Friday, December 12, 2008

brian nichols jury wimps out...

and fails to deliver death penalty.

absolutely disgusting. they should each be required to sit face to face with the family members of the victims and explain why nichols' life is more valuable to them than the lives of those he shot down in cold blood.


Anonymous said...

I think it's pathetic that a "professional (NOT)" paper makes an accusation such as "jury wimps out". Jury members do a GREAT job for this GREAT Nation, and to degrade them in such a way is sorry.

I can't believe you are in so much favor of "killing" another. Death is an easy out, let him suffer for the rest of his life behind bars wishing for the freedom he took for granted. That's a MUCH better sentence anyway.

But to dare criticize any jury member for their decisions is not only unpatriotic, but also a very ignorant thing to do. Do you know the history of why we have jury trials? Have you read the Federalist papers, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights? If not, you have no right to criticize, if so, you should be ashamed for your criticism.

Anonymous said...

what ever happend to justice? they should have fired up sparky and let him burn people are to soft these days cant even convict a cold hearted killer. what idiots?

Anonymous said...

death an easy out? how the heck do u figure that? now we the taxpayers have to support him for 60+ yrs while hes behind bars watching cable tv and eating 3 meals a day what a lovely life. by the way all the money we spend to support death row inmates if we just kill them all we could save that. what an economic boost that would be...

Anonymous said...

He should have been shot the same day he was arrested. Just think of how much money tax payers have spent on him just up until now and to think we will be supporting him for the rest of his life. PITIFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

The jury did wimp out. Even if they sentenced him to death, it would be another 50 years before our great system got around to it. Its just more of tax payers money paying to keep this piece of shit up. I say turn him over to the family of those he murdered!

Anonymous said...

Why? There were phone recordings where he said if he had to do it again he would have killed more. The police should have shot him but would that have been much better cause Jesse and Al would have been in Atl with their posse marching, screaming excessive force by the police. Now the poor families , they have to feel let down by the system.

Anonymous said...

Don't put all the blame on the jurors. If the DA's office had done their job properly, the jury would have voted for death.

Anonymous said...

Are the jurors identity of public record. I guess what I'm asking will the public know which jurors voted against the death penalty, will we know why they did and of what background they are(white,black,male,female,age)just curious. You would think the prosecution would have wanted a jury that was all for the death penalty.

Anonymous said...

Just read in AJC.
6 black women
2 white women
1 white man
2 black men
1 asian man
no ages given.
Be ironic if the 3 voted against him were the whites.

Anonymous said...

In the 1800's he would have been hanged on the town's square before the sunset on the 11th of March! Now we have the ACLU and CNN, etc. to protect people like him.

Frank said...

Barnesville-Lamar County Fire & Rescue

Incident Type Report

Alarm Date Between (11-1-2008) And (11-30-2008)

1.) FIRE
1 Building fire
1 Passenger vehicle fire
1 Natural vegetation fire, Other
1 Grass fire
2 Brush or Brush & grass mixture fire
= 6, 5.83%, $15,000, 100.00%

56 Medical assist, Assist EMS crew
7 EMS call
8 MVA with injuries
1 MV Ped
1 MVA with no injuries
= 73, 70.87%, $0, 0.00%

1 Assist invalid
= 1, 0.07%, $0, 0.00%

18 Dispatched & cancelled en route
1 Authorized controlled burning
3 Smoke scare, odor of smoke
1 No Incident found on arrival at dispatch address
= 23, 22.33%, $0, 0.00%

Total Incident Count: 103
Total Est Loss: $15,000

City Fire (Barnesville) response area 20%
Station 1 (Grove ST) response area 50%
Station 2 (Redbone) response area 9%
Station 3 (Milner) response area 11%
Station 4 (Johnstonville) response area 5%
Station 5 (Piedmont) response area 6%
Station 6 (Parker Branch) response area 10%
Station 7 (North Milner) response area 9%
Out of County 1%

Anonymous said...

An eye for an eye...may he roast in hell!


Anonymous said...

Barack Obama is not our first black president. "He is not black. He is as black as he is white or half-white." His wife is black (first lady). His mother is white and his father is light brown (hawaiian and pacific islanders). Barack Obama is WHITE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Obama's true colors: Black, white... or neither? DNA test...

Anonymous said...

Death is an easy out because the criminals’ suffering is over at death. If the families of the victims have to suffer for life, the criminal should to!

And prison is NOT a bed of roses.

As for taxes, I am a firm believer that EVERY prisoner should work 12 hours of hard labor, EVERY day except Sunday, with NO PAY (not even 5 cents an hour) as compensation for the cost of his or her food and bed. This would benefit communities, save tax dollars and more.

But the majority of the American population has been dumbed down so much that they can't see things clearly. They see taxes when they should see the almost free labor we could get from criminals, as it once was, it should be again. Talk about softies, we have a nation full of softies.

