Friday, January 12, 2007

if you had unlimited funds, authority and manpower...

what would you do about litter?


Anonymous said...

Litter was the number one priority for Joe Buice during his campaign. What happened?

Anonymous said...

The ditches on every road in this county is full of platic bottle, cups, styrafoam plates, aluminum cans and the like. How did it get there? Why hasnt someone on the roads department picked it up? Makes you wonder if all these high paid $2.00 executives are worth their pay.

Anonymous said...

Pocket the money and make the prisoners pick it up.

If there aren't enough prisoners, crack down on illegal immigration.

Anonymous said...

Joe Buice spent 20 something years with D N R and living in Lamar county and did,nt do any thing about littering what makes you think he,s going to now.He just told you 2 years ago what you wanted to hear the will do the same in 2 more years.

Anonymous said...

The prisioners need to be out and about picking it up. I dont understand what the problem with that is....

wdm said...

I drive Lamar County roads almost daily and I rarely see all this trash that eveyone is talking about. Sure there are locations that seem to be trashy but not to the extreme to say "every road in Lamar County"...that's bogus.

wdm said...

And secondly, just for those who may not know, when a sheriff is running for office and he says "I am going to clean the trash up" he's talking about the bad guys, not the roadsides.

Anonymous said...

Dummy up! He said he was going after those who litter.

Anonymous said...

WDM you must be wearing blinders when you drive, or you are not looking. Some of you comments make me think there is a yellowbrick road somewhere in Lamar County, and you and Toto are on it.

wdm said...

Some say a glass is half full and some say it is half empty. Obviously, I am one of those and you are the other.

Anonymous said...

If you people only knew what all takes place here at the sheriff's office. Buice only worried about one thing,being in the spotlight.

Anonymous said...

WDM get your eyes checked. Meantime get someone to drive for you. You're going to have a wreck.

Anonymous said...

And secondly he was speaking of litter. Ask him. If he's truthful, he'll admit it.

Anonymous said...

WDM your glass is half full. Maybe you better not drink the other half.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Buice????? I think someone on this website was apparently fired by him and cant GET OVER IT!!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought Buice meant the "trash" working at the SO. He did clean it up out there, though not completely.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 5:34 for what ever reason you think the way you do then he must have fired a lot of people from reading this blog.

Anonymous said...

No i dont think so, just one person inparticular

Anonymous said...

When you get elected and do what you say you were going to do, you get re-elected. When you don't you get replaced. Except in this town.

People have to be knocked in the head at least 3 times before they see the light. And still most of them cant see. He's the incumbent now. That's the only thing people around here understand. The rest just flys over their heads.

Anonymous said...

Litter is not the only problem. We have junk yards all over the county and nothing being done. The present code enforcement officer won't do a thing.

Anonymous said...

I bet I know where there,s a junk violation that won,t nothing be done about it on 41 south.

Anonymous said...

Even if the SO does something about the junk yards they wont have the paperwork right and the people will get off on technicalities. How many times has that happened over the past year? They have lost a lot of cases because they are so gung ho they forget to do the important stuff.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, someone needs to tell them how important the paperwork is. If they werent such glory hounds, maybe they would slow down and dot the i's and cross the t's........its all about getting their names in the paper or on the news.

Anonymous said...

who is the code enforcement officer

Anonymous said...

For a code enforcement officer you need to call Dan Gunters office that,s the building inspectors office.

Anonymous said...

I wonder about all the tires that are havens for mosquitos, they are around alot of business in town. I would think code enforcement would insist on these locations not being mosquito havens.

Anonymous said...

Im sure if you were code enforcement, you would not let that happen.

Anonymous said...

i think the SHERIFF is doing all he can with what hes got to work with,at least he isn't corrupt like the last one,i think ya'll are all mad because he thru the BAR-B-Q crooks in jail,now hes gone and got one of lamar co's teachers for durgs, great job JOE you be da man!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe had nothing to do with the drug bust, it was the city.

