Friday, February 01, 2008

okay, ya'll use this space...

to start a topic.


Anonymous said...

1.6 inches of rain

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To the people that throw their trash out on Johnstonville road.
1.) Are you that sorry and lazy that you don't want to deal w/it so you make it someone elses job? It's not my trash, it's YOURS.
2.) Do you want out of towners to come here and think "I am not going to Barnesville, it is a dirty and trashy place".
3.) Is it the homeowners job to pick YOUR trash up?
4.) Is it the inmates job to pick up YOUR trash?
Yeah the inmates are in jail for a reason but once again it is YOUR trash and it's not even their job to pick up YOUR trash.
Johnstonville road looks worse than the county dump right now and it is only getting worse. Yeah I still get out there and pick up trash in front of and around my house but it is impossible to cover the long stretch of Johnstonville Road and when I get out there and pick up trash early in the morning by lunch time it has at least, at least and I repeat at least five more pieces of trash.

Anonymous said...

call joe buice

Anonymous said...

the national journal today announed that they most liberal senator in 2007 was Obama.....4 years ago it was John Kerry...before that it was Kennedy, Gore, you see a trend....has Kennedy and Kerry suddenly got more conservative....I think not.....when asked where John Mc Cain placed on the list, the publication said that he didnt vote often enough to be able to say if he was liberal or not

Anonymous said...

the problem with america today is what used to be called middle class america both black and white. we have accepted the way things are. when we know something is wrong we are to scared to say anything because of the fear factor of loosing our nice middle class jobs. being politicaly correct is about the stupidiest thing ever. whites are scared of being called raciest and blacks are scared of being called a uncle tom. right is right wrong is wrong. period

wdm said...

Has anyone else been checking out all these end of time programs on the History Channel? They got it narrowed down to three years depending on whose prediction or prophecy you believe. 2012, 2016, or 2018. I like to think I don't believe them but they make some pretty good points. So is it crazy to believe there is any truth in these doomsday forecast?

Anonymous said...

Does anybody else out there think that the standard of living for the middle class has been declining for many years now and it has just been recently that politicians are just starting to bring to light this serious problem? Does anybody else feel that the middle class for too long has been bearing the brunt fom the politicial decisions made in the economic interest of mega-coorperations?

WI John Galt said...


Why are Americans so ignorant when
it comes to understanding how our capitalist economic system works??

Taxpayer monies to non-producers and illegal aliens to stimulate the economy and bailouts for those who took out home loans they could not afford will only add to our economic woes. BTW, governmental polices created these problems.

Many of our presidential candidates promote these polices and to many ignorant citizens and illegals believe in the tooth fairly.

Ignorance breeds ignorance!!!

WI John Galt said...


Why are Americans so ignorant when
it comes to understanding how our capitalist economic system works??

Taxpayer monies to non-producers and illegal aliens to stimulate the economy and bailouts for those who took out home loans they could not afford will only add to our economic woes. BTW, governmental polices created these problems.

Many of our presidential candidates promote these polices and to many ignorant citizens and illegals believe in the tooth fairly.

Ignorance breeds ignorance!!!

Anonymous said...

i have a question for all those that are against abortion. i hope this never happens, your daughter or wife is gang raped by a buch of scum. if you abort is it murder remember it's a life. no exceptions a life is a life. remember no matter how the child was conceived life is life

Anonymous said...

Hey Walter,

I would think the Georgia House of Representives would have more important issues than to propose and actually vote on whether the NCAA should have a D-l playoffs, wouldn't you?

Politicians should keep their nose out of sports before they screw it up also.

I'm a Dawg fan also; but if we wanted to win the national championship, we should have defeats the Gamecocks and the Volunteers.

Remember, former Speaker of the Georgia House, Tom Murphy stuck his nose in Georgia High School Association and it's still screwed up because of his threats.

liberleft said...

the middle class did very well under the Clinton aplenty and wages increased.....home values increased.....stock market went up average of 30% per year...compared to average of 3% per yr under Bush

Anonymous said...

