after allegedly buying marijuana at a drive-up drug market on kate court in barnesville.
chief chuck keadle reported the arrest of mary fletcher, 47, of 126 robinson road on a charge of possession of marijuana.
see barnesville.com for more info.
this is an open discussion forum. keep it clean. personal attacks on private citizens will not be tolerated. you may discuss politics if you like but you may not rip or endorse specific local candidates.
Does the state of ga not require pop piss test?
My prayers and thoughts are with Ms. Fletcher and her family. Only by the grace of God, some others have not been caught. I pray if she is guilty, she will get treatment. She can still be a role model by the way she handles herself in getting the help she needs, if there is a drug problem in her life. It doesn't lessen the crime, but thank God it was not on school grounds. Keep your head up Mary and do what it takes to take care of the problem.
Hey - where can we get a good dime bag?
My Grandchild had her as a teacher and she was absolutely wonderful. She was kind, supportive and all the kids seemed to love her. She is not the first and will not be the last. What she did is illegal and it should be handled as the law directs. Hang in there Mighty Mrs. Fletcher we're praying for you, and I hope you teach my next Grandchild. Folks this is not the end of the world, please be supportive of this wonderful lady that simply made a mistake.
What about the drug house? Who are they, are they in jail???? Inquiring minds want to know.
it states in the opening page of this web site. tony akins and a buckner person were arrested for the sale of the drugs. i wonder how involved the teacher was in the middle school DARE program? and my opinion is that she loses her teachers certificate!(its not like she is a young adult making a mistake)
You would think that the school system would require random drug testing. How many teachers have been caught now? These are people we trust our children with day in and day out...how can some of you act like it is no big deal?
To anon. 7:39,
I, too, like Mrs. Fletcher, but when a woman goes to a known drug market and buys that much, she means business. She does not need the priviledge of going back in the school and teaching any child, but needs to be repriminded for her actions. To lead children, you need to be a good role model, and Mary was not that when she bought drugs on the street. I am very sorry that she took that route, because she is a woman of great talents and gifts.
What's wrong with you people?
Ms. Fletcher knew what she was doing was wrong and in violation of the law and the two young men that was arrested for selling it to her was most likely prior students of hers.
Let's see is the BOE takes appropiate actions or if they slap her on the back of the wrist.
Hats off to the Barnesville PD for cleaning up the streets a little more. Great job guys!
I hope they fire her. If not, what is that telling the kids?
Yeah of course she was kind, and supportive. Cause she was high and sharing with the kids,so of course they loved her.
You people are so stupid,she did the crime now do the time. She has no business back in school teaching. How can you people justify her actions by saying oh she sweet oh she so nice the kids love her. She needs to be held to the high standards as a teacher should be held.GIVE ME A BREAK!!!
She needs to be under the jail.
There should be no slack for her. She is involved with choldren. How in the world are we going to make progress against drugs with teachers into drugs? The school system needs to tighten up on testing the employees, ALL employees.
She does not need to hold her head up. She needs to hang it in shame. So does the Lamar school system.
Why should the school system need to be ashamed? They were not responsible for her actions. As far as they knew, until the drug bust, she was a fine upstanding citizen who came to work and did her job.
I would like to think that we are a society that says innocent until proven guilty, but I also know that is not the truth. Either way, Mary Fletcher and the people who ran the house are responsible for their own actions. We are too quick to blame others instead of taking responsibility or giving responsibility.
She will have no choice now but to take responsibility for her actons. The school needs to take responsibility also and fire her.
The school also needs to start drug testing all employees. Most places of business do that. Even the people who work for the city, including the officers go for random drug testing.
Her new name should be Mary Jane
Maybe she should teach at the "high" school!
Mrs Fletcher is innocent until proven guilty. She is a wonderful person, her mistake was trying to help others, everyone is entitled to a fair trial, no one should be judging her until her side comes out. We love and support you Hope and Tawana
How was she trying to help others? By purchasing dope for them!!!!