He may have busted Rudy but Its doubtful that the charges will stick.

Anonymous said...

of course the charges won't stick,the bar-b-q crook done gone an got himself tucked right in with the # 1 church in the comunity
found the light,and the way out,or should i say the way "off the hook"

Anonymous said...

In what way was Larry Waller corrupt? Give evidence and specific information to back it up. If it wee not for the great work of the Pike County sheriff, Buice would never had know about Rudy. It is still doubleful that they will get a convict4ion. What ever became of the great Morgan murder investigation? Buice still hasen't done anythng about his number one get the litter bugs and lock them up. Yes Rudy accepted Christ as his Savior and joined Rock Springs Chruch. God forgave him, but the state of Georgia hasen't. He still will have to face his day in court. In the eys of God, hei's already forgiven...and that's all that counts. Come on over, brother. There's room at the cross for you.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of people in this town that do not like Larry Waller and that is why he is no longer sheriff. Im not saying Buice is great but it certainly is an improvement. At least he is a man of him moral character and cares what goes on in his department. That is a whole lot more that i can say for Waller.

Anonymous said...

that should be high moral character....sorry for the typos

Anonymous said...

anonymous 6:11 you don,t know the Joe that I know don,t be fooled by what you don,t know.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 6:11 you don,t know the Joe that I know don,t be fooled by what you don,t know.

Anonymous said...

I dont think anyone is fooled by anything. Everyone with eyes and ears can figure things out.

Anonymous said...

no wonder lamar co is still just a backwater town that no industry will want to relocate to,just listen to yourselves,everybody has the answers but is anybody doing anything?,no and never will, they should rename this county
piss & moan GA.clean your own front porch before you talk about how dirty anothers might be

Anonymous said...

Why is Lamar county so trashy? I'd walk the roads and pick up all the trash for a salary like people at the courthouse make.

Anonymous said...

Hey anon 5:34...who wasn't fired by Joe Buice????

Anonymous said...

Law Dog you are my HERO!! Joe Buice is a joke! I wonder what church he is a member of...He claims to have left Rock Springs because Rudy joined. That shows he was only in church to benefit himself and not get what wonderful things you get from that church! God doesn't care where you attend as long as you attend. Larry Waller does attend church on a regular basis and is a wonderful Christian man. I truly hope his health is better. My prayers are with him and his family. Counting every day till election day Mr. Waller!!!! Another question....Did Joe Buice bust his nephew with Dope?? Just wondering? Rudy did wrong and knows it but he turned to the only person/thing that he will ever have to TRULY answer to...GOD!! Way to go, that says a lot to me!

Anonymous said...

If Rudy wanted to be saved for his wrong-doings, why didn't he join Rock Springs before he was arrested? He knew what he was doing was wrong. Anyone over the age of 5, and many under that age, know what he was doing was wrong. Why did it take a pending conviction to "show him the light"? I believe he joined the largest chuch in the county at the advice of his attorney. And there is not much that will change my mind on this. If I had to choice between prison and church once or twice a week, I would choose church too.

He is playing you holy rollers like a fiddle. Remember, if you lay with dogs, you get fleas.

Anonymous said...

That last comment doesn't deserve a response.

Anonymous said...

No response BUT he could use some Adams Spray for those fleas he's got!!

Anonymous said...

Many people find God when they are wrong and I for one will NEVER condemn someone for that! That was a SAD statement and hope your fleas don't jump off on anyone else!

Anonymous said...

But he knew he was wrong the entire time this was going on. Why did it take him getting arrested to want to "find GOD"? If he truly wanted to do right, he would have found GOD a long time ago and righted all the wrongs that he has commited against his victims.

I question his hearnestness when there are obvious alterior motifs to his decision.

Anonymous said...