Get rid of TVs and all recreation in our prisons (except books), and make prisoners work to keep in shape.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind the jury heard weeks of evidence, while we only heard a few minutes of select tidbits the media decided we should hear.

Plus this way, we don't have to re-live the story over & over for the next 20 years with death penalty appeals

Anonymous said...

If I've said it once, I've said it a 1000's times...

I am not for the electric chair;
Damn, I wanted that SOB to flinch this morning.

Anonymous said...

If the criminal dies without having truly accepted Jesus as Savior and asked for forgivness of his sins, his suffering just begins. The soul goes to hell where he suffers eternal pain and torment.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 10:17 said it best...

did you know that it costs more to kill an inmate than keep them alive. i'm sure he will suffer for his sins in the after-life, why mar some one else's hand with another murder.

Anonymous said...

all you people who thought we were wasting money on the defense of him are proved wrong....see the money bought a good defense and it won him his he has time to repent and may rest in heaven for eternity.....we have to all hope for the money was well spent......we should all donate to the aclu or to a defense fund so other accused will have a fair fight.....

Anonymous said...


you are so incorrect on this...over the course of a year it does, but this guy is a does not cost more to fry his ass up.....what the hell are you must be the dumbass that posted aonymously to start this all off....if you don't like the thoughts get the hell off the blog....everyone, but you agrees with it regardless of the evidence they heard the man admited to it on can you screw that up? There was deliberate intent...the jury screwed it up...the problem is there were only 4 pair of balls on the jury!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:40 I am not Lizzy, I'm an ex-resident that lives in another area now. The blog owner can tell this because our IPs do not and cannot match, since we are 2 separate people from 2 areas hundreds of miles away from each other (google it if you don’t know what I mean).

To call someone a dumbass shows the ignorance of the speaker. Only those who are ignorant resort to such immature behavior. Many people do not take people seriously when they can't even write a proper paragraph such as you.

If YOU do not like what is posted; why don’t you get off the blog instead of trying to run others off? Seems you’re the only one that has pulled a temper tantrum, not anyone else that has posted comments so far.

Everything seemed pretty civil until you came along .

The jury did their job, to judge a fellow citizen. Maybe if YOU read some historical documents you would then see that they did what they were supposed to do. Just because they did not convict the way YOU wanted them to, does not mean they did a bad or sorry job. They found him GUILTY and judged a penalty they felt was right, that is what a jury is supposed to do. Find guilty or not guilty, recommend a sentence. If you had been on the jury you could cry for blood all you wish, but alas you were not yet you think YOU have a right to judge those that WERE selected. The only people you have a right to dictate how they do their job, is those you elect with your VOTE and those you pay a paycheck to, period. Not to jury members, no one, not even a judge, has that right. Read a jury members handbook and you will see this for yourself. To say they screwed up is just you showing how misinformed you are, they didn’t screw up, they determined things based on what was presented to THEM, not to what was presented to YOU.

Were you in the courtroom when all the evidence was presented? If not, then you’re making uninformed comments about something you know nothing about other than what biased media gives you.

My my, tisk tisk tisk, seems someone needs some anger management therapy, and I do not think it’s just Nichols that needs it. You’re the only one that has resorted to calling a person that has commented about the post a name. Seems all other posters so far, regardless if they agree or disagree, have few more smarts (ok a lot more smarts) than you. It’s called “Maturity even when in disagreement with one another” maybe you should try it sometime.

BTW, not everyone is so gung-ho about killing. It’s a brutal thing to kill another, even if the other were a criminal. If I am ever selected for jury duty where I would have to face that kind of decision, I would not be able to vote for the death penalty. I serve a Savior that asks that we do not kill, and my vote would not be a vote murder. Murder is wrong, just because it’s legal does not make it right.

Besides, life in prison is not a bed of roses. Mr. Nichols got the harsher punishment in my opinion. And it is exactly what he deserved since he was found guilty. What he did is absolutely horrifying, and the harshest punishment is to live a life behind bars. Eating what is given to him, not able to enjoy a meal he wants. Waking and sleeping when he is told to, going outside his cell when ordered or allowed. He lost his freedom! Imagine it for a moment; he does not have the liberty to make choices anymore. MANY kinds of choices. He can’t enjoy the basic liberties we all enjoy, and he has to suffer with this for LIFE. Death, yes it is an easy out, because he’s no longer suffering. If the family should suffer for their loses for life, HE dang well should for life too despite the cost!

And the death penalty does cost taxpayers more. During the appeals process which can take DECADES, not only is one paying for the housing and food costs, but extra security, additional lawyers fees, all slews of other added expenses. It generally costs 2 million MORE (a little or lot more or less based on state) over an inmates lifespan for the death penalty than it does to just toss him or her in with the general population and leave them there. Just google the statistics by state, the costs are eye-popping.

