Monday, March 24, 2008

open thread. post as you please....

you know the drill.


Anonymous said...

Government: If we can’t tax it, you can’t have it. The more you need it, the more we can tax it.

United States Department of the Treasury

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau

How much do you tax do you pay?

Tobacco Products Pack of 20 = $0.82Cigars = $0.05 Each Beer 12 ounce can = $0.05 Distilled Spirits 750ml Bottle = $2.14 (at 80 proof)

How much tax do you pay? For a pack of cigarettes @ $2.50 per pack?
Federal Tax $0.82
Sales Tax $0.17
Income Tax @ 28% = $0.70
$1.69 in tax or 68%

Anonymous said...

they should tax soda and candy to pay for the health care of all the fat bastards in our county

Anonymous said...

5:19 I hope you feel good about your comment. Us fat folks don't want to be fat either. We're uncomfortable, have low self esteem, can't find clothes that fit, and put up with comments like yours. But if it means being fat and nice to people or skinny and rude because I think I'm better.

I'll stay fat and friendly with a caring attitude toward other people.

Anonymous said...

641 do you work for the school system? where they pay by the pound on the hoof

wdm said...

How about the Chinese showing the strong arm of communism on the Tibetians?

Anonymous said...

I hate midgets

Anonymous said...

7:18 .....what?

Anonymous said...

Repete after ME "I can be more informed" "I can be more powerful than my TV news" "I can think out of the box"

Anonymous said...

OK, it's qualifying time in Lamar County, who is running and who is retiring that has been in office forever???

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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walter geiger said...

what part of no bashing of or campaigning for specific candidates did you people not understand?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:52 AM,

Thanks for recommending:

That is a very interesting site. I like the coverage that it gives of the new North American Union (Mexico, US and Canda). You never hear about that any where save the New American and maybe the Drudge Report.

Why are we so quick to give up our sovereignty?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Walter either you or one of your communist employees sitting there with you finger on the delete needs to go because this is not an open thread it is only here for the things you want people to hear.I can't belive you are so one sided especially when it comes to saying true things about the sorry sheriff that you have.

walter geiger said...

that has nothing to do with it. there is no way for me to referee this 24 hours per day to keep things fair to all concerned.

why not take your complaints straight to the man in person and quit hiding behind anonymous to bash folks?

Anonymous said...

Taking my complaints to him will not accomplish a thing except give him a chance to throw me in jail.Why can't I take the facts to the people and let them decide what they want since they are the ones who put him there and will soon have a chance to decide again,they have a right to know the good and bad about him.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry there's going to be plenty of signs in plenty of yards and his name won't be on them.

walter geiger said...

you can. its called paid political advertising. or you can stand on the corner with a sign or put a sign in your yard.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

2:27 it's an election year and all the tricks are starting to come out just another sneaky way to try and look good for the all mighty vote.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Amen 3:16 I for one can't understand why people can get on some of the other post on here and make comments like...set the family on fire before the maggotts geta chance to breed...some one calling another a piece of dog shi# and shoot the son of a bitch and be done with it and walter allows these things to stay posted.Then a tax payer questions why the sheriff bought a bucket truck and it gets deleted every time.I've read so many bloggs on here where people have expressed opinions,facts and ask questions about other elected officials,the ag authority,city council,the I D A and others and nothing was done about it but if you comment on or question the sheriffs actions you will be deleted,and that's not fair at all

Anonymous said...

Taxes @ 5:12PM,
This is a prime example of being over taxed by a government too large. And Obama and Hillary, along with most of the democratic leadership want to double the amount of taxes paid and increase government size. Just recently the democratic congress passed a bill to increase it even more with an office to police the congress people and make them nice. What a waste. It's got to be only the people that pay no tax that want all the freebies from those that do pay.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The federal government is sending each and every one of us a $600 rebate.
If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money will go to China. If we spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs, if we purchase a computer it will go to India, if we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala, if we purchase a good car it will go to Japan, if we purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy. The only way to keep that money here at home is to buy hookers and drink beer, since these are the only products still produced in the US . Thank you for your help.

