Sunday, March 23, 2008

help sought for tortured cat...

this must be how charles manson and brian nichols got their starts...

note: coverage contains a graphic photo - be forewarned.

details where you would expect them at


Anonymous said...

That is actually how Jeffery Dahlmer got his start.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh that photo was horrible. Terrible sight :( Poor kitty

Anonymous said...

God bless Joyce Farmer. I am sending money.

Anonymous said...

if they find out who did that they need to pour gas all over the whole family and set them on fire so the maggotts wont breed something that would do this again

Anonymous said...

I will donate 10 cent for the bullet

Anonymous said...

what an awful thing for someone to do. that poor cat. Karma will come around if they do not find the cruel person who did this

Anonymous said...

what an awful thing for someone to do. that poor cat. Karma will come around if they do not find the cruel person who did this

Anonymous said...

there is no mention in the story about how the first person found the cat, how they knew it was 2 wks after it happened...there must be some connection to the person who did it, and the police should be investigating to find out who is responsible and bring charges. as the other posters said, people that kill people often start by torturing animals.

Anonymous said...

this is as low as the little redneck puke that shot the sandhill crane. I hope his mama and daddy is sober enuff to get him some help before he turns to killing people.

dog/cat woman said...

I am the one who received Audie from the other rescuer. The police called the rescuer friend of mine to come see Audie. The people who had him said he'd been there about two weeks. Didn't know where he came from, etc. My friend took him to the vet. Audie was so calm and gentle and with such a will to live, they decided not to kill him. She took him home. When she told me about him, I told her we were currently taking care of another cat with a large wound. We have gotten it down from grapefruit size to a golf ball size. I also told her if she needed us, we take care of him also. She took us up on the offer. So you see the police were involved. Furthermore, several years ago we tried to have a man prosecuted who had literally starved two dog to death. Not a pretty sight. I have pictures if anonymous at 1:13 pm would like to see them. The assistant DA made a plea bargain with him. He received a slap on the wrist, the felony dropped to a misdemeanor, a $250 fine, and one year probation. Was this fair to the dogs when their food was in a outbuilding only ten feet from the pen they were in? The sheriff's office was involved in this. At that time they laughed at you about an animal cruelty case.

dog/cat woman said...

Another dog case. Buggy Days six or seven years ago. A very thin dog was dropped out by my daughters house. She saw them, followed them for a while and wrote the license number down. We called the sheriff's office. They came out to make a report. The large dog weighed 30 lbs. at that time. He had sores all over him, little fur, bones literally sticking through his skin. We fattened the dog, had him neutered, got all his shots. He is today one of the most beautiful dogs we have. He weighs over 120 now. Since we hadn't heard from the sheriff's office in several months, I called them. They could not find the report. It was in my daughters name. I kept calling. They said the tag number "I" gave them belonged to an old truck. First, I did not make the report and the car my daughter saw was not an old truck--more like a Volvo or Mercedes. I kept calling and finally they said it wasn't an old truck, but the tag belonged to some sort of food company out of Griffin. They wouldn't tell me who the food company belonged to or the name of the food company. So, as I said before, get your law enforcement involved. This was not our current sheriff, but a different one.

Anonymous said...

hey some one shot devanes wife's dog six weeks ago a black lab,,,let her loose on the son of a bitch..

Anonymous said...

Did they ever find out who was shooting the cats on Greenwood street? We have some mean people in this town.