Monday, March 10, 2008

commentator from across the pond on muslims...

very pithy stuff. warning: light off color language could offend a few.

click here


Anonymous said...

I liked his comments and he was right on target. Yet for every one that agrees, 10 ignorant people will side with the muslims. Jaihad - lets get it on. I'm tired of your sh** too.

Anonymous said...

When the two biggest people must live so close to each other, sooner or later they will tie up. Muslims have been taking cheap shots and sucker punches for too long. Iraq was just a punch in the arm. We should break their jaw and shut them up. But those great liberals would prefer to kiss more ass. So where does it end.

Anonymous said...

I work for a British firm and I swear, it's like none of them realize that we kicked their arses for our freedom and kept them from speaking german in WWII.

None of them except those outside the big cities; Those who's parents resided in bomb shelters at night and worked during the day in fear.

The dole is an embarassment to our hardy allies. They don't take crap off of anyone and will soccer riot your arses for taking their fish and chips which they'll gladly offer or give you.

This cat is on point with the Euro - embrasing of these bomb wearers.

They have patience. We have microwaves and ESPN. We have no stomach, nor do they, cuase they blow theirs up.

Anonymous said...

The problem isn't being a liberal, the problem is being dumb.

Bush is just freaking dumb. So was his short little friend who mismanaged our response.

That dumba$$ Vietnam draft evader running our country actually thought we could win a police action in a country where people have hated each other and have been at war between tribes for thousands of years. Now he has us stuffed.

The way to win is like Israel does. You can't get in a civil war or try to kill innocent people and destroy infrastructure to get rid of someone who is 3000 miles away.

We really screwed up bad with this war. We need smarter people who are able to learn lessons and use common sense, not more of this monosighted rich boy Governement.

We are going to be so tanked by our economy that Binladen will win. He will cripple America and the American dream because we have a president who is too stupid to know how to react and too poor of a manager to hire good advisors.

Worse yet there isn't a Republican yet who seems to be smart enough to realize what the problem is and who tells the truth.

We haven't seen anything yet. Unless we start governing for the middle class and stop this rich boyz club and stop this stupid expensive war Binladen will win.

That's prbably because Binladen is smarter than Bush, but then so is my dog.