Mr craig mcdermott ,
well said,but dont waste your time trying to change the mind of the church crowd on this bolg,they are bible blind,i just wonder if this scum bag would have stolen from their church or one of the church people they would feel the same ,i'm sure they post wonderfull things about how they would forgive him and his gang of theifs,

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:34 and 7:14 if you are referring to me as being the one FIRED AND CAN,T GET OVER IT AND ONE IMPATICULAR then you are wrong I,ll post my name unlike you.Besides fired is not the word for it SCREWED is so don,t be so ignorant in trying to take up for Buice.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Phil Hill was fired? I had no idea...oh my gosh Joe Buice YOU are a moron!! But who didn't know that right. Mr. Hill you helped so many people and you are appreciated! Hope you move on to bigger and better things. All you and Lamar County should think to theirselves is ELECTION DAY, ELECTION DAY!! What a sweet day that will be. Hopefully Buice doesn't have enough family members who are not felons to vote for him!! 2008 is around the corner!!!

Anonymous said...

ANON 11:42 and McDermott...I don't see anyone from "the church" defending this man in any way for what he has done. As I said before some people wait till they are in trouble and have NO ONE ELSE but the one who promised to always be with you, to turn their life to God. There is no doubt in my mind this man knew he was wrong before, during and after these events BUT you cannot condemn him forever for making mistakes in life. We all make mistakes and to God one is no worse than the other, they are all simply SIN!! To the comment of Bible beating and all that, I am proud to be in a great church with wonderful caring people and a Wonderful Pastor. You should come out and try it out. One day you too will meet the Father and I personally wouldn't want to be in the frame of mind you seem to be in when it comes my time for judgement! God loves us all no matter what we do. If you have children who attend church every chance they get like mine and myself do, you might would take offense to those statements. I do understand ignorance but don't knock something till you try it.

Anonymous said...

i for one WILL vote for mr Buice,he has done things in this corupt, old family,old money county that needed to be done years ago,at least hes not in anybodys back pocket,like the past ones were,get used to it folks there is a new wind blowing and you cant do anything about it,got ya scared dont it!

Anonymous said...

No 12:52 not scared worried because you are right there is a new wind blowing it is called HOT AIR (polluted air)

Anonymous said...

Phill hill,
I dint know I was referring to you until your last post. You seem to be the only one on here who uses a comma in your words when it should be an apostrophe. And Im not taking up for Buice, I just cant stand Waller. To me, Buice is the lesser of two evils.

Anonymous said...

The new wind is soon to be over in 2008 when the majority will vote Larry Waller back to the position he deserves!! Waller must have took your drug money...we're sorry.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 2:37 I totally agree with you I was refering to the hot air of this administration and no I've never had drugs or drug money and glad that Mr.Waller got all of it he did from those he arrested go Waller.

Anonymous said...

waller take someones durg money?now i'v heard it all,i'm glad i found this bolg yesterday.this is funny,how many unsolved murders & crimes were left in the lap of buice?.

Anonymous said...

the question is how many unsolved crimes will buice leave plenty believe me and some of them will be those handed to him.

Anonymous said...

3:34 what are you a second grader durg and bolg says a lot about you

Anonymous said...

anon 3:30 wasn't pointing that drug money comment toward you. Sorry about that, I was talking to anon 12:32...who stated Waller was in everyones back pocket!!
As the unsolved murders...they were not handed to him by Waller only, they went through several administrations if you recall. If I remember correctly the unsolved murder committed by the man working at the Sheriff's dept a few years back was solved during Waller Admin. People want to down Waller with absolutely NO evidence of any wrong doing BY HIM!! He cannot help the things other people do! I certainly didn't see him making promises to be one way and turning into a total ass like our current ELECTED Sheriff! This man REQUIRES his employees to answer the telephone Sheriff Buice's office...haha JOKE!! His wife must wear the pants in that family for him to feel the need to be so almighty!!

Anonymous said...

Wonder how much money has been lost on sending retards to mandate school? Heard one flunked out the first week. May be true, may not be true, but if so, that cost the taxpayers......

