Sunday, March 09, 2008

how do you feel about the college coed murders...

in auburn and chapel hill?


Anonymous said...

The killing of these two future leaders is symbolic of a national problem. Sadly, focusing on foreign issues at the expense of domestic concerns is a real problem here in America. It is imperative that we focus our efforts and concerns on domestic policy. Another example of this sad state of affairs is the recent slaying of a young man by gang members. His mother is overseas fighting for America while her "son is shot by domestic terrorists," said his mom. I think she is right. Such is happening everyday here in America, and now it is time to bring our society together to fight not only foreign terrorist, but also, our own homegrown terrorists.

Anonymous said...

just more rouge black punks killing white people,plain and simple--just think what kind of crap would be all over the news if it would have been black girls killed by white kids,by the way just when WAS the last time you heard of a white kid killing a black girl?

Anonymous said...

white man killing colored girl hummm.

Anonymous said...

are you serious? there has been plenty of both. Why play the race card? murder is wrong no matter who does it.