Wednesday, March 05, 2008

couple describes ambulance nightmare...

details where you would expect them at

charles bowden is on the agenda for both the county commission and barnesville city council meetings next week.

since this story was published, i have heard from another family with a similar experience.

if you have had experience with CARE - good or bad - please share.


Anonymous said...

It's about time someone came forward with one of the many horror stories yet to be told about this ambulance service. Commissioner George "the clown" Brown brought this (dis)service to Lamar County, patting himself on the back for the money the county saved, and it has been one thing after another with this very unprofessional bunch. Brown and CARE(less) need to go!!!

Anonymous said...

What do you suppose George Brown would say? Why is it his fault?

Did Brown do this all by himself of did they vote on it??

Anonymous said...

It was voted on and saved a hugh sum of money over what Upson charged. It also provided Lamar County an additional ambulance.

I am sorry to hear about the poor service and it should be brought to their attention. Poor service can be experienced at any time. We had a similar experience with St Joseph Hospital and removed the patient at midnight due to poor service after back surgery.

There is no excuse for the service you received and thankfully everything turned out OK. Hopefully your insurance will heed your advice and not pay. That tends to grab their attention too.

I know George and I know without any doubt what so ever that he always has the best interest of Lamar County with any decision he makes. He helped to save the tax payers around 200K with CARE and got 2 units rather than one if I'm not mistaken. 12:34 PM you should call and talk to him about your concerns rather than cry about it on the B'vill Blog. Demonstrating a lack of maturity will get you no where. Direct contact will. Be ready to offer alternative measures and ideas. And if you can't or won't, shut the heck up about it.

Anonymous said...

does this prove that privitization always works better than government control.......nearly every time privitization is tried , it end up costing more and rarely improves service.....

Anonymous said...

You are right. Many services are cheaper and better via the government. Some are not.

Ask anyone with natural gas how they like deregulation.

Essential services like fire and police generally don't do well as a private for profit business. Maybe this is the same case. I wouldn't want to depend on the lowest bid for essential life services.

Did anyone look at other areas that use a private system to see how it works? What citizens group or local news source monitored this?

Anonymous said...

It's funny how we now are complaining that we want our ambulance service to come from the government funded hospital and not from the privately owned business. Hypocrites!

Anonymous said...

To 3:03, let's say there are 15000 people in Lamar Co., so if $200,000 was saved by going with this amb. service that means yours and my life is worth about $1500.....I don't know about yours but mine and my family and even yours is worth having an ambulance service that has equipment that works, drivers and EMS that are compassionate, can get into an emergency room, can find the hospital and not have to use my cell phone to get directions or approval to get hospital doors to open. You tell me where to send my check and I will pay my part. There is NO reason to go past an adjourning county with a hospital for this very important service. If it was, then lets get of Fire Department services from a two counties over. Makes the same sense.

Anonymous said...

My grandmother was having a stroke and was picked up by CARE ambulance. The paramedics had the same situation as the ones in this story and did not know where the Thomaston hospital was. I had to lead this ambulance to the hospital, running red lights and putting me in danger because they were unable to figure out where this hospital was.

Anonymous said...

8:06 PM your rational is ignorant. The problems can be solved through training and of course firing the executive in charge of the operation. You can continue with your poor math skills and slapping your jaws together but this is a problem that has come to light with an easy fix.

You can still donate that 1500.00 to the fire department being that you have so much. I'm sure they will put it to good use.

You would make a good tax and spend politician.

Anonymous said...

you are right the problem can be fixed, but since it is a privite firm, it will probably not be fixed......if it was a government service, it would be fixed or the people would be transfered to another department....also, the public would know exactly what elected official is in charge of making sure the problem is addressed, and could vote if the problem didnt resolve itself

Anonymous said...

I have worked for the government since I was 17 years old. I am 53 years old now. The one thing that has never changed is this. If you get fired from the job you are doing in government service - you don't actually get fired. You are just moved to something different. Now for the good part. The something different always equals a promotion with a raise in pay.

Laugh if you want to, go into denial if you want to, but that's the hard core reality of government service work.

Don't like your job - just screw it up and get promoted out of it.

Anonymous said...

Let's assume we can believe you on a blog.

Just because you or the people around you are alleged to be promoted because of inability to perform doesn't mean some services are not much better through the Government.

Of course you could just be a troll.

Anonymous said...

2:04 I don't care if you can believe it or not. You don't realize that people like you want government to do everything for them. Soon people won't be able to go to the bathroom with government assistance. I told you what I have saw over 36 years.

Anonymous said...

why did you not quit the gov. job if you dont like big gov........answer is that the pay is good but most of all the benefits, the retirement , and the knowledge that you always had a the big important question, why cant everybody have a great job like you kept for all those years......we could if we just expanded the government.....big government helps more people and more people are happy, like you have been since you were 17

Anonymous said...