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

If you fail mandate school, you do not work in law enforcement. duh!!!

Anonymous said...

I really wonder how much you would care how long they were in school if you were being robbed or if you were in an accident. I am almost sure you would just want their help! I agree some of the guys around here are arrogant but that is with anything and anywhere. Get over yourself and find a hobby besides downing the law enforcement in this town!

Anonymous said...

anon 7:26 there is one that does that person did not graduate from mandate and is employed at the sheriffs office and I am not down on the guys in lawenforcement I thank god for them.But the truth is the truth about some things.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That was something I REALLY did not know. I thought if you failed out of mandate, then you find a new career?? I was wrong...sorry.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How many captains do we have?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Isn't that a conflict with her position in law enforcement? I would think that she would no longer be employed at the S.O.! But...hey I am only a citizen.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I wish I knew who it was. However, I know names cant really be broadcast on this website. Thanks for the info though. I guess everywhere you look people are just corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Thank God you people are NOT saying names cause this woman happens to have two beautiful daughters who cannot help what she has done in her life. Please remember the children when you speak of someone!! They will suffer and that is not fair!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree she should but that is something those girls can't help! They are good girls despite anything else and thats all that matters. I couldn't imagine being a child and finding out something like those things about my mother. All I ask is that no one put names on here just in case. Thanks

Anonymous said...

The children already know, but you are right, names should not be used. I wont be as low down as she is.

Anonymous said...

I am really surprised this many people know this girl......

Anonymous said...

They don't know as much as you think and most of the uproar about the situation has died down which brings me back to the point of keeping the names out. I would hate to see those girls hurt once again for something they had no control over. She was wrong but she can't take it back. Thanks again to everyone for NOT listing names.

Anonymous said...

anon 6:06 this is barnesville, everybody thinks they know everything and everyone!!

Anonymous said...

maybe someone should inform her husband if they know anything

walter geiger said...

enough already!

Anonymous said...

Thank you scoop...well said. My thoughts exactly!

Anonymous said...

You are right again, Im sure she is really sorry for disrupting so many lives. I will leave her alone. Maybe the other disgruntled bloggers will also. I dont think it would be a good idea for one of the wives to see this blog either.

Anonymous said...

ok, what was this blog about? The trash problem in Lamar Co?

Anonymous said...

Man they bust somebody for dope and the one that it was bought for goes to town telling all she knows....she needs to worry about her own husband. Need to get him investigated while at work,you won't be surprise,why I wasn't. He's just being himself. Thats the way he was when he was married before.Talk about sweeping your own front porch,woman you got a lot of sweeping to do.

Anonymous said...

What a coward you are to hide behind anonymous. I assume to are talking to me in saying I am telling all I know. If you read slowly you will see the only thing I have done in this post is defend the person being attacked. Because of her children!! You should be a man/woman and say who you are so the proper lawsuit can be filed for slander! Cowards thats all!! I have children too so be careful what you say. I do not take things lightly when in comes to lies. As far as my husband goes...Jealousy...I'm sorry you can't be as good at your job as he is!!

Anonymous said...

Forget telling who you are, we know who you are. You are a sad individual who I wish would have the B..lls to say that to me directly. You are sad!! In fact I dare you to say that to me...please...begging!!

Anonymous said...

your right smg prbly somebody mad cause they cant have your husband...hmmm wonder who? if you are big enough to make comments like that you should be big enough to say who you are but dont expect that to happen. their drugs must have gotten taken in that bust.

Anonymous said...

It would be hard to file a lawsuit based on slander dont you think. Everything Ive read sounds like the truth.....except for the drug part. I have no clue as to what yall are talking about and dont care.

who are you SMG? Are you hiding behind your initials?

Anonymous said...

There is only one person in this world that I think would actually take up for that hussy and it itsnt another woman.

Anonymous said...

why dont everyone make up a name and use it so we can distinguish one comment from another.