Anonymous said...

lizzy how do u figure bullets cost pennies not thousands of dollars KILL HIM NOW before he escapes and does worse

Anonymous said...

admitted on tape hell its on film we all seen him do it how can u argue with that

Anonymous said...

So you would also agree then that you could not shoot an intruder that comes into your home. That would be murder as well according to your holier than thou pedestal speaking self. As far as writing proper paragraphs....this is a blog...there is not format specified for a blog...if you need to research that check out the little brown book, I am sure it stuck somewhere to the left in your liberal ass!

Anonymous said...


Money well spent....what kind of statement is that. The defense didn't spare his life the jury did. Those 3 jurors wouldn't give Hitler the death penalty the defense didn't change their minds they were already against the death penalty.


Anonymous said...

This happened in Atlanta, why did anyone expect anything else?

If they could done so, he would have walked.

But soon all that is wrong will be set right. The process will be ugly, but it will be done.

Anonymous said...

"As for taxes, I am a firm believer that EVERY prisoner should work 12 hours of hard labor, EVERY day except Sunday, with NO PAY (not even 5 cents an hour) as compensation for the cost of his or her food and bed. This would benefit communities, save tax dollars and more.

But the majority of the American population has been dumbed down so much that they can't see things clearly. They see taxes when they should see the almost free labor we could get from criminals, as it once was, it should be again. Talk about softies, we have a nation full of softies.

Get rid of TVs and all recreation in our prisons (except books), and make prisoners work to keep in shape."

Excellent idea!

Then you can get the job of guarding these folk. Should be lots of fun when the prison riots break out.

Regardless of what these people have done, they are still human beings. The Bible goes into great detail about proper treatment of prisoners and what will happen to those who forget.

Anonymous said...

The Bible says we may defend ourselves, or did you not know that? It appears you do not read much, or is it that you only watch fiction on TV and consider that your method of improving your knowledge daily? If so, can we say DUMBED down. And yes, this is a blog, but anytime one writes in public one should at least form proper sentence structures, or no one takes the person seriously.

Geesh, you mean because it’s a blog you’re allowed to forget structure and proper grammar? I don’t know where you heard that, but someone is misleading you. Oh that’s right, you’re writing in the only way you know how, I bet you went to Lamar County Schools. I forget, please forgive me, which certainly explains it all.

And my liberal ass is doing well thank you, it takes no offense at your comment about the book that is not stuck up my ass. You amuse me to no end, and everyone needs a reason to smile.

BTW I am not holier than anyone, I just feel that the death penalty is senseless, and to vote for it is the same as voting for murder, one would have their hand in the death of another. Some people just do not want that on their shoulders, including it seems, some of the jury members in this case.

But alas, it’s Monday, back to work, thanks for the laughs. You can have at your little tantrum now, I won’t be replying again. It becomes boring to try and discuss topics with someone with lesser knowledge and no civil manners. It was good for a few chuckles, especially the book up my ass comment, I think I’ll print and frame that one. But real life says I need to say goodbye. Yet again I do say thank you for the laughs. I humbly agree that you are the best curser and most vulgar person that has posted to any comments I have made online in some time now. You should be proud. Not that you cursed or became vulgar mind you, but because you made me laugh. You have brought joy to someone whose views you detest, and you deserve a medal for your honorable deed :P

Anonymous said...

It's fine to take a hit or trade punches back and forth with other individuals, but there is no need to put down the school system that is in place. We have a fine school system here. If a child wants to learn and wants to push themselves to learn more and go to college it is all available for them. The problem with this county is not the teachers or the school system, but the parents and the support systems at home. These kids have no drive to achieve any excellence in these halls. Just based off of what I see everyday it's not the system!

Anonymous said...

BULLSHIT it is the system not the teachers or the parent i was at the school one night and a student was complaining that the class room didnt have what it needed to help him finish his work. when the teacher was asked why he said BECUASE FOOTBALL WAS OVVIOUSLY MORE INPORTANT THAN EDUCATION!!!

Anonymous said...

what could a classroom be missing to "finish his work"? This sounds like a cop out by a lazy ass student who got his ass in a bind and tried to put it off on someone else. Sometimes I wonder if half of Lamar County is not inbred.

Anonymous said...

I have a question for those of you who are "defending" Brian Nichols. (Yes, that is what you are doing.) What if that had been your wife, husband, son that he MURDERED in cold blood, do you think you would have a different opinion, I do.

Reality is, we are not punishing criminals today for the crimes they commit. Look around, you see it everyday!

Read your bible, in Jesus time, if you put someone's eye out, you lost yours. The liberals are bringing this country to its knees.

Anonymous said...

In Jesus’s time it was not an eye for an eye. It was love one another. You're confusing Old with New Testament. Maybe you should read your Bible before trying to use it to support your views.