4:54 - nevermind - I know when I'm talking to an idiot. Nothing personal - you just have your mind in wonderland. Keep an eye out for Alice and the big rabbit.

PS - Start with an education and the job with benefits will take care of itself. Without an education you can continue to wish for big government to tend to all your needs and wants.

Anonymous said...

the most educated people in america are the liberal college professors.......the lawyers, the doctors, teachers, and etc.....the conservatives are the business types with street smarts but certainly not the best when you dont answer a question, but instead say the other person is stupid or dumb....then you are showing your own stupidity

Anonymous said...

Well Hell, I guess I'm just a dumb assed old conservative with just enough education to know that you are full of sh-- .... oh excuse me; - manure.

Anonymous said...

well i didn't get the bill but my insurance company did. for my ride to the hospital that my wife had to give them direction's to and for them to use her cell phone to call the hospital and for that WONDERFUL 33 MINS ride, the bill is a whooping 1,130.00. so now i wonder do i need to send them a bill for my wife's assistance and for the use of her cell phone? i talked to my brother and found out a trip like that would have cost around $600.00 if i had been up there in the city of morrow. now what does our elected officals think of that? CARE is paid a lot of money from the county every year and yet they charge the citizen's this much for an emergency call

Anonymous said...

The ordeal you went through borders on negligence on the ambulance company’s part in my opinion. There is no excuse for a company responsible for a life to attempt to operate with employees that are not aware where and how to get a person to the hospital. The best idea I can offer would be to call an attorney. The best way to force a company to be responsible is to hit them in the pocket book. An attorney will be happy to deal with it and I bet it won’t cost you a single dime for a consultation.

Anonymous said...

Lawyers don't do much today.

They take money and don't really make an effort to do anything.

The best approach is to make the case public and hope it sticks in people's minds.

It's like the money and assests of the Ag Authority some our esteemed citizens gave to the city. A laywer was a waste of money. Citizens would have to pay $30K or more to sue the city and county and make them do their legally mandated job.

The best thing people can do is keep pressure on so they know who is taking advantage of taxpayers by not doing their job.

Just don't let it go away, like hardwick and his favored tax breaks to special people and his asking Patty to alter the code books so he could serve on the IDA.

Anonymous said...

be interesting to see how much money has been donated to the political campaigns of our elected officials by the executives of CARE, their kin and their political action is probably hidden deep, but there

Anonymous said...

This problem will get fixed when someone dies.

Anonymous said...

get this, several years ago a fire was toned out for the county fire department. the fire was one block from the city fire station just one street over...the chief called the 911 center and asked them why they did this that this was a city fire...the dispatcher said she did not know there where two fire has happaned more than once...

Anonymous said...

What connection to this controversy does the small group that wants a Lamar County ambulance service have?

Is Bowden really a volunteer firefighter?

Even if these allegations are true, does this have a bearing?

Why has the fishwrapper persued this with a vngeance?

Maybe you should ask a commissioner.

They have the real lowdown.

Sorry to bust ya'lls bubble.

Anonymous said...

What connection to this controversy does the small group that wants a Lamar County ambulance service have?

i have no connection to anyone. i do what i am doing so maybe noone will ever have to go thru what i went thru!

Is Bowden really a volunteer firefighter?

Nope i am not.again i am a concerened citizen and want to see some things changed.

Even if these allegations are true, does this have a bearing?

i can assure you the allegation's are true. the bearing that this has is it show's the level of service that lamar county pay's for

Why has the fishwrapper persued this with a vngeance?

this is being done by the NEWSPAPER because walter care's about this county and what the citizen's feel about thing's that go on here. if you need any further information about why then you should call the newspaper and ask walter i'm sure he will be more then glad to answer your question's

Maybe you should ask a commissioner.

i plan on doing that tonight. i would love to have you there if for anything just so you can get the fact's yourself

They have the real lowdown.

that's what i hope will come out tonight.

Sorry to bust ya'lls bubble.

no bubble busted here. i am a concerned who want's to see a change for the better.
my bubble was busted that night when i found out that a service that we as citizen's of lamar county pay for is really nothing better then a half used up gallon of know the first half was good but after a few day's of sitting you are not sure of the second half.

Anonymous said...

Charles is not a volunteer firefighter BUT our parents both were as was our younger brother. Tommy, the younger brother, is also a paramedic/firefighter with the city of Morrow. When my husband and I moved into our house in north Lamar county he had a heart attack in the middle of the night. (This was several years ago.) I called 911, asked for an ambulance, asked the dispatcher if they needed directions. I was told no, they knew were they were going. After waiting over 20 minutes I called back & was told the ambulance was on High Falls Road and should be there soon. After waiting another 5 minutes I called back and told them we were going on in our vehicle. AND we were lucky...the crew was on the north side of the city and not in Upson County where they would normally have been. This county needs an ambulance service we all can depend on. I will never again call for emergency medical service from the county. We will go ourselves to the hospital. It will be a lot quicker and safer.