Tuesday, March 25, 2008

county to terminate CARE EMS contract...

details where you would expect them at www.barnesville.com


Anonymous said...

i am very grateful to the county commision for the vote to get rid of CARE. i was there at the meeting and sit there and heard what dale gamble said. i counted at least 2 or 3 lie's he told.
first off he said that he wasn't aware of any problem's. well i say to that if he was to return phone call's like he say's he going to then he would have known of the problem.
then he said that both unit's that were in the county that night were both out on call's. that's not right either. one unit might have been out on a call but the other one was sitting there and so was the one from forest park that came to my home. the one that was on duty from here didn't want to go on the call and told the other one for them to take it.
there's more but i won't go in it but i will if the need come's up

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add that what was written in the paper was the truth and walter did a very good job and he is a man of his word and i thank him for all he has done

Anonymous said...

I am glad that they where kicked out if they will lie in a public meeting then I would want my life or my child's life in there hands!!

Anonymous said...

To Mr Bowden & Mr Geiger,

I want to thank the both of you for costing me my job in this county as an EMS provider with CARE Ambulance. I have been with this company 2+ yrs. I know I'm not the only one either and YES, I DO LIVE IN THE COUNTY! As a citizen of Lamar, I'm ashamed of what went down tonite at the meeting and the way this whole thing was handled by the commissioners. Mid-Ga can under bid anyone because they don't pay the salaries that CARE & other services like them and when you pay sub-standard salaries, you get sub-standard employees. Mr Bowden, if you think you had such a horrific ambulance ride with CARE, wait until you ride with Mid-GA Ambulance. I hope the day never comes when me or my family members need an ambulance in this county while under the Mid-GA so-called contract. I will personally either drive to the next county and call 911 or go straight to the hospital. I know, I would have a better chance of survival that way. I just hope we all have really good health from now on when Mid-GA gets in here.

Anonymous said...

My intent was not to cost anyone their job. our goal was to get the best care for the people of lamar county. if CARE has already gotten rid of their employee's just since this has happened less then 3 hour's ago then that should tell anyone that they really didn't care about the people that worked for them in the first place.
I have spoken with someone who's name i won't mention yet and what your Ex-Boss said about what he was told by them was not the truth.
As far as mid-ga goes they are higly recommened by someone that has first hand knowledge of them.
we can go on with comparing company to company but it all boil's down to is what each person think's. since you say you have 2+ year's with an ambulance service then there should not be a problem for you to find another position within another company.
My brother has almost 30 year's in the field of emergency medical service and he couldn't understand why thing's were done the way they were that night.
i don't understand what you mean by what went down tonight i thought it was handled very well by the commisioner's.
Mr.campbell was aware that there was a problem and i know this because i tried to call him and he was on his way into a meeting and said he would call me back but never did.
AS far as Mr. Cambell saying that both unit's were out on call's that night and the unit that was sent out to my home was the backup unit was wrong. the unit that was sent here was the backup unit is true but it was sent down here because the other medic on the first unit left at 8Pm or so and there was noone to cover that unit.
i have a file folder sitting here on my desk that i have complied a lot of information from in the last few weeks.
Again i am sorry for your job loss and i wish you all the best in finding another one.

Anonymous said...

If you want to keep your job work for a company that does its job properly.

It isn't all about you and your salary. I don't care if they pay you a million dollars a year, your boss and the other employees should have known how to get to a hospital and had the correct working equipment.

Maybe you should have bought your boss a $200 GPS?

Anonymous said...

In response to your comment:
A $200 GPS in rural Lamar county. Are you serious? You can't even get a cell phone to work half the time here much less a GPS to be 100% accurate. I have used one that belonged to my partner,and if I followed it, I would have ended up in the middle of someones pasture land. I know my job and do it well too. There have been times when I knew there was a shorter way to the hospital and did ask the patient or the patients family how to get to a certain point closer. That way, you wouldn't get a higher bill for miles traveled. So NO, I don't see the problem with it at all. Maybe, if in the middle of the transport, the patient wouldn't change their mind and decide to go to another hospital, EMS provider's wouldn't get lost in rural Lamar County.

Mr Bowden,
If I hadn't gotten another call that night just before yours, would we still be in this situation? Would you still have made a complaint against CARE? I wonder? I haven't lost my job as of yet, but I can't afford to go to Atlanta to work when I could have worked a great job and make a decent salary in the county that I live in. I care for the citizens in this county too, probably even more than you because of what I love to do. Your brother is my brother in arms. I don't know him personally, but I would stand beside him and face the fires of hell if he asked me too. Really, he wouldn't even have to ask, he'd just look over his shoulder and I would be there watching his back. I know your complaint isn't behind what the commissioners did. I know the real reason, but they are using you as the escape goat. I'm glad you can sleep at night now, I can't, I have to find a way to put food on the table for my family after CARE leaves.


