Tuesday, December 16, 2008

1981 murder of adam walsh declared solved...

the cops really blew it on this one.



Anonymous said...

at least he turned grief into something very positive we could use Mr Walsh in lamar co to help solve the 24 years of white van madness that has happened that is still unresolved. 2 murders and at least 1 missing person .This county sounds like a Stuart Woods novel.

Anonymous said...

The article on msn quoting the criminolgist really pissed me off though. He pretty much said all John Walsh did was create a generation of paranoid parents and kids who won't talk to strangers. How is this bad is my question? How is bad that parents actually pay attention to their kids and that kids know that they shouldn't talk to someone they don't know. I guess it just shows how stupid someone with a big time education and no common sense of reality really is.

Anonymous said...

I tell my kids if someone they dont know approaches them to just start yelling "child molester" as loud as they can. People just dont realize how many "freaks" are out there. You pass them in the grocery store, in Walmart, sit beside them at pta meetings, and as bad as this sounds, sometimes at church too. These "freaks" blend in with the ordinary and live everyday lives just waiting on the moment to let there evil sick fetishes out on some young kid.

Anonymous said...

"The article on msn quoting the criminolgist really pissed me off though. He pretty much said all John Walsh did was create a generation of paranoid parents and kids who won't talk to strangers. How is this bad is my question?"

..are all "strangers" bad...? Do we automatically assume everyone is basically evil?

Given some of the stories I have heard about "children" using the paranoia about "molesters" and the like to their advantage, I won't approach a child for any reason, at any time.

All this has generated a "guilty until proven innocent" mindset among people such as yourself. Too bad for positive role models and the like, but such is the price to be paid.

Anonymous said...

look at the creeps we have running around town. i dont let my boys near market street after dark because of unsavory characters that hang out there.

Anonymous said...

Is the case on Walter Henery still open. the man that had the pawn shop on Market street?

Anonymous said...

Might as well close Mr.Henrys case. From what I understand, and it's all speculation and hearsay, but I heard the dude that killed him aint on the earth nomore either.

Anonymous said...

You are right and if you go on the FBI website you can find out if there are any child molestors living in your town.

Anonymous said...

they are only listed if they report to local authorities like they are supposed to when they move or relocate. There are hundreds of thousands that the FBI can't locate or have not heard from and have no clue where they are.