Anonymous said...

say what to you directly? did I miss something

Anonymous said...

As if we don't have enough problems -

Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton will embark on a widely anticipated campaign for the White House Saturday, a former first lady intent on becoming the nation's first female president.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I think I figured it out.....You have a ----- on here mad because of what her children might be exposed to, which I think is a little hypocritical considering what she has put them through herself. Then you have the other woman, mad because of RUMMORS,I think, so she is going to spred rummors about everyone else. Then you have a guy caught in the middle. Then you have the rest of us, sitting back laughing. Please someone tell me if im right.......

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:52,
You wouldnt be talking about your EX husband would you?

Anonymous said...

anon 8:37..You are wrong indeed or you are not raising children. Maybe its just me but I do not like to see hurt in any child and that is what all those rumours did to two children who didn't deserve it. I am a woman and if EVERYONE would READ slowly..I know its hard for some people..but read slowly or get someone to explain to will see that at no time was I "taking up for" or "defending anyone" but TWO LITTLE GIRLS!!

Anonymous said...

all this crap started out about someone from the SO. law enforcement in this town is ridiculous. does it say on the applications you must be a loser, do drugs, and break as many laws as possible to work in barnesville and lamar county. we need a change and not just with administration. i myself and my family intend on writing the governors office. might not do much but at least they will have a heads up about how corrupt it is around here. my sister in law actually works in the govs office so maybe we can get whisper in the right ear. people have been so down on the SO but in my opinion they should start with the city first then sweep it all out.

Anonymous said...

I think if anyone wanted to use names they would have done it by now. If the children can figure out what is going on by reading this blog, which they shouldnt, then they already know what is going on. Frankly, I think you need to stop talking about the 2 little girls, you are making it obvious to some of us who this conversation is all about. I am in no way involved with any of you but it didnt take me long to put it all together.
Everyone should have been thinking about the girls before any of this happened. You are only put in a situitation if you allow that to happen. So I say to you, look at yourself, ask yourself what responsibility you played in all of this and who is at fault. You are right about one thing, the children do suffer when the parents screw up. Walk a straight line then you have nothing to worry about. And, this comment is not directed to just you because I dont know who you are, or what the circumstance are, it is just my opinion based on the comments I have read. Personally, I dont know why anyone would get on here and start airing their dirty laundry.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:02 i don't think that smg was talking about the girls. most of the posts are gone now that were on here yesterday. maybe you didn't see them but they were pretty harsh. i may be wrong but what i saw was smg asking people to quit downing the mother of these two children and i think that says something about someone when they dont care who they hurt in the process of letting off steam about someone they dont like. you are right everyone makes mistakes and its the children who suffer through the school with other children saying the things that adults tell them like on this thing. the posts that were put on here yesterday gave the persons place of employment and everything so if anyone is making it obvious who it is about its the giants hiding under the anonymous name and trashing these people. i commend you smg for standing up for the children in this situation. im not saying you have probably been a saint nor have i but you havent trashed anyone that i can see so far. you have been attacked for something that i would have done myself. if anyone were smart they would move out of this pitiful gossip filled town. my daddy always told me dont point fingers cause you always got 3 pointing right back at ya. my question is, are there adults on here and if so, act like it.

Anonymous said...

I know SMG was taking up for the children and yes I read all of the post before they were deleted. No one is attacking SMG about the post. Im just saying, put it all together and you know what is going on. The girls mother, in my opinion is only getting a little of what she deserves. If she had never put herself in that position then obviously she wouldnt have been attacked on here.

Anonymous said...

I agree! It could have been a lot worse!

Anonymous said...

hey i agree with you totally on that issue but i dont think smg was defending her at all. just the rugrats and i commend her for that. mother deserves all she gets and maybe more. kids dont! agreed we are.

Anonymous said...

