this is an open discussion forum. keep it clean. personal attacks on private citizens will not be tolerated. you may discuss politics if you like but you may not rip or endorse specific local candidates.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
so let me get this straight....
the cops respond to a 911 call about a bank robbery, a man bearing at least some resemblance to the perpetrator runs from the scene but the cops are not supposed to chase him?
Walter, you are absolutely right. Running is usually a sign of guilt, and who is to say the guy was not paid to be a decoy. The police have to just follow their instincts and not take time for long winded discussion before they act. It appears to me they did what they could.
This guy didn't know what was going on he fear for his life and ran. running is not a sign of guilt this man could have been kill for a crime he did not committ. The cop should have review the bank video than assuming this was the right guy.
Judging from the security video I just saw the robber was a light skinned black with facial hair and the guy the cops chased was a dark black man with no facial hair. Sounds like a Barney Fife move to me. LOL!
you have got to be kidding me. you see alot of officers coming your way and you run, think about it, you as a officer would have gave chase as well. black this black that he should not have run bottom line. next time i hope they pop a rock in his ass
Typical BLOG. If people apply some common sense it makes absolute sense to chase anyone running from a crime scene. It doesn't matter if the 911 report said black, yellow, or white. Anyone of any color or sex is a suspect if they run from the cops.
Someone would have to be pretty damn dumb to think otherwise.
The people poking fun at blacks ought to stop, and the black people (or people pretending to be black) thinking anyone calling 911 is going to give an accurate reflection index of skin are just as dumb.
Anyone running from the scene should be stopped and investigated, no matter what sex or color. What an idiotic thing to do!
There isn't any defense for anyone of any sex or color being that stupid.
i have no problem with the cop chasing the man fiting the description......but i will also say that i dont have a problem with a black guy running from a white man chasing him with a gun,,,,,,,i do have a problem with the guy that runs getting a charge made against him......he is not guilty of anything....except not running fast enough........
When they say stop no matter what you have or have not done, you are supposed to stop.
I think it is more likely the guy running based on past local history thought Milam would let him go by dropping charges, Kenny Roberts would bring him a free hamburger, the Commissioners would try to hire him to watch the bank he was running from, someone would sell him a new bulldozer at great discount, or Harwick would wake up a judge to bail him out.
I've always thought if I ever wanted to commit a big crime I'd do it locally. Maybe he was running just to get some of the advantages and support we give to dishonest people?
It's called ARS (articulable reasonable suspicion). When the police observe someone fleeing from a crime scene they have "ARS" to believe that he MAY have had something to do with the crime.By law, that is enough to stop and detain the individual. If that individual chooses to run the law officer's duty is to chase and apprehend him. This individual is a suspect, once vendicated he is realeased. No harm, no foul. All is justified by law.Good job Barnesville P.D.! Chad Moxon
in the original post you said he had a resemblance of the robber, meant, he was black.........someone else mentioned that it is illegal to run from cops....yes, if they are in uniform, or show indentification........but we are told that if a suspicious car tries to pull us over, we should drive to an area where there is other people before we stop......just because someone at the door of our house says they are cops, we shuld ck the id before we unlock the door.....again , if you are downtown atlanta and a big black in taggered cloths with a gun runs after you and then says that he is cop, do you stop...
This guy knew who he was running from, no doubt about that. He knew it was a cop. There is really no argument to be made here. This isnt downtown Atlanta.
you are right about this not being atlanta....but if you read the weekly paper and read the arrests made in this county, you will see that per capital we have just as much crime, violence, drugs, and corruption as the big is just like politics, we dont like senators and rep from other states, but we lose ours....our political buddies may be crooks,but they are our crooks
I look at all the comment on the blog first of all this guy was not running from the scene. he did not look like the robber. From the video the robber was light skin and short. the guy that the Cop chase was dark skin and tall. The cop act like it's was 1910 the first black man they saw walking down the street they chase. that what use to happen years ago. and we living in a new day and time and the cop should no how to conduct and investigation better than this. It's is a shame that we are in the Year of 2008. and the law and certain people are acting like it's slavery days........... use to be a time you could say a black man done something and he was puinsh for a crime he did not committ but think god the laws chance so it wouldn't be that way. The person who make the comment the cop should have pop a rock in ass. why dont' you go hunt for some of the (white man) who are killing old people and young girl why they are hiking why don't you pop a rock in there ass.instead of want to hurt a guy that done nothing. you are sick for make that comment.
i stand by my comment. and will add this the white scum of the earth should have a rock bust their asss as well. i don't care if you are black or white if a policeman says stop damit you stop and none of this would have happened. so take your i'm black so everyone be scared of me or i will sue you shit and load your gun ass hole
anon 10:30 Open your narrow mind. This is not a black/white issue. When you have a call like this it is the cop's duty to stop and question anyone in the area. I dont care if this man looked like the suspect or not.
The typical "Black Victim" hoopla. If you really see prejudice in this issue you are deeply, deeply troubled. You have lost touch with reality and are probably prejudice yourself. It would have to take one to even THINK you know one in this case. Get a life. FairTax4me
Do you really think the cops had time to study the video and look at the skin shade of the black or anythjing else?
Almost anyone who is able to tie their own shoes should be wise enough to reason through a problem like this. The man was running from the bank, he wouldn't stop on command. Can you really imagine the cops saying "hey, let that guy run until we have a chance to look at the video"??
No one can be stupid enough to think that the cops should let people run away without stopping them, so this just has to be people just trying to irritate others. No one could be stupid enough to think otherwise.
everyone has his own thought of who is right or wrong on this issue.....and all the talk in the world is not gonna change anybody's we need to stop this talk that will only divide us.....lets just hope the police catch the real crook and hope tht the cops drop all charges on the innocent man, and hope that the innocent man doesnt press charges that the city will have to defend
Hats off to the investigators at the PD. Awesome job! That didn't take long at all. Hopefully this jerk will be spotted soon and put back in jail where he belongs.
I have been reading all these comments and theres a few saying "Way to go Barnesville PD" I think before all the congratulations is in order they need to catch him first.
They identified him and took warrants out on him. Hopefully, now he will be picked up by some agency. I guarantee you, if he was still in town, they would have found him by now.
"It's called ARS (articulable reasonable suspicion). When the police observe someone fleeing from a crime scene they have "ARS" to believe that he MAY have had something to do with the crime."
Bovine excrement...
There was a TRAIN working between the "crime scene" and the location of the alleged "suspect". Unless the gentleman in question can fly, how did he get from FNB to Atlanta Street? Jump over the train...?
I was THERE and witnessed this latest episode of Andy & Barney. To compound the situation, the idiots with guns covered their ass by charging the innocent man with trumped up nonsense. Meanwhile, our "heros" in blue have YET to actually catch the REAL criminal! Typical worthless cops.
I HOPE I get called to the jury that tries this case. The City Of Barnesville will learn what "Jury Nullification" means!
"For you to see so much, what side of the train were you on?"
Dairy Queen side. Train was switching back and forth. No one crossed through the cars where I was at. Some were crossