Friday, February 01, 2008

meredith emerson's killer gets life...

in a swiftly handled case. the killer, gary michael hilton, admitted holding her captive for days, trying to get into her bank accounts, beating her to death with a tire iron and decapitating her body.

do you agree with the verdict?


Anonymous said...

they made a deal before hand that he would get life and not death, if he told where the body was.....probably a good ideal....they can still get death if they can tie him to an old cold case....i understood that the family oked this and eager to find body

Unknown said...

With the automatic appeal process for death penalty cases, he would probably be dead long before the state could execute him. An inmate in Alabama got a temporary stay last night for a crime he committed in 1982. I don't think this guy will live that long.

Anonymous said...

Just thank your local Liberal Idiot Association for that.

Anonymous said...

Thats right they say the death penality is too inhumane What about these people killing other people? Why should the taxpayers have to take on the burden of paying for these folks for 20 or so years, before they decide to kill them. Decrease the death row population. Hang them All.