She will be principal soon: She would be crazy to work in a goverment school and not be stoned!!!!!
4:59 the school should be ashamed for not doig due diligence-an unheard of concept in Lamar cty schools.A drug test maybe? We've had a teacher with a magic phone now one with wacky tabacky.
Enough, you folks have now condemed
her, go clean out your own closets.
her side? lets see, what can she say to prove her innocence? It wasnt me that drove up in the car and bought the dope. It wasnt me that the cops pulled over and got the dope out of the car? HMMMM
You would think, holding a position at a school, she would have tried to be a little discreet. I guess you always take a risk when you drive right up to a known drug house. She deserved to get caught. She deserves what ever happens to her now.
All you folks calling for this ladies head must be pretty perfect. According to government statistics, 41% of the entire US population has used narcotics of some sort. And if she was smoking after school, morally, it is no different than someone having a drink to unwind after a day of work. And I don't know this for sure but isn't that small amount of weed just a misdemeanor?
41% have used some kind of narcotic, but that includes prescription drugs, and those who did it when they where young and stupid. This person was an adult and a school teacher and ought to know better. It is much different than going home and having a drink. That is legal. When you do something that you know will risk the losing of your job, the embarrasment of your school and the respect of your students, you have really screwed up.
Does it really matter if it is only a misdemeanor? She didnt just go home and have a LEGAL glass of wine, she went to a drug house and bought not one, but two dime bags of pot. That tells me that she does it more often than not. What if it had been Meth or Crack? Would that change your opinion? Is that an ok way to unwind if you cant deal with your job. Truth be known, she probably drinks too. The point is that this lady teaches our children. She is held to a higher standard. She knows better. I know people dont think smoking pot is a big deal compared to other HABITS, but what else does this lady do?
Poor Mary. She is such a wonderful teacher. She will be a loss to the school system. For all of you out there that know mary and love Mary, please show your support. Contact the BOE and let them know how much she is loved.
Bring back Mary as a teacher, let Henry sell houses, and please let poor Arthur practice law again. They are all just victims of society and deserve a second chance. Doesnt God teach us that we should forgive , and, to love thy neighbors? Come on Barnesville, lets show our love and compassion. Havent we all made mistakes that we are ashamed of? How many of us have been given second chances? Dont they deserve a second chance? Lets not be hypocrits!
To the 11:28 anonymous, I said it was not morally different than drinking. I am pretty sure everyone is aware of the legality part of it.
Mary is a wonderful teacher and a true friend! Please give her a second chance. My thoughts and prayers are with her entire family.
Remember only those of you without sin should be casting stones! Think about it!
She should have thought about it.
It's easy to tell the difference between conseratives and liberals when you read these post. Anyone disagree?
To wdm:
Drinking is not immoral except to a very minor subset of Christians who happen to live in the US. Breaking the laws and established norms of your society and profession is immoral.
Mary and Arthur...Yes!
Realistically, even if I wanted some "wacky weed" to help someone else (like with terminal cancer), I have enough respect for my position as a teacher that I would find someone else to do that chore for me and certainly would not do it in Lamr County. Mary knows everyone in Lamar County and should have known that people (especially students) could be watching.
The Bible preaches that we are to forgive those who ask forgiveness. Of all these criminals in Lamar County, I have not heard one of them admit being wrong and ask for forgiveness.
Of course, it also preaches to take the "log" out of our own eye before we can see the splinters in others' eyes.
To 6:21....
You ARE Exactly right! That is exactly the way that I feel!
How much will it cost the tax payers for the BOE to discuss what to do about the teacher arrested for the drug charge?
