Sunday, January 21, 2007

no surprise: hillary will run for president...

as will barack hussein obama. others who are in or likely will be include sen. sam brownback (r-kansas), former north carolina democratic senator john edwards, sen. chris dodd (d-connecticut), sen john mccain (r-arizona), former new york mayor rudy giuliani and former massachusetts governor mitt romney.

if you had to vote today, for whom would you cast your ballot?


Anonymous said...

Rudy Giuliani: or maybe John Mccain.

I have nothing against a woman president but Hillary is not the person to lead this country.

Anonymous said...

John Edwards.

Anonymous said...

Mccain all the way!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The two mentioned, Hillary and Osama leave me with a bad feeling if either get to live in the White House. Hillary Showed her self, when she left before taking valuables from the White House. That is a sign of total disrespect for the White House. Osama is a closet Muslim, which I believe is a danger to every American Citizen.

Anonymous said...

Bill Richardson - He doesn't have the name recognition of the others, but he is clearly the most qualified. He is, or has been, a Governor, Congressman, Cabinet member and UN Ambassador. That is a well rounded resume dealing in virtually all facets of government.

On top of his experience, he is probably the most reasonable individual in the race. We have become too polarized in our politics and need to return to a more moderate/reasonable leaders.

I don't know if he has the name recognition to win, but Richardson would make the best next president.

Anonymous said...

The dudes name is not Osama, but Barak Obama. He is a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is extremely liberal and pro abortion, same-sex marriage and opposed to American involvement i Irag. Not a good candidate for president.

Anonymous said...

if barack gets elected will we be an Obamanation?

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected Obama, who was raised as a Muslim, by his parents and his step father. His move to a protastant religion is for, in my opinion, political reasons.

Anonymous said...

Obama will make you think he is Osama, if he gets any political power.

Anonymous said...

Who is Bill Richardson?

William Blaine "Bill" Richardson (born November 15, 1947) is an American politician, a member of the Democratic Party, and a 2008 candidate for President of the United States. He has served as a Congressman, United States Ambassador to the United Nations, and U.S. Secretary of Energy; he is presently the Governor of New Mexico. He was also chairman of the 2004 Democratic National Convention that nominated John Kerry for the presidency.

Richardson was born in Pasadena, California. His mother, Maria Luisa Lopez-Collada, was Mexican. His father, William Blaney/Blaine Richardson, the son of Boston-born naturalist William Blaney Richardson and his Hispanic wife Rosaura Ojeda, was born in Nicaragua, grew up in Boston, and worked for Citibank as an executive in Mexico. Bill Richardson was raised in Mexico City, but moved to Massachusetts at age 13 to attend a Boston-area high school. Richardson played baseball in high school at Middlesex School in Concord, Massachusetts and was a pitcher. Richardson went on to play for Tufts University. For nearly forty years he claimed to have been selected in the 1966 Major League Baseball amateur draft, although this turned out to be incorrect.Arm trouble later prevented him from pursuing a professional career.

At Tufts, he majored in French and political science, and was a brother of Delta Tau Delta. He then added a master's degree from Tufts' Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He met his wife, Barbara Flavin, in Boston.

After college, he worked on congressional relations for the State Department. He was later a staff member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In 1978, he moved to Santa Fe and ran for Congress, losing to longtime 1st District congressman and future United States Secretary of the Interior Manuel Lujan (R). Four years later, Richardson was elected to New Mexico's newly created third district, taking in most of the northern part of the state.

Richardson spent a little more than 14 years in Congress, never facing a truly serious opponent in the heavily Democratic 3rd District. As a congressman, he kept his interest in foreign relations. He visited Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cuba, Peru, India, North Korea, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Sudan to represent U.S. interests. In 1995, he traveled to Baghdad with Peter Bourne and engaged in lengthy one-on-one negotiations with Saddam Hussein to secure the release of two American aerospace workers who had been captured by the Iraqis after wandering over the Kuwaiti border. He became a member of the Democratic leadership, where he worked closely with Bill Clinton on several issues.

In 1997, Clinton appointed him as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. He served there until 1998, when he was appointed as U.S. Secretary of Energy, where he served for the remainder of the Clinton administration.

Want to know more?

wdm said...

Don't waste your time worrying about Obama -- Hillary is the one to worry about. As much as I hate to say it...looks like we are going to have a female president soon.

Anonymous said...

Hillary will have the National Media on her side, because she is so liberal, they will always have a story, about some far out thing she is doing. Obama, in my opinion, is a danger to this country. Never mind the semantics of misspelling his name. He is a danger, I believe.

Anonymous said...

Hillary will have the National Media on her side, because she is so liberal, they will always have a story, about some far out thing she is doing. Obama, in my opinion, is a danger to this country. Never mind the semantics of misspelling his name. He is a danger, I believe.

Anonymous said...

boy, that is a long disertation on Richardson. Hmmm kin to him?

Anonymous said...

How was Giuliani a part of 9-11?

Anonymous said...

Don't rule Obama out. I laughed in 1976 when Carter ran for president. Now there was a joke! Now he's an 82 year old senile joke.