Anonymous said...

some of the nasty nasty is sabatoge from people who are jealious of this blog and wish they had one. we should be nice to walter for allowing us to have an open forum. not many other people are that nice so they try to wreck this one.

Anonymous said...

Police are exempted from the tint law due to the nature of their work.

Read GA code:

Only a numbskull would not understand or question the reason police are exempted. It's about as dumb as asking why they can speed, have sirens, carry guns, and run red lights as necessary.

What we need is a law against being stupid.

walter geiger said...

to ask questions like:

why do law enforcement patrol vehicles have tinted windows?


why does the sheriff's department need a bucket truck?

is legitimate and, as such, will not be deleted

Anonymous said...

5:35PM it's because they must spend so much time in their vehicles. It's not illegal for your windows to be tinted if you must spend a certain percentage of time working out of your vehicle, such as contractors, delivery drivers, escort, and so on. The same law applys to them as they do you. Unless you're to afraid to push the buttons.

Anonymous said...

There was 43 case at grand jury reported in you paper that were no billed. This is a very large number to me. What majority of the cases belonged to the sheriff's office, BPD, and gordon public safety? Were the cases weak or was the grand jury this term very liberal? or do you believe it was not presented well by the officer or DA? These questions need to be answer since both the DA and Sheriff are up for election. Anyone have any insight to this.

Anonymous said...

My opinion is the cases were either poorly put together by which ever agency and it's officers or like you said a very liberal grand jury.The DA doesn't put together or investigate the cases nor does he have the final say so as to guilt or innocense.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cHECK OUT THE STORY ON THE NEWS ABOUT THE cOAST gUARD RESCUE IN THE bERING SEa it was awsume rescue swimmers saved alot of souls any body out there ever do that? tax dollers at work and under paid not like the city council

Anonymous said...

anon 6:29 JOE is that you???

Anonymous said...

I think the reason for this is the system we have, not the person. The prosecutor makes a certain amount of money whether a case is carried through or not.

Now imagine you a job where where no matter how hard you worked you would never advance or earn more money.

It would be counterproductive to help make a case because the harder you worked to help people make a good case and the harder you worked to present a good case to the Grand Jury the more work you would have for the same pay.

If you did a really good job at maximizing the cases that went to trial you would wind up working 60 or 70 hours a week at the same pay as working 20 hours a week.

If you look at the no-bills in the other countries represented by our DA they are just as high. I'm not sure how they are state wide, but that would tell a story. A good newsman might run those figures. The public would be interested.

It seems to me one way to save your job when this all gets out is to suddenly reinvent yourself, like changing parties and aligning yourself with "tough on crime guys". But the problem would probably repeat because we pay the same basic salary no matter if a good job or a bad job is done. That seems a poor system.

Anonymous said...

720 dont have a hissy fit. no one knows who you are unless you dont wipe the drool off your chin. besides we cant see inside the tinted windows in youre white van.

Anonymous said...

720 dont have a hissy fit. no one knows who you are unless you dont wipe the drool off your chin. besides we cant see inside the tinted windows in youre white van.

Anonymous said...

838 see you at the old pit i will be there in my black crown vic

Anonymous said...

i'll recognize it by the personalized FGUMP tags now wont I?

Anonymous said...

How many of your churches has Sherriff Buice showed up in thsi election season?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Name the campaign promise he hasnt kept?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What good would it do to name them walter is sitting there with his finger on the delete button....and besides you all ready know.

Anonymous said...

I hear a lot about money made from drug arrests on the interstate (heaven knows the sherriffs dept buys enough toys with it)but I wonder why you only hear about little busts among the users right here living in the county.

If someone living in this county is busted with meth or crack then someone living here in this county is dealing it to them.

Surely you folks aren't naive enough to think they went to Griffin to get it?

There is really only one reason I can think of as to why they are not being found and prosecuted. It's the same old story. It's all about who you know or who you are related to.

