Monday, March 10, 2008

those whackos from topeka are at it again...

three protested at the funeral of slain auburn coed...

this is from the marietta daily journal website:

As mourners of Lauren Burk arrived Sunday at Temple Kol Emeth in Marietta for funeral services for the murdered Auburn University freshman, they were met by members of the Westboro Baptist Church, who were there to picket the services.

The controversial Topeka, Kan.-based fundamentalist group is known for demonstrating at the funerals of gay people and most recently, funerals of American soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ms. Burk's father, James Burk, is Jewish and her mother, Viviane Guerchon, is Baptist.

On Sunday afternoon, three members of the group stood at an entrance to the synagogue at 1415 Old Canton Road near Sewell Mill Road holding placards that thanked God for the 18-year-old's death.

In response, a few passing motorists shouted angrily at them, said Westboro member Timothy Phelps.

Summarizing the group's doctrine, Phelps claimed that rampant sins being committed on American college campuses are the reason for deaths such a Ms. Burk's.

"God almighty did this," Phelps said. "The Almighty sent that murderous thug - like a heat-seeking missile - to bereave her parents and to send a message."

To answer critics, Phelps said he doesn't feel like his group is being disrespectful because nothing worse can happen to Ms. Burk's family and that they should feel responsible for her death.

As they do frequently, members of the Patriot Guard Riders - a national military support organization - were also present at the synagogue to stand in opposition to the Westboro Baptist Church. Forty-two Patriot Guard Riders stood several dozen yards down the street from the Westboro members, holding American flags.

The two groups did not confront each other. However, there were cheers from supporters of the Patriot Guard Riders when the Westboro members left.

"We came out today because the community asked us to because they knew that the protestors would be here and didn't know what else to do," said Leslie Neely of the Patriot Guard Riders.

She said her organization, with about 2,500 members in Georgia, was also contacted by the family of Ms. Burk to be present at the synagogue and meet with them after the service.

No incidents of violence were reported, according to Cobb Police, who were on hand to keep order.

Phelps said that the Westboro Baptist Church intends to send members to picket the campus-wide memorial service for Ms. Burk at Auburn University today.

East Cobb resident Joy Llewallyn's son, Ross, graduated from Walton High School with Ms. Burk. She said she was saddened that someone would decide to oppose the funeral services of an innocent victim.

"I think it's a poor choice to protest something like this," she said. "The family needs the respect and she does."

Kennesaw State University student Blake Herring of Waynesboro said he was so angry at the news of the picket that he felt compelled to drive to the synagogue and stand beside the Patriot Guard Riders in support of them and Ms. Burk's family.

"They disgust me to even share a Baptist title," he said of church group. "I don't hate them, but I definitely do not agree with anything that they stand for."


Anonymous said...

They should't be suprised when someone is sent to kick their ass.

Anonymous said...

so now they are protesting Jews. What is wrong with these people? bless their hearts...