• $1050.00 minimum
How much do we pay them by the hour or year? The board usually has one meeting a month - (but budget and other local workshops, state and regional conferences and other such meetings also count)(3 meetings per month x 12 months = 36 meetings) Average meeting 1.5 hours x 36 Meeting = 54 hours)
• Susan Byars 9.000.00 (9000/54= $166.66 per hour)
• Ron Smith 7,200.00 (7200/54= $133.33 per hour)
• Horace Hightower 7,200.00 (7200/54= $133.33 per hour)
• Sue O’Neal 7,200.00 (7200/54= $133.33 per hour)
• Ryan Christopher 7,200.00 (7200/54= $133.33 per hour)
Per Meeting = $1,050 x 36 Meetings = $37,800.00 (37800/54= $700.00 per hour)
Board members are also paid travel expenses based on amount spent.
• Travel expenses x 5 BOE members (Estimate $2500.00 per year per member) = $12,500.00)
$37,800 + $12,500 = $50,300.00/12 = $4191.00 per month cost to the tax payers.
Are they worth it?
Lamar County Middle School is a great school with AWESOME administrators! Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Mathis do an outstanding job with our teachers and children. Do not bring the school into this. If you want to question the school...go take a look for yourself!!
To 5:36 anonymous, so are you claiming yourself to be the judge of what is moral and immoral. I have read the Bible front to back several times. In all those times, I have never heard it mention anything about drug use and that if anyone does drugs it is an immoral act. Obviously you are a drinker and can justify your habit by claiming that since it is legal it is ok. Drinking, smoking, shooting up all adds up to one common thing...using an outside substance to change how your body feels. The original commission formed by the government to study drug use and it's affects on Americans recommended that marijuana not be made illegal. They concluded that it would criminalize otherwise good honest citizens and overcrowd our prisons with non-violent offenders.
To wdm:
So you are one of those folks who does not believe in judging. Judge not lest you be judge is not a prohibition on judgement, but rather a warning of the results of judgement. As to putting substances in your body, they all change you. A recent study showed Southern Baptists are the most obese denomonation in the US.
Immoral is defined in the dictionary as opposed to accepted moral principles. One of those is obeying the law.
If you commit a crime, you should expect to pay the price associated with that crime, if you are caught.
All the whining about the person receiving the just sentence for their actions, doesnt make sense to me. The person should expect the penalties. A teacher, especially, since a large part of their vocation deals with success and penalties. hmmmmmm
I don't know about all the judging stuff...you are obviously to smart for me in that category. As far as what is moral and what isn't, I don't think when we die and stand before God he will judge us on whether we are a casual beer or liquor drinker or weed smoker. I truly feel sorry for this teacher & what she is going through. I have done some semi-retarded crap in my time so I guess I can empathize with her.
A wise man told me one time that "everyone has skeletons in their closets; it's just that some people keep the door closed tighter than others."
wdm maybe it's morally ok with you but it's morally wrong in my mind to break the law. i think morally means obeying the rules. big difference in having a legal drink in your own home and having an illegal joint.
Morally and legally are two different things. Speeding is breaking the law so does that mean you are an immoral person if you speed or don't wear a seat belt or jaywalk?
Morality and legality are not always two different things. I too have done some dumb things in my life and have paid the price. Ms. Fletcher should now have to pay as well. She has violated a public trust to the school and a private trust with her students and now can have zero credibility with either.
WDM I believe you would argue with a sign post. Fact is Person Broke the Law. Person is in a High Profile position with the children of the county, Person has set a bad example for these children. Person should pay for doing this to the children of Lamar County.
Has anyone stopped to think what a rediculous law this is in the first place? If hemp couldn't be used as a textile product, it would have never been outlawed in the first place. This law was put into place by industrialist looking to protect their industries' interests. Pot is no more harmful to the body than cigs or alchohol.
I agree. I think they should legalize it.