Nobody wants to see their kids busted or their neighbors kids busted. I guess there really isn't too much money in that either, is there?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

All blogs are jokes. Where else, besides a joke, could people with your intelligence stumble through sentence fragment after sentence fragment about everything from the local rumor-mill to your poorly formed opinions on our complex economy and high finance.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So what does everyone think about the group of men running for sheriff.....not much of a choice in my opinion!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

it's plum obvious whos side your on Walter you are so biased.

Anonymous said...

6:17 how can you call this an open forum when if you say certain things about a certain person it gets deleted.

walter geiger said...

if you will take note, i am not allowing any bashing of your candidate, either.

read the rules at the top of the first page!

Anonymous said...

Ok Walter you say the rules are that you may not rip or endorse a specific candidate CORRECT?Then go to the post Obama/Jerimiah Wright there blogg 9:23 calls Pat Bucanah all sorts of racist and an idiot(that's bashing).Now go down to post 12:51 where Obama is refered to as looking like a big eared monkey and his wifes long arms as if there is some thing wrong with her(that's bashing).These are people who are much higher ranking politicians than some around Lamar county and Obama is a candidate who I support and believe in but you allowed these bloggs to stay WHY?If someone were to make those very same remarks about a candidate in Lamar county they would be deleted immediately and the facts speak for themselves so don't try to deny it.

walter geiger said...

you make an excellent point. my intent was to not have to referee local political fights. so, i have changed the wording to reflect that.

by local, i mean candidates who live and serve here in lamar county, its judicial, state house and state senate districts.

have at the rest of them if you like.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for changing the rules in the middle of the game Walter now I can sleep better.

Anonymous said...

the reson the chinese want tibet back is theyare going to run a hig tech tram up mount everest this will be the world next big tourist attraction worth billions

Anonymous said...

First off since this is open to whatever we want to say, I would like to say how wonderful it has been this week to take my children to school and not have to dodge potholes. Thank you for paving the road finally!!!

And last but not least I do recall another blog in Barnesville being shut down when people started bashing the person in charge of it. If you don't like how Walter runs it, then stay off the blog and start your own. Simple

Anonymous said...

did anyone else read the article from a.p. today that said that the social security fund was being helped by the "other than legal workers"....they said that illegals were younger workers and paid in but most moved back home before collecting or was so young it would be years before they collected......what a load of bull shot.......most illegals are paid as independent contractors or are paid under the table.....they are not paying into the system but as they get older, they will get a ss card and pay in just enough to be provided benefits........the "other than legals" as the government likes to call them, cost us in taxes not being collected, ss not being collected, medicare in not being collected, burdens our school systems, and knocks out a job for a regular job..........

Anonymous said...


just wondering if you agree with the convicted transgender murder that is suing the state to pay for his sex change? From what I understand, while in prison, he has already been getting hormone therapy and laser hair removal. He has already run up $56,000 in lawyer fees that tax payers are footing......... all thanks to LIBERALS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brad for Sheriff!

Anonymous said...

7:24, I hope you win your lawsuit. It'll make your stay much more enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

to can it be due to the liberals, when we have republicans in cant keep blaming ted kennedy and bill clinton for things that happen while george bush and perdue are in charge.....liberleft

Anonymous said...

walter, what happened to the article from the black ohio man about obama.....i miss reading the blog comments from that it still here and i cant find it or did you remove the entire post.....just wondering........liberleft

Anonymous said...

Walter doesn't like Obama so give him time, he'll dig up more dirt to post. On the other hand we aren't allowed to question his local political friends, like the boyz that stole all that county tax money or that cut each other breaks.

Anonymous said...


My question to you is how do you feel about it? Should the prisioner be allowed to has a sex change? I know you feel sorry for people,so be honest.

Anonymous said...


Who was the wizard that decided these things could operate on city streets?

-No tag required

-No insurance required

-No license required, based on all the children I see operating them.

Just a matter of time before a fatality occurs. Someone in authority better wake up and stop this nonsense before blood and brains run in the street.