Monday, March 24, 2008

county kicking CARE to the curb?....

details where you would expect them at


Anonymous said...

typical ......... out of the pot and into the fire.

Oh yeah..... and don't give anyone a chance to make ammends for errors.

Anonymous said...

don't you mean give them a chance to kill someone next time

Anonymous said...

I have to comment on this subject. I have been following and read of some of the problems with CARE EMS. I had an experience with the previous EMS providers in the fall of '03. My wife had suffered a blood clot in her lung. She survived only because of the excellent first medical responders care she received. All of the responders, EMS, Volunteer Firefighters, Police, et al Knew their job and performed it. But. most of all, they knew where my house is and the way to the hospital. I am concerned that they may not know how to find my house in this isolated area of Lamar county I live in, if they are required again. I say, go back to the old. Any of us would pay a few extra dollars if it was our family or friends that needed their services.

Anonymous said...

How do we know the replacements will be any better?

I have not had to deal with CARE, but when I did use the previous providers, I had to wait for a replacement driver to arrive because the one dispatched had the flu. The replacement driver needed directions to get me to the hospital. I was very fortunate my injuries were not life threatening.

It does not matter who is utilized, they are all humans & thus not perfect.

Anonymous said...

I agree that we are all human, but I do belive that if my life where left in the hands of an EMS worker, I would want them to know where I lived, and to know how to get to the hospital of my choice. I would also want them to know what they where doing.

Anonymous said...

I'm an EMS provider! To answer some of your questions about finding your homes in rural county or even inside the city when you call 911 for help. Here's how you can do it. Mark your houses properly with a big reflective sign right by the drive-way entrance of the road. They are available for a very small fee or make them yourself. We can find the road you live on but we don't know everyone in the county and know where or what your house looks like unless we have been there alot. As far as the quaility of care recieved by an EMS provider, it defers every where you go. Some give great medical care, some give no-so great medical care. I take pride in my job and have gotten plenty of compliments from patients on the care they have recieved from me and I have never recieved a complaint on me, EVER!. Even in Lamar County. I live here and work for CARE Ambulance. So now, I'm gonna be out of a job. I will not work for a service that doesn't pay its employees what they are worth. Mid-GA only pays around $8.50 an hour for EMT's and around $10.50 an hour for Paramedics. What kind of medical care do you think you'll get then?


Anonymous said...

Stop the nonsense excuses. You are trying to defend something that there is no excuse for.

1.) The problem was not the employee wages.

2.) The problem wasn't finding the house because it was not marked.

The problem was finding the HOSPITAL.

The problem was equipment not working.

The problem was slow reaction to overcome simple problems.

Stop the strawman arguments. Stick to the real point.

Anonymous said...


I have never had to use an ambulance and hope I never do. I understand that you are upset but, I would think that if CARE paid better, the least they could offer would be employees that not only have medical knowledge but also know their way around this area. In my opinion CARE employees were doesn't matter how good you are and how much you love your job if you cant find the hospital. This was a failure of CARE management.