the views of Liberleft....makes my stomach turn. All the candidates are just a lot of talk...they always are at election time. How much of their promises do you think will actually take place after election. All I pray for is someone that wont pass anymore bills to increase the handouts given to the sorry, lazy, the world owes me everything type of people. I wont someone who believes Illegal Aliens are Illegal and should not be here........wishful thinking. This country is screwed.

reason said...

We have a huge problem with our government.

Our Federal government and state governments were never meant to be milk cows for the members of the citizenry to grab a teat and start sucking dry.

Our Federal government and state governments were designed to be Watch Dogs, to maintain order and to provide a common defense.

I find it very ironic that when one graduates from a government school, he or she doesn't know the US Constitution backwards and forwards. An ignorant citizenry is very easily manipulated.

reason said...

We have a huge problem with our government.

Our Federal government and state governments were never meant to be milk cows for the members of the citizenry to grab a teat and start sucking dry.

Our Federal government and state governments were designed to be Watch Dogs, to maintain order and to provide a common defense.

I find it very ironic that when one graduates from a government school, he or she doesn't know the US Constitution backwards and forwards. An ignorant citizenry is very easily manipulated.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine anyone being worse than Bush. What a weirdo. He cops out of the draft by having his daddy get him in the reserves, and now he is running a war he started. No wonder it is a mess.

Chicken-hawk Chicken-hawk listen to the Republicans squawk,
They act so tough but they have no balls,
They pick up dates in the airport stalls.

They say cut tax but only for the rich,
They wanna make the working man their own personal bitch.

Anonymous said...

While George H.W. Bush was on a trip to Kuwait early in 1993, Saddam Hussein was behind a failed plot to assassinate him. After consulting with security advisers along with General Colin Powell, a newly elected president, Bill Clinton, decided to launch a cruise missile strike against the headquarters of the Iraqi intelligence service in downtown Bagdad. By virtually every measure, the assault was a success. Twenty-three of the twenty-four missiles launched successfully. Clinton received unqualified support from Russia, Western Europe, and even normally neutral Sweden. It was then that the Clinton administration sent a clear signal to would-be sponsors of terrorism: There will be consequences.

Ten years after this failed attempt on his father’s life, in an act of revenge, George Bush used his power to dupe congress and the American public, including me, into going to war with one purpose only: to kill Saddam Hussein. And, he will leave office failing to capture Obama (Osama), but with his one victory of revenge against Saddam.

And, where does that leave us? In a real mess! Osama still training terrorists; a useless Iraqi war killing over 4000 of our own; and, an economy gone bad.

I hope history proves me wrong.

Anonymous said...

Neither party will restore America to number one in power, number one in wealth, number one in respect, number one in treatment of the middle class or majority of people.

This is because we have spent 30 years tearing the country down and peeing on the midle class, and it is Republicans and Democrats both doing it.

The majority of adults in our country aren't helping either. They are letting TV or someone else raise their kids.

Get ready for a slippery slope to get even worse. Maybe a good depression will cause people to rethink what they do. At least we can thank the Bushes and Clintons and all the rest for that!

Anonymous said...

what happened to thee repubilican view of small government and the idea of letting the free market and competition they are trying to change the dynamics of the loan and housing business by creating bigger gov. controls........if we let a few of these big banks go under then the banks would be more careful about their loaning practices......the republicans are great at helping big insurance companies after diasters happen, helping big oil companies with tax breaks, and helping big banks.........but at least they are not going to help the working middle class with national health care......that just wouldnt be right.....let the free market rule........

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:32,

I agree, the free market should rule in every circumstance. If these banks went under, then the industry would learn a lesson and adjust naturally.

If I were running the show, I would take it one step further. I would completely remove the lending power from the Fed and give it back to Congress where its supposed to be; thus eliminating this practice of lending imaginary money to our government at an interest that We The People have to pay back!

2500 years ago or so, King Solomon said that the borrower is slave to the lender. We The People are slaves to the Fed.

Anonymous said...

I wish we were all black!

Anonymous said...

you dont need to wish cause your already mostly black. you are black hearted with a black soul, you have black teeth holes and black dirt under yer finger and tow nails.

Anonymous said...

Obama is closing the gap on Hillary in PA. A recent poll asked which was more important, Hillary's "misstatement" on the Bosnia landing or Obama's association with Wright. By a five to one margin people said Hillary's lie was more damaging.

People are getting sick of liars and won't fall for guilt by association ploys.

Anonymous said...

Neither Obama or Hillary is qualified to lead this country. They do what all politicians do and that's BS the people. The fact though is that so many people are capable of being BSed. I'm not one of them. However, here's your opportunity. Give me one concrete qualification either one of them have to be United States President.

Not media crap - but one real qualification. If you answer you will be demonstrating your political knowledge. Can you stand by your answer with your name?

Anonymous said...

It would take a magician to undo what Bush- Clinton- and the dumbest- Bush- of- all have done to what once was a proud honest country.

Anonymous said...

gmac, are you the one who threatened to sue the county for the ag deal but never coughed up any money?

Anonymous said...

Let's not get nasty with GMAC. If I'm not mistaken Gary is a Bush supporter.

1.) That means he supported a guy (Bush) who evaded the draft in the VietNam war days. A guy who has no military experience except to avoid an unpopular war that basically consumed poor people who could not get out of going.

2.) That means he supported a president who took us into Iraq when the 911 attack was by mostly Saudis that were trained in Lebannon and Afghanistan, with the leader of the attackers (BinLaden) actually trained and funded by the CIA and US military while he was fighting Russians.

3.) That means he supports a president who despite having employees do a terrible job, kept those employees in a position where they could make things worse. This was the same bad management style Bush used in his private sector life.

4.) This means he supports a president who's close family was involved in past Savings and Loan failures. This president allowed deregulation of banks, investment houses, and saving and loans to the point the industry is now falling apart and taxpayers are having to bail them out.

I want to hear the opinion of a person who supports or has supported Bush on what makes a "good leader". That way I know who NOT to vote for.

Go ahead GMAC, tell use what your "smart" choice is. You appear to be just dripping with smart and wisdom. Share some with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Share some of that smart with the 120K that are out of work in the last three months, or who will have to pay back the Bush war debt we are borrowing from Communist China.

We need to know who a wise Bush supporter thinks makes a great leader!

Anonymous said...

To 10:45 and 10:49,
You have just demonstrated the same ignorance of why I say Obama or Hilary is not qualified to be president.
1. You avoided the question.
2. You wanted to attach a negative (Bush) to the question.
3. You want to point fingers in the dark and under the cloke of anonymous.
4. You could not name (1) concrete qualification for either of them.
5. You have shown exactly what we will get from either one of them: A lot of promises without any returns.

You've shown how so many can get BSed and fall for it. You missed the boat entirely. Go back and read the question. I did and I didn't see anything in it that refered to Bush.

Now To Answer 6:33AM.

Yes - and let us get things straight. Many people who prefer to remain nameless was involved in that ordeal. At the very beginning of it, all the people involved knew up front I could not afford the money expenses. My part was to be the person named on the suit so that the others could be out of sight for their own personal reasons. So in real terms, the money supporting it left me holding the bag. But, that's OK. I know the authority got one over the county. There's nothing I can do about it. My conclusion to your comment is that you are maybe one of those that help put the bag in my hand.

Would I do it again? YES. Because everyone has to do their part to help battle political bull s***. I was carrying out my part. I have no idea what happened to everyone else.

Anonymous said...

who were the other people. its get even time.

Anonymous said...

The other people were a bunch of troublemakers who make noise but don't do anything. Like their ring leader that started it all. All talk and threats and no action.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 5:15 PM - That's another thing. I agreed not to speak of any names involved. I won't.

And 8:46 PM - no need to comment on something that you have absolutely no clue about.

The ring was the entire county commission with the chairman in the middle. That's where the problem started. People elected to do a job to support the people that elected them. They failed. It is apparent now if it wasn't then that the majority of the county people didn't care. I would question if the majority actually know what took place.

Anonymous said...

dont know dont care.....move on...get over it

Anonymous said...

tha perrrrrrfect example.

dont know dont care.....move on...get over it

11:18 AM

good example of a outstanding bad county citizen.

Anonymous said...


I was present at two meetings with a lawyer. Someday when I am not so busy with work I intend to write something up, but this is all fairly low priority to me.

A brief summary of what happened is the members of the Ag Authority did something very questionable, if not outright illegal.

The burden of making sure an Authority functions as legally chartered really falls on the commissioners, but they failed to perform their duties.

The result is citizens of Lamar County would have to file suit against the Commissioners to force them to do their job. It would have been like a malpractice lawsuit against the county government, forcing them to do what they should do.

Since there was no precedent for recovery of fees, private citizens could have spent $30,000 or more forcing commissioners to follow the rules.

At some point it is cheaper and wiser to just let people not do their jobs and wait for the next election.