11:53...it is against the law. She bought it and broke the law. That is the point here. I don't want my child smoking pot, nor do I want them being influenced by a teacher who does. Our kids have enough problems as it is, and things like this just add to their confusion. Show the young people that if you disrespect authority and break the rules, you are punished. They need to learn that you don't get away with doing wrong.
all she has do do is follow RUDY RULE #1 go join the big church in the community say you found the light,tell everyone how jesus has changed your life (even though you are a convicted felon,drugs & automic weapons)lay low till the trial,someone from the church will be on the jury and off you go,
if you tink for one minute this women will get convicted for this in lamar co you need to get your head out of the sand.i agree with 1:28 thats the way to go
Five will get you ten this will be no billed by the grand jury and disappear. Lamar County justice at work.
Someone on this blog seems to have a problem with Rock Springs Church and Mr. Vaughn's salvation. That little church in N.E. Lamar County has been blessed to have the finest pastor in America. The Holy Spirit is really moving at that church. I invite you to come join us.
maybe you should invite mary
Ya'll all sound like my dad so I am use to this conversation. He's a tee-totaler to the bone (once told me he would swear that alcohol had never even touched his lips (and he was 50 at the time)) so I am use to all these responses on this subject. After 20 years I haven't changed his mind on things one bit so I know I don't stand a chance with you guys in a single blog. Just judge the lady on what she has done for the kids. To get named Star Teacher is a big deal so she was obviously very giving and caring. If she doesn't get caught, she is Star Teacher and no one knows any different.
mrs smith is a good lady and its not like she had a pound of weed r a large amount of weed. everyone knows that she is not going to get any jail time for what she did. its just a big deal cause she was a teacher. she is human just like everyone else on this earth and she just liked to smoke some weed in here spare time. it didnt stop her from doing her job or she would not have been the teacher of the year. doing drug test will not make the school system any better cause some of the teachers arent on drugs and they didnt do the job that mrs smith did. go head and fire her and that takes another good teacher out of lamar county. let the law do what it is going to do to mrs smith and lets get on with our lives. its not like lamar county school system has people begging to teach in our schools so we should try and keep as many good teachers in our system that we can cause God knows when we will get another one.
it will just get washed under the table why even talk about it
I also heard that a bus driver got caught too. Is this true or does anyone know?
A dime bag of weed or big bucks for antidepressents, and when so many others do the same, out of a can or bottle. What is this world coming to when we prohibit a God give gift from an individual to so many others because od a mear minor indulgence?
I don't know what is worse: The possible train wreck of a life when one over uses recreational drugs or the stigma brought on an individual from a community when local law enforcement pad their budget for busting someone for what shouldn't be illegable in the first place?
I know Mrs. Fletcher personally and not just that, were related. I'm not saying what she did is wrong. But who are we to judge her.If you are not a judge, a attorney, or juror. Then I guess yours and my opinion don't count. I do recall some years ago. A mayor and judge was driving drunk and got pull over for drunk driving by our law enforcement. If they was taken in for custody they would have lost their job and one officer did {B.W.} So if know one made a big issues about that. What are they worrying about Mary for. Mrs. Fletcher knows she made a mistake she is the one who has to give an account for that. Let the so call law and Board do there job. We will be surprise to actually find out where the drugs are really coming from. Why don't we ask the pusher where they get there supplies from. Maybe they might just tell us all from the ones that lock them up,or the ones that read their sentences.
Imagine for a second that you are about to board an airplane and you happen to see your pilot purchasing a dime bag of weed. Do you still want to take your flight? Maybe you're about to go out to dinner and you witness the babysitter make a weed purchase. Do you want the person sitting with your kids? Does a role modle set a good example by breaking the law? Do you want to teach your children that smoking pot is ok, and when you break the law just a little bit, no harm done. If so, then you have a bigger problem than she does.
Maybe it should be legal or maybe it shouldn't. I don't know. But, right now it's not legal and you are committing a crime purchasing, using, or just carrying it around. A good role model must set the example. Being arrested for weed does not set a good example.
My daughter told me about this story. She thinks it is really funny. She likes having Mrs. Fletcher for a teacher and it is a sad thing when a well liked and respected person falls. I have had my share of troubles and I have made most of it for myself. I do hope that the school board asks her to resign. I don't want to judge someone I don't know but I also don't think she needs to be in a classroom with my children.