The end of the world will be 12/21/2012. This is according to an ancient Mayan or Inca calendar. Since that's my birthday, my son is hoping it will occur a couple of days early so he doesn't have to buy me a gift!

Anonymous said...

does any rightwinger out there have a comment on the posted abortion question

liberleft said...

it is easy to be against abortion when someone outside your family is carring the child....sure, no one is going to say they are for killing healthy embryoes......But when your young child makes a mistake or gets raped; your family and her have a very difficult and personal decision to make.....We should not let the government or anyone else make that decision for, safe, and available help should always be there for them.......coversatives are always for letting people make their own decisions and keeping the government out of their pockets and their lives; except for this issue

Anonymous said...

Instead of naming it MLK bypass why not name it for someone who doesn't have a million streets named after him already....why not Dewaine Bell? He did a hell of a lot in this town for the kids at the highschool in the court systems and as mayor......give the name to someone who truely deserves it from the area.

Anonymous said...

It should be named Dewaine Bell Boulevard.

Anonymous said...

Lamar County Middle School Girls and Boys basketball teams won their Friday night games. The girl's ended the regular season undefeated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Congratulations to both....

Anonymous said...

liberleft - you got to be kidding me. Surely you're not that stupid. The good times come from trickle down economics from the Regan Era and Bush Sr. actually. You are seeing the Clinton Era now. You will see the Bush Jr Era during the next president and beyond. I don't expect it to be all that good either.

I'm sure you will want to dispute this so before you do; I don't care if you agree or not.

wdm said...

What exactly is middle class? What specifications do you have to have to be considered middle class? Is there an actual formula used to determine if you are middle class?

Anonymous said...

No WDM, they pull it straight from their ass. The middle class has changed under the current administration because people are moving up or down, mostly up, because of the Bush tax cuts. But when it serves the Lib press right- they choose an income category and sound off. I know some of you out there don't like the tax cuts but just remember, YOU WILL NEVER GET A JOB OR RAISE FROM A POOR MAN.

Anonymous said...

There as so many streets and other thing named after MLK, I think it has greatly diminished the image so to speak. To me, it has turned into somewhat of a joke. How many things can be named after one man? Do people really think that is going to make him (MLK) more rememberable? I would have preferred D.Bell.

Anonymous said...

To answer the blogger above...I know for an absolute fact that children do not know who MLK is. Until they are taught in school they do not have any idea...and, I am talking about African American/Caucasian/Asian/Hispanic etc. These children have a day off frpm school in January and, theeee majority of the children do not know anything about MLK but, his name. This is absurd to me...families should be ashamed of not passing on history to their children. The road should be MLK boulevard; however, our children need to know who MLK was!!!

Anonymous said...

They know who he is. They have a whole month dedicated to black history, do they not. My kids know about him. Do you think naming everything under the son after him is going to make a difference? NO. People are running him into the pun intended. Every time I see a new street, road, etc, named after him, I think, my God....everything is MLK...what many more??? I

Anonymous said...

This generation of "people" don't care about MLK or what he represents/represented. All they care about is how they can get another handout, what is owed to them, and if they have more babies, they get more money attitude. Selling drugs is easier than getting a job. Stealing is OK because they deserve it anyway. I would stop worrying about the past and try to figure out something to get rid of the get everything for nothing attitudes that are killing America.

Anonymous said...

Amen! Walter for president....I agree with his view 100%!

Anonymous said...

how about dane bishop blvd. he works for yhe dot and has been a great asset to lamar county

Anonymous said...

Martin Luther King JR. has a holiday in his honor and all the government buildings and schools are closed that day. Now with that being said, what is another holiday that specifically names one individual and closes all the schools and government buildings?
Christmas, which is now being celebrated as a neutral holiday with no religious ties being shown or openly celebrated.

MLK has passed Jesus in the eyes of America.

AND Kwanzaa is nothing more than a celebration of racial separation, if you don't believe me look this up in Wikipedia.

Just wanted you to know.
Give me some feed back on this.

Anonymous said...

anything a white christian does is considered racist. anything a black person does is considered heritage. i say let the blacks have the country. i will bet you that within 6 months the united states will not exist

Anonymous said...

you are right at the end of the 6the 6th month they will be begging for whitey to come back and take over

Anonymous said...

When is the revolution going to start?
I'm tired of waiting.

Anonymous said...

your right and no one will stand and fight for fear of being called a racist....especially the politicians. Is time people take a stand against all of this, please the minority BS. Why didn't they take a vote on naming the bypass?

Anonymous said...

i have a good question. why is it that a black person can critize a white person for his or her ways as a white person. yet if a white person dares to critize a black person they are called racist. if this is true what is bill cosby? he is a black person telling blacks what they don't want to hear, is he a racist or does the truth just sound more real coming from a black

Anonymous said...

good question i bet not one white person will answer and i'm african american and agree with you

Anonymous said...

if you truely agreed with me you would simply be american

Anonymous said...

Last week, I was so happy to see the prisoners out cleaning Barnesville. I even stopped by to see if they were going to cleand the ditch beside my house, which is a corner lot, and I was assured that they would be cleaning that area of Barnesville. They didn't!!!!!!! Barnesville is the only town that don't put he bad guys out enought to give back to the community. SAD!!!!SAD!!!SAD I think if we are not gonna put the prisoners out, we need to start issueing community service to all of these people that come to Barnesville and commit crimes. Let them clean these areas that can't stay clean. I refuse to keep picking up dirty dipers, used condoms and all the other things that I have seen in this ditch since I've moved to this location.............

Anonymous said...

If Obama wins the election the blacks will rule america, and as Obama's church stands for their African american back ground. I quess if this happens we will be starving like people in Africa. Vote for Mike Huckbee!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they let ya'll vote!

Anonymous said...

I met and spoke with many people but I've never seen so many idiots gathered in one place before.

Hollywood should read this thing and make a movie.

How bout "Tha Vilage iDoits"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To Annon 4:15 I'm a right winger and I do have an answer. First, I pray this never happens, second, how many times has this happened?

But, if it were my family (and there are some children born into bad situations) do we have the right to terminate life? What if you were the one terminated? What about adoption? Why not make a bad situation good by finding a family that cannot have kids and give them an oppertunity? Why terminate? People are willing to help, your just not willing to go through with it. You think termination will erase the memories? There are numerous people to help, but in all honesty I would believe that this "Situation" is not as common as liberals seem to think. They just want a way out, and try to back "right wingers" as you call us , into a corner. But, there is a bette rsolution than termination!

Anonymous said...

thought a month ago it would be hillary vs rudy......last week it became apparent that it would be hillary vs Mccain....but today on super bowl sunday, the tide has a ralley in california, Michelle Oboma make a historic speach....she showed the nation what a first lady should sound like....she was great....she should be president.....ophra , stevie wonder were there.....then maria shriver endorsed Obama.....not a dry eye in the crowd.....this turned the campaign on end.....Oboma now takes down hillary....and will kill McCain.....only question now is who will be new v.p........oboma is on fire now.......all major news outlets will lead with this new development.......Michelle will probably be the first women president and the first first lady to follow her husband as president (that is if he doesnt appoint her to the supreme court

Anonymous said...

7:25PM I don't think we will all be around that long.

Anonymous said...

Please explain to me how Obama OR Hillary are not Socialists.
Have you even looked into what socialism does to a country?
Tell me one thing they will do to create a less intrusive government.





Obama is also a member of a black separatist church (black community first, all others second) and has written books about his mistrust of white people when he was younger. ????????? Does this not bother you??????

His church has just given an award to Louis Farrakhan!!!!
This man has spoken out numerous times about white people being without souls and Devils!!!


I know, you haven't done your homework, just like a good little socialist.
Thanks for further screwing up our country.


Anonymous said...

This is just to show you that I'm not making this stuff up. The link below is taken from Obama's church website (Trinity United Church Of Christ).

If you have an excuse for this I would LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEE!!!!!! to hear it.


Anonymous said...

Take the time to look at these "Ten Planks" which are found in Karl Marx's COMMUNIST MANIFESTO. These are considered to be the stepping stones for a Communist State (country).

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.

The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1868), and various zoning, school & property taxes. Also the Bureau of Land Management

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share".

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance

We call it Federal & State estate Tax (1916); or reformed Probate Laws, and limited inheritance via arbitrary inheritance tax statutes.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels

We call in government seizures, tax liens, Public "law" 99-570 (1986); Executive order 11490, sections 1205, 2002 which gives private land to the Department of Urban Development; the imprisonment of "terrorists" and those who speak out or write against the "government" (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

We call it the Federal Reserve which is a credit/debt system nationally organized by the Federal Reserve act of 1913. All local banks are members of the Fed system, and are regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). This private bank has an exclusive monopoly in money creation which in reality has ended the need for revenue from taxes. So why do they tax? To FOOL YOU into thinking they need them.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the State

We call it the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Department of Transportation (DOT) mandated through the ICC act of 1887, the Commissions Act of 1934, The Interstate Commerce Commission established in 1938, The Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Communications Commission, and Executive orders 11490, 10999, as well as State mandated driver's licenses and Department of Transportation regulations. There is also the postal monopoly, AMTRACK and CONRAIL

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

We call it corporate capacity, The Desert Entry Act and The Department of Agriculture. As well as the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS control of business through corporate regulations.

8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

We call it the Social Security Administration and The Department of Labor. The National debt and inflation caused by the communal bank has caused the need for a two "income" family. Woman in the workplace since the 1920's, the 19th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, assorted Socialist Unions, affirmative action, the Federal Public Works Program and of course Executive order 11000. And I almost forgot...The Equal Rights Amendment means that women should do all work that men do including the military and since passage it would make women subject to the draft.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

We call it the Planning Reorganization act of 1949 , zoning (Title 17 1910-1990) and Super Corporate Farms, as well as Executive orders 11647, 11731 (ten regions) and Public "law" 89-136.

10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.

People are being taxed to support what we call 'public' schools, which train the young to work for the communal debt system. We also call it the Department of Education, the NEA and Outcome Based "Education" .

These Planks can be found in the actual book or from many websites. The comparisons to current events belong to the author not myself.

This can be found at the link below


Anonymous said...

The Bypass should be named Dewaine T. Bell memorial Bypass....not MLK.......

Anonymous said...

alotof political jiberish, you still haven't answered the question would you make your 15 year old daughter carry a baby to full term that was conceived by a gang rape. real simple righty, yes or no. period this was fOr annon 5:26

Anonymous said...

Oboma is going to rule and see if he doesnt get a larger popular vote than any other candidate in the 22 states......this will turn the tide.....and alot of people who were ging to vote for mccain or hillary in future state elections will see that Oboma is really electable, and they will switch....the landslide has begun

Anonymous said...

10:30 Annon....

Make her? Force Her? Sounds harsh. Explain options yes. Help her, yes. Carry full term, yes. Adoption, YES.

I know you cant grasp this concept, but its a reality. You call it gibberish, I call it life. The unborn child has NO choice in the matter. Why not help another family?

So, lefty, answer your question?

liberleft said...

Oboma definitely has the momentum to win the democratic side,,,not sure he can beat McCain....either way is a win/win.....better chance to health care passage with Hillary....better to end war with Oboma....better chance of ending religious hold on washington with Mccain (unless he give v p to huckabe).....stock market will like any of the 3.....after tomorrow we will only have 3 canidates, so it wont take long to see who the rest of nation rallies around

Anonymous said...

o k so you would make your young child carry a unwanted baby to term in order to help another family. in your mind a life is a life. so if a 15 year old aborts a gang raped pregnancy it's murder in your mind is that right. thank you for answering the question i have always wanted to know how the far right really felt. you should run for office at least we would know how you stood

Anonymous said...

roe vs wade has no chance to be will contine to be brought up around election time, because it brings out the votes of people who dont get moved by wars or economy......but it is the law and will continue....none of the viable canidates will push the demise of roe vs wade......not many people really want to go back to the horrible way it sure to be....ever notice that the same people that want to stop killing of fetus, are the same people that want to kill people on death row, and the same people who want to continue the killing in iraq, and the same people that against gun control.......

Anonymous said...

makes you want to say huuum

Anonymous said...

Both of the above posts are ridiculously stupid. If you think there is any comparison to be made between the killing of a child and the killing of a convicted murderer you are really stretching it. And if you want to play the "a life is a life" game you are just pretending to believe these lives are of equal value to society.
If you have full faith in the Roe V Wade decision that is fine by me and I believe you deserve your opinion but this particular comparison cannot be justified.
Look into the lady involved in the Roe V Wade case, I believe you will be surprised at her change of heart bu that is beside the point.
I believe you are trapped in blind faith.
My opinion on the "gang rape of your daughter" situation does lean towards the abortion of that child. I believe these cases can be easily solved by doctors discretion.
Here is a question for you, if a pregnant woman is shot in the stomach and the bullet kills the child but she fully recovers, is the shooter a murderer if the lady was on her way to have a scheduled abortion?

I think we could all agree that there is no one way, one size fits all answer to abortion.

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with you. the point i was trying to make is you can't have it both ways. if someone is alive and another person takes that life other than a conviction and that person sentenced to death. if the far right thinks it's murder then it is murder in the case of a gang rape

Anonymous said...

alot of republicans were wishing for obama to win the dem nomination. because they felt he was the easiest to beat.....alot of democracts were wishing rudy then mccain to win the repubican nomination because they felt he was the most liberal rep looks now like both sides will get their wish.....i predict after tomorrow, hilliary is done

Anonymous said...

Now that would be a shock. I would smile all day long, kinda like the guy in the Enzyte commercials!

Anonymous said...

assinine proposals from budget outlines major cuts in medicare payments....bush says we cant afford continue costs.....bush today proposed increasing the number of u.s. diplomats by one thousand...because we can afford it.......bush is not going to be happy until medicare, medicaid and social security is gone....and he want the iraq war and tax cuts to continue forever.....i hope John Mccain on day one issues an order to stop all of bushs past signing orders

Anonymous said...

Social programs cost a lot and somehow just keep growing? GO FIGURE!
You would think that government controlled programs that can be sucked dry by non-ambitious people would surely level itself out eventually and actually become FREE thanks to the Magic Tree of Fairness & Entitlement that spews money out every year.
Do we blame this one on the tax cuts, global warming or Iraq?
Wasn't there a plan to help save Social Security through a small dose of privatization not too long ago?
Oh well, higher taxes will cure all this and they don't have any negative effect whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the LEFT sure is diluted. Execution vs. Abortion? Really? I heard it all my life to "get your facts straight" but yet we hear "what if's" on this site. I need a "lefty" to give me stats on situations they bring up about abortion. Gang rape pregnancy? I'm not saying it couldnt happen, but whats the odds lefty? The LEFT likes to throw MORAL choice at the right, but the last I heard it was MR. Clinton that threw morals in the crapper and the world laughed. What a disgrace and they want to put him BACK in the white house with nothing to do!

I need stats lefty, when you give a situation, tell me, how many people in America actually go into your "Doom and gloom" situations?

Anonymous said...

All the lefty's nust be out getting dead people to vote!

Anonymous said...

first let me say that clintons morals wasnt any worse than nixon lying about watergate, or reagans lying about iraangate, or ikes lying about u2 spy plans, or bushs killing of iraq citizens, or bush 2 killing of iraq citizens so dont throw stones toward clinton....and if you dont like infidelity, then you cant vote for mccain because he had a long affair in washington after he came back from vietnam and his first wife was home sick....lets face the facts, if mccain was a dem, yall would be aginst him.....if hillary was a rep yall would love her

liberleft said...

last post is totally true, you go, this space is getting full, takes forever to get to new post....and you know how lazy we are, so can you delete the older posts or start new space.....thanks from the liberal left(a small silent gathering in ga., but a loud majority world wide)

Anonymous said...

according to you people to the far right 1 is enough thats right 1 as you would call it murder alife is a life and murder is murder you can't have it both ways

Anonymous said...

What is considered a life to the left?
I'm not on the far right but I do recognize a lack of information from the left.
A murder is a murder though, you're right, luckily we have capital punishment for that.
And what should we do with all the killers if we take away capital punishment?
Any takers on these simple questions?
Educate the poor mindless political minorities.


Anonymous said...

Life is a bitch, please don't vote for one.


Anonymous said...

let me make this a simple question, if abortion is murder in the case of two people that just made a mistake. what is abortion in the case of pregnancy that comes from rape

Anonymous said...

In the eyes of the ultimate Judge,abortion is murder no matter the circumstances. That Judge is Jesus Christ and we will all stand before Him one day whether it be at The Judgement Seat of Christ or The Great White Throne Judgement. Laugh if you will and call me a "Bible thumper", but we will all be judged one day for the things we did and the things we did not do.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between a traffic accident involving a drunk driver and one caused by a sober driver if they both result in the death of another person by their car going into oncoming traffic due to a patch of ice in the road that would be impossible to see?
The cop (in the case of abortion this would be the doctor) would determine the cause of the accident and take the drunk driver to jail for murder, in the case of the other driver it would be considered unavoidable (rape).
What's the difference between the two -RECKLESSNESS on the part of the drunk.
It would be an injustice to jail them both for vehicular homicide and just as bad to let them both go.
A murder is a murder. The other forms of killing are self defense or capital punishment for being convicted of murder. Both receive a trial by jury before a decision is made. The least we could do is judge the unavoidable and the reckless separately.
Now what is a life to the left? Are trying to avoid my question?

Anonymous said...

this whole time i was a conservitive just trying to find a answer to a complicated issue that i have had. so i'm sorry for acting like a person on the left. again thank you for all your responses. you never know what you will hear or read when you come outside the box of judgement

Anonymous said...

Uh oh... some one bashed the liberal God Clinton... your gonna burn in tax season for that!!

Anonymous said...

Lieberleft said ......thanks from the liberal left(a small silent gathering in ga., but a loud majority world wide)

REALLY? No wonder you think your way is the best!

Anonymous said...

Why is it hard for lefty's to understand...wait... I get it... They think Clinton was the best Pres since...well.... Carter. Thats right I said it... Carter. What a joke on both fronts.

Anonymous said...

Annon 10:44 said .... lets face the facts, if mccain was a dem, yall would be aginst him.....if hillary was a rep yall would love her.

Dont think so, NEVER would I vote to have that same ol song and dance in the white house. Hillary is a joke. But then again maybe she has her eye on some male intern, and has learned from Billy on how NOT to get caught.

Anonymous said...

If Obama wins do you think the WALLACE malitia from Alabama will keep him from a full term?

liberleft said...

just remember boys, this is america....just because someone gets the most votes, doesnt mean he wins......causes are only lost when we give cant govern if you cant win......there are no happy endings in the Bush administration

Anonymous said...

.15 rain today

Anonymous said...

we need a new space walter