I have always believed in the saying that "what goes around, comes around." Some people seem to think there are no consenquences for their actons. Moving out of this town does not erase anything. Certainly not the gossip. But, some people dont think they have done anything wrong because they continue to do the same things....just to different people. I hope some will wise up and figure this out before they are hurt beyond repair. Im sure it will all come out in the wash. Its a small world and everyone knows someone. Secrets arent secrets for long, especially around this town.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who the "giants" are hiding behind anonymous.....probably a lot of people

Anonymous said...

here is something for all to ponder. wonder what all will say about each other or themselves for that matter when this world comes to an end? will you point your finger or will you fess up to all you have done and realize that the things we all say about others in no worse of a sin than what we have done ourselves. their is only sin, not a category in Gods eyes. everyday you live is because of God and i personally like to focus on that because it only hurts yourself in the long run when you down others. no ONE person is perfect on this earth and certainly not in this town so i wouldn't be so quick to comment on anyone else unless you are GOD!

Anonymous said...

hmmmm.....ok i pondered it. You are right, no one is pefect. Dont recall anyone proclaiming to be. I dont think all sin is lumped together equally like you say.

Anonymous said...

i would like to take a moment and invite everyone to attend services at Rock Springs Church on Sunday at either 8:00 for early service or 11:00 service. you will enjoy yourself if you are a believer.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure no one has proclaimed to be perfect because they would simply be liars but a lot of fingers are pointing on this blog and they should sweep their porches as well. The ones saying sweep your porch...can we borrow your broom?

Anonymous said...

If funny that Hillary Clinton was brought up on this post. She had to deal with a sl-- too.

Anonymous said...

Did I hear someone talking about a Trooper?

Anonymous said...

a trooper? what? what are you reading?

Anonymous said...

another player in the game?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:15,
can we borrow your broom?

Anonymous said...

my broom is on loan but you can get it when i get it back.

Anonymous said...

I thought u might have 2 or 3 on hand...

Anonymous said...

whats a trooper have to do with all of this?

Anonymous said...

I am pondering whether I should open that can of worms

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I am so waiting with my fishing pole, open the worms please.

Anonymous said...

After thinking about it and out of respect for an innocent party in this, one unlucky soul gets to keep the blinders on a little while longer.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on anon 9:25, give us some gossip!

Anonymous said...

rumor has it that someone likes to take her wedding rings off and play single at times.

Anonymous said...

Its not too late to go to church today. I would encourage all of you to attend. Forgivness does wonders for the soul. Try it.

Anonymous said...

Many of you sound jealous in that you have been left out of the attention or that you voice your disapproval because it wasn't you but, you wish it was.

What consenting adults do is their own business. It is not for you to judge if it is moral or not.

People have to answer for their own actions. If something doesn't affect your life, why so quick to point fingers at someone else?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are trying to justify something to me. Who is to say who is or is not affected in this case? I really dont think it is jealously, maybe revenge by reading these post. You are right about one thing, people do have to answer for their actions.

Anonymous said...

If one of the consenting adults is married then that changes the game a little and other people are involved. Someone on here does crave male attention and flaunts what little she has to get it. Amusing really. Trying to make up for a lack of intelligence I think.

Anonymous said...

When the cats away the mouse likes to play....isn't that how the old saying goes?

Anonymous said...

Oh ye of tiny minds. It takes two to tango. Unless the person is married to you or happens to be visiting your significant other then you are not involved.

The only requirement to obtain the attention of a male is to be female (unless you happen to be gay). We have a unique ability to think with two heads. The decision making ability does not always rest with the one containing the brains.

Women have been getting men in trouble ever since Eve convinced Adam to eat the apple. It will never change as long as women sit on the deciding vote.

Anonymous said...

You are brilliant!

Anonymous said...

That "women sit on the deciding vote" is the single most memorable line I've heard in a very long time. May I use it?

Anonymous said...

anon 2:02 intelligence is POURING out on the pages of this site!!

Anonymous said...

lots of knowledge, thats for sure

Anonymous said...

Almost 140 hits on this one blog.....thats amazing. Keep it up and keep me laughing please.

Anonymous said...

you people crack me up. its like jerry springer blogs in barnesville. women craving male attention, cheating husbands, drug addicted teachers...gosh what a show! i'm cutting my cable off tomorrow and i'm going to just stay on this blog from now on. thanks for the laughs

Anonymous said...

jerry jerry jerry jerry jerry!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

so about the trash and trooper...tell us more!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I guess they think its ok as long as they dont get caught. But it looks like someone has been caught.

Anonymous said...

must've been your husband? maybe you should try some new tricks to keep him home!

Anonymous said...

I dont think anyone would mistake a certain female for a lesbian. That is hilarous!

Anonymous said...

11:11 that was pretty funny. there are some sick, twisted minds in this world!

Anonymous said...

Guess it could be my husband....why would one more make a difference?

Anonymous said...

for real, they all dogs, but what comes around goes around

Anonymous said...

if your husband does have a few on the side then don't hurt him the way lorena bobbitt did. hit him in the pocket. go spend all his money on yourself, your friends, or your damn mailman if you want. men are in love with their money first, then their momma, then you so take all they got till they walk that line.

Anonymous said...

Inquiring minds would really like to know about some trooper trash!

Anonymous said...

me too gosh. somebody tell us please. you can't just throw the line out without no bait!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

that bait was rotten

Anonymous said...

So now we have gone from holster hugger to trooper trash! The list just keeps growing. What's that smell?

Anonymous said...

It aint the bait

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OK people! You should feel sorry for people like that, not keep bashing them. If you think about it, how many men has the "topic of conversation" ended up with for a long period of time or permanently? That should sum up everything. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk free? Its really sad when you think about it.

Anonymous said...

Then why dont they just buy a

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't feel sorry for anyone who puts HERSELF in a situation that she knows is wrong. I mean wrong for a couple of reasons. I don't think I need to list them either. Everyone reading these posts are well aware of the track record that is on the chopping block here. No pity here. You get what you ask for. Get a new cow. The milk is sour.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone need the name of a good doctor?

Anonymous said...

Anyone figure out where the drugs come into play?

Anonymous said...

The original post concerned litter..not cat litter, but trash along the sides of the road. What I'm reading here are posts from catty women or slut puppies airing their smelly panties in public.

Anonymous said...

I guess clening up litter just developed into its own little story about trailor trash . Judging by your name, you probably know whos smelly panties have been aired... just kidding! You left yourself wide open for that one.

Anonymous said...

A lot of catty women and one pair of smelly panties and we can refer to the men as in heat. I don't mean firemen either. Or wait...should this list include fireman also? HMMMM!

Anonymous said...

I am glad someone finally figured out what that smell was!

Anonymous said...

Guess the old saying is true....never underestimate a scorned woman... or in this case women.

Anonymous said...

most all the men in this town are uneducated, worthless, and THINK they are somebody. the women are mostly stuck trying to have a life with one of these losers and they just get pulled down with them. not a person in this town can say they are perfect in any way. i am sure some of you on here who are bashing others have probably got some pretty big things hidden in your past but you continue to talk about others hoping no one will know about you. go to church get some Jesus like I did and forget about everybody else!

Anonymous said...

In one breath you are saying that the men here in Barnesville are worthless and in the next you are telling me to get some Jesus like u....Maybe you need to find another church or something. You just did some bashing of your own.

Anonymous said...

yall women are only telling what everyone already knows. Some of this stuff isnt a secret. This girl always been this way and the men she married know it. Let them deal with her.

Anonymous said...

I knew there were people in the world who claimed to be perfect I just didn't know they were in this little town of B-ville. I am honored to have read some inserts from all the perfect people on this blog!

Anonymous said...

Glad you have enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

I dont think anyone is claiming to be perfect but most people learn from their mistakes and dont keep repeating them.