Is this the most ridiculous and petty crime of the year so far?
To me it is, why or how could authority let or cause such an asset
to be drug through the mud like this. This incident was nothing and
only the community will suffer as a result. I can’t believe after 30 years Chuck is still looking for that smoking roach.
It is beyond me how so many parents can send their children to school
on adderol, ridilin, and other mind altering drugs but can condemn someone
for being around marijuana. It’s time for Americans to say yes to marijuana and
no to pharmaceutical drugs.
If you are distressed by someone having a toke, just have a double scotch with your Prozac and don’t worry until something serious happens.
Its a sad day when someone downs the fact that someone has given their life to God! I'm ashamed to be a part of this community where people think that way. This lady is VERY wrong for breaking the law and ingesting illegal substance into her system as well as the Mr. Rudy. BUT to say that he is using MY church to get out of his wrong doing is just a false statement. I assure you that if I or any of my co-members were on that jury, I would find him guilty as charged if that in fact is the case. I don't know him and haven't seen him in my church because there are SO many people there EVERY Sunday to get the word of God from the BEST pastor I have known! The judge and jury in the court system is not the one the human race should be concerned with, its the Judge and Jury in the Heavens and you people who pass your judgement will also one day bow before that same GOD!! So, please don't attack a church family or Pastor who stands by their members and the community!! You may one day be in trouble and one things for sure Pastor Benny Tate would be there for you fighting like you were his own flesh and blood!! The Bible says in Matthew 7:1-3 "Do not judge lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. And why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?"
At least she chose to take this substance. The real problem is the school system and the parents forcing ritlin and aderal (sp?) down the throats of the same children they are supposed to be teaching and guiding.
How can any parent whose child is on ritlin even think of judging this woman? Her actions are effecting herself and herself only. It is proven that pot doesn't effect one's work performance. However, your bad parenting and lack of ability to discipline your children absent of mind altering drugs will have everlasting detrimental effects on your children's lives. The only life, other than yourself, to which you hold a responsibility.
The parents and school systems are failing their responsibilities to our children. And, in doing so, you are robbing our future society of many great and over-acheiving minds. All because it is easier to drug your child than it is to discipline them and teach them to harness their limitless abilities.
On a good note....I hear our government schools are now meeting the minimum requirements to stay out of trouble. At least we are getting our money's worth.
-"If you will it, it is no dream"
a true child....excuse me but you are way off line!! Take your time and read slowly! Please tell me what part of that quote from the Bible was a religious error? At no point in time did that statement "pacify" anything! As you can see very clearly, the statement was NOT in any way defending this woman! It says very clear that she was wrong wrong wrong! What was being defended was the House of God that many people in this community as well as others attend faithfully every time the doors open! What was in fact being said was it is not our place...including yours...to judge ANYONE! It is the job of our Father in Heaven!!!!! Quoting the Bible directly from the book of Matthew is NOT tossing anything around loosly, or taking anything out of context! Read it sometime and you will see it was an exact copy of Matthew Chapter 7 verses 1-3. A "TRUE CHRISTIAN" would not write the things YOU did about the lady for ANYONE to see whether they are true or false! SAD!! If you are so concerned with the things she has done or been addicted to then why haven't you stepped up and reported these things to the appropriate people. I am sure that parents in that school system would have liked to know all the things you claim to know. One is as bad as the other don't you think!! The point is...no matter what your past holds, GOD FORGIVES and thats all this lady needs to worry about! If she rots in prison for her crimes, she still has a Father who loves her!!
Does anyone know what the board of ed decided about her during their meeting on Tuesday evening?
Why was there not this big of an issue with the teacher at the high school with many more years experience in the field of education, when he was caught with a much more powerful drug: METH?
If memory serves me correctly, it was weeks before it was even published.Keep in mind, this was earlier this school year. Granted, wrong is wrong, especially when there is poor judgement.WHO HAS NOT DONE WRONG AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER????
We need to pray, not only for Mr. Boone and Mrs. Fletcher, but for ALL people who are working in the educational field. The children that are being taught here are our future.
Let us try to mold them, beginning at home first so that they can grow up to be productive citizens.Send them to school to learn, behave and believe in themselves. Lamar County
is a great system.If critics cannot be part of the solution, please don't add to the problem. Get involed with the positive and not just wait until there are porblems or you think there are problems. Where is the perfection in this county? I know of none. Come on critics, let's be fair!!!!!
Well said 9:40!!
Leave the bible out of this... this is a matter of law. Anyway, the 5 precepts of Buddhism pretty support same thing as most of the vitriolic Christian condemnations of Ms. Fletcher... Where are the other religious representatives when there's a rule-breaker to be demonized?
5 Precepts
To not kill living beings
To not take what is not given
To not act sexually in a way that is harmful
To not lie, slander, use harsh words, or gossip
To not partake of drugs and alcohol
which lead to further confusion
Here is another example that the war on drugs is not working and never will. We have hundreds of people locked up and we are paying the bill for their stay. Most never caused any harm or therat to another person. The millions of dollers spent is out the window, as far as I'm concerned.
Don't get me wrong,if a person committs a crime against another person or property while using drugs lock them up. It's the same as drinking. If you drink don't drive. Legalize the soft drugs and tax the heck out of them. The price will go down and life will go on.
evidently, some of youins were in her classes at school. cause yall cain't spell or you is on themm drugs too! seriously,she should not be a teacher again until she gets her act together.She needs help she should get that and a second chance.
I would hope she would at least do some sort of rehabilitation before regaining the teaching position. Maybe she has realized her wrongs. Either way, she is human and she will continue to live another day. God Bless Her and her family. I hope everything works out so everyone is happy.
Anonymous 1:22, that is one of the most intelligent posts I have read on this blog.
I agree with 1:22 as well BUT I wouldn't want my children doing pot or any dope because I want them to excel in every thing they possibly can and somehow I am just convinced that smoking pot will not advance them in any way. That is my opinion only. But who am I. I do agree that we shouldn't fill our jails with the people who only abuse their bodies with Pot but a stiff fine might stop a few users!! Just not something for me or my children I hope!!
chief keadle needs to catch some of the real criminals, but we all no that after all this time that is not gonna happen.
I have read all 86 comments on this issue. Since I am a teacher, I have to agree with the majority that what she did, misdemeanor or felony, was WRONG!!! It is not right for this woman to purchase known drugs, for whatever reason she has, and still be allowed to teach children. It does not set a good role model for children, or anyone for that matter. I also agree that the board should fire her, because the Public Service Commission states that "handling or using of illegal drugs is automatic firing and withdrawing of one's teaching certification". Yes, I also believe that the school districts should test for drugs, to keep things like this from happening again. She may be a wonderful person and teacher, but she made a very bad choice, and she must pay the consequences for her actions. If nothing is done but a slap on the wrist, you would be telling the children that what you do will not get you into trouble. There are consequences for every action. We are all accountable for what we do in our lives. She should be held accountable, and she should be fired and have her teaching certificate revoked. Maybe it will teach someone else a lesson, even if it's not her.
At least she wasn't caught having sex with one of her students...
She made a mistake, folks. It wasn't like she was taking the drugs to school and reselling them to the students.
Don't be so quick to rush to judgment when you don't have all of the facts. For all you know, she has a terminal loved one for whom she was buying the pot. There are some who do believe in the medicinal qualities of the drug; not all who take it do so in order to get high.
she should use that money she spent on the weed and pay a copay for a doctors visit. if someone is terminal, a doctor will not hesitate to hook them up!!!