Anonymous said...

i am not wanting to debate with you on here as to who done what. i will tell you what i will do tho. i will be more then happy to meet with you anywhere that you chose and i will show you all the information i have gathered up in the last few weeks.
I have a statement from someone in the fire dept that will show that when the ambulance left my home we went straight to the hospital in upson county.
I will even let you in on whom i have talked with since the meeting last night that dale said he talked with and what was really said.
i have just about everything in writing so i can backup what i am saying.
as far as you saying "if you didn't have to go on another call that night" then that mean's you were at the station on parker branch road that night. i know this because the unit that was at the grove street station had only one person on that unit that night. that's why the unit from forest park was down in lamar county.
The supplie's that were taken out of lamar county because of" inventory control" is wrong also.that was done to send them to Dekalb county because CARE had just gotten the contract for there and needed to supply the unit's that were going to be sent there.
Like i said i will be more then happy to show you the information i have. if you would like to see it then you can email me at Cbowden561@aol.com. make sure you put CARE ambulance in the subject line or i might think it is spam and delete it by mistake.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to the county for doing the right thing . I work in public saftey and have run some calls with care. The people I saw were some of the wort I have ever seen . I would never have called for an ambulance in Lamar County . I hope the new company can do a better job for us . I would also like to thank all of the volunters for the hard work the do .

Anonymous said...

Ok I want to want to say something here. I have a scanner and I listen to it every night and day!! I have heard CARE get roads confused they don't resopnd quick enough, and they have to be told 4 or 5 times where the road is. And that is because the radio's don't work properly. I know people who work in public safety and none of this should have happend. I am so glad that someone finally stood up and said something. oh and Highlander get a Verizon phone and it works great it Barnesville and on the way to Thomaston or Mr. Bowden wouldn't have gotten there !!!

Anonymous said...


Every word that has an "s" at the end doe's not require an apo'strophe. Plea'se leave it off unless it's an contraction. (Like "it is".) Your writing will be much ea'sier to read and under'stand. Thank's. I mean Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ok how about thank you when ever you are ending a note not thanks. Thank you is a proper noun not thanks. Where did you go to school let me guess Lamar County!!

Anonymous said...

First, I feel sorry for you if you lost your job. I hate seeing anyone who wants to workl lose a job. But there isn't much of a reason to not be able to find a hospital or address.

A GPS works by a satellite array. No matter where you are at in the world, short of a cave or thick enclosure blocking the sky, a GPS will work anywhere. A $200 GPS system or a $10 map would fix the problem of not being able to find an address, even in quiet peaceful rural places like Lamar County.

As for the cellphone, which works by short distance radio transmissions, there are systems that don't work well. If you have that problem I suggest you get a Verizon phone. They will work almost anywhere, and if you get an older larger phone with a pull-up antenna it will work everywhere.

I can't imagine any rescue vehicle not having a map or GPS system, or a communications system that could contact someone for directions or help.

The other people have a good point. Doing the best job possible is always the best job security.

Sorry, but like many others I think people depending on life come before jobs and money.

Anonymous said...

The radio system in Lamar County is a mess. It is a terrible system. Poor radio communications might not be the fault of CARE EMS.

Anonymous said...

Anyone working emergency services should be required to pass a locality test. That would help make sure people have a general understanding of where the roads are in the county they plan to work.

There’s no excuse for substandard equipment.

The S.O. and P.D. and F.D. personnel should be paid adequately for the job they do. Presently, they are among some of the lowest paid. Think about it the next time you ask them to place their lives on the line for you.


Anonymous said...

Thats the truth....they need the raise before the city council does!

Anonymous said...

i have been reading all this about CARE. I have had to use them twice and both times they were great. The thing that got me was when i called 911 I had to tell the dispatcher my address and two cross roads near my house. I know care didnt know there way around but they didnt have any help out at the SO either.

Anonymous said...

9:59 AM:

Whenever is one word. Where did YOU go to school? Or did you?

Anonymous said...

9:59 AM:

A proper noun is a noun that is the name of a specific individual, place, or object.

"Thank you" is not a proper noun.

DID you go to school?

Anonymous said...

Warning posters...do not click on this entry. Scam Scam Scam

Anonymous said...

Walter, get those bastards! Their trying to scame us.

Anonymous said...

I meant SCAM!

Anonymous said...


You mean the dispatchers at the SO were of no help? You have got to be kidding. Those gals are some of the brightest people I know. They are very well educated and and really know how to get around...cant believe they wouldn't know the directions around Lamar county, especially the rural roads.

Anonymous said...

What is being done to GUARANTEE that the replacement service will be better?

Anonymous said...

9:41AM: No guarantees. This is just another ignorant attempt at leadership from those that have no training in that area. It really has nothing to do with service. It goes back to the power struggles on the county commission when Upson was dropped in favor of Care.

I don't care what business or service that you offer; you're going to make mistakes at some point. The best thing to do is learn from the mistakes and be happy that no individual died from the mistake.

Gamble has been accused of lying to the board. Now Care has been slandered or he actually lied. I would be interested to know if actions were taken based on word against word.

Not knowing all the facts, this appears to be another commission action where actions were taken before all the potential facts were in. Commissioner George Brown was correct to hesitate. He should have waited until determinations of the facts were proven.

Anonymous said...

yes I did go to school actually it was Lamar County graduated in 2000!! But you do not have to correct every little thing that someone says!! We are all human and we do make mistakes

Anonymous said...

to 9:41
i will tell you just i like i did highlander. if you would like to see all the paper work i have reguarding the CARE contract with lamar county i will be more then happy to show it to you. in it you will see what is the truth and what is not. and this is the contract that was signed by CARE so it is not a secret to anyone.
As a matter of fact go to the county commisioner's office and request one for yourself and you will find some of the same things i already have

Anonymous said...

The Guarantee is that we have to get a company in Lamar County that will treat their employees right, and maybe the good ones would stay, that do know the county and they would not have to the bottom of the barrel and retrieve people like highlander and the ones that think EMS is just another job. Care had good people when they started but with the bad management they ran them off. Now they have to take what they can get.

Anonymous said...


That was good! I think we can all read between the lines. LOL

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

charles bowden -
I'm not taking sides with you or care. I'm speaking out about the way the commission can just act on one thing so fast and drag their feet on something else.

Sorry, but I smell rotten eggs.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if it smells like rotten eggs at the SO?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what my problem is 8:42. One person crys the blues about the Sheriff and the SO all the time on this blog. Anyone with that many grips would confront the sheriff or is either a candy ass cry baby. Considering all the crying, there apparently is not going to be any confrontation. I know lots of people are not satisfied with the sheriff job but all the ctying in the world won't change it. You have your vote so use it. So will everybody else. If enough are dissatisified we will have a neww sheriff. If not I guess we will have to put up with 4 more years of tears. Some of us are more tired of reading your crying than with the sheriff.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

this blogg sucks it only allows what they want people to hear

Anonymous said...

Has anyone called the SO lately? They no longer answer the phone as "Sheriffs office"....it is now "Sheriff Joe Buices' office"

OMG....ego ego ego

Anonymous said...

9:12 is that true or are you making a funny?

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that people are looseing their jobs because of what happened with my dad, I am not sorry for what my dad has done. the way I see it is we are all in this together, Lets say it was you mom,grandmom etc etc and you where out of town and this crew showed up at their house and didn't have good enough equipment,or didn't even know how to get to the hospital and died or suffered more than they all ready where. I don't think you would be happy, probally just as upset as my father was. Go ahead and make jokes or get mad, Untill you put your self in the position you do not know how you would act! If you are so worried the commisioners who has been voted in to apoint these jobs and you do not think they are doing them right than get off your butts and stand up and try it your self, It takes half of your brain to complain and all of it to do some thing about it. With that being said I am glad Mid ga is coming in as a fact Welcome Mid Ga I hope you can do what care couldn't, as for the employees of care I know a lot of them and there dang good people it's the service it self that the people of Lamar county didn't like and I do wish yall the very best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I think Joe Buice is doing a great job. He is one of the few people I've seen who enforces the rules the same no matter who a person is.

This is a far cry from people who send buddies home with a warning to "get rid of it".

I think the fact he goes after anyone breaking the law and expects people to do their jobs is the real reason one or two people on this blog are such closet bashers of Buice.

The most popular Sheriff would be one who lets all the well-known people get away with whatever and only goes after the poor.

Anonymous said...

Stop whining about CARE,

If they hired drivers who could read maps and gave them maps, or spent 200 on a GPS, they would still have a contract.

Anonymous said...

A good SHeriff arrests the othert guy and gives you a break. A good Sheriff fires the other guy and lets you have time playing on the clock.

A bad Sheriff busts you or your friends.

Anonymous said...

6:19 you have your opinion and I have mine as well as lots of others and there aint no comparison.

Anonymous said...

You must have been busted doing something wrong.