This statement is mainly directed to writer 1158. You obviously have NO clue what you are talking about when it comes to children, parents and Ritalin. If you did, you would know that these meds work totally the opposite in someone with ADD or ADHD, instead of speeding you up, it calms you so that you can focus and the only words to describe how it feels not medicated, your mind is like an open can of worms, so do you know what that looks like? Until you have walked a mile in the shoes of a child or even an adult with the dx. ADD or ADHD, or the parent of one, you can't even comprehend what the letters mean, much less what the meds do for these children. I am an adult with ADHD, not medicated as a child, but later as a adult, and with your ignorance it goes without saying, you could never understand the difference it makes in just your day to day normal activities. My child however, has been medicated since the age of five, with no regrets by him or myself. If these meds were given when I was a child there is no doubt my school days could be good momories and not bad. However, this has nothing to do with this case in question. Mary is also well know to me and my family and we love her dearly. What she needs at this time is prayer more than anything. No one can or should blame the police for catching her or the BOE for the dicipline that she receives, she as an adult must step up and accept full responsibility for her actions, whether they are right, wrong, or indifferent. As a teacher, and in her case, teacher of the year, there is a level of accountability that she is responsible to and for. I am sure that she will be given due process and must also realize that we are all human and make mistakes, but there are also consequences for our actions. Mary worked very hard to be where she is, and it's sad that one stupid decision she makes can cost her everything, but it can. Mary, we are all praying for you and you know as well as anyone else, what the devil makes for bad God can turn around and make for good. This could be your wake up call, you know this could have been alot worse, so thank God, even though you feel and think that it's really bad right now you are only in a valley for a season. Remember Praise God even through the storm. We love you and are Praying for you.
To Anony. 7:42 AM,& barnesville blue 6:14 pm. Please read anony. 6:17PM. I think that this applies to both of you, as well as, 11:58. The law is the law no matter how you look at it. Noone made her stop to buy the drugs, or have them on her if the claim is that she did not buy them. This is nothing to make lite of. There is noone to blame for her name being " drug through the mud" but herself. As a matter of fact, I have only seen it in one newspaper on the 2nd page not the front, and not even on tv. If we all obeyed the laws, your friend Chuck would not have a job or need to look for a roach for 30 years. I live in Barnesville and have for over 20 years. If you are not doing anything wrong then a drug bust or anything else the Police does to clean our town up, surly will not bother you. Only those that break the law pay fines. So what does that tell you, the police do not pad their pockets we pad it for them because we think we are above the law or that we will not get caught. Lets face it, I would rather the ones paying the fines for their wrong suffer opposed to our taxes going up to fund the city. Mary does have some God given talents, as we all do, and she has also been as asset to our school system, as many others, however, she has chosen to make conscious decisions that jeopardize the ability to use these talents or limit the use of them. You guys, we all need to stop for a minute and look at the big picture. Stop blaming someone else for these decisions that Mary has made. Mary is a grown woman with a Masters degree, so she is no dummy, by any means, and believe me, if you check the records from years ago, she knows the law. The BOE needs to institute a policy for random drug testing if it does't already have one and if it does, it needs to start implementing the rules. Anyone working with and responsible for our children should have these done frequently. If you have a script for a med that would test out then your covered, other wise there should be no objections, or should there? Maybe, if there is something there that should'nt be. It's ok to be there for her she needs it now more than ever, but lets now find someone or something else to blame for her decisions.
Oh No!!! The teacher who wrote at 12:48 must be from out of state. It is not the Public Service Commission that handles certification issues in Georgia. It is Professional Standards Commission. Did you not attend the training? Opinions matter here in Lamar County. However, IF YOU ARE INDEED A TEACHER,please use the correct information. This makes you look just as bad; Not knowing who handles certification issues. WOW! I hope you don't have my child!
Hey 8:18pm. Leave Noone out of this. Just because he fronted Herman's Hermits all those years, there's no need say his drugs are in the mud...
fz, you must have bought crack instead of weed cause what you said made NO sense! eat some bread and see if that will help you come down. helps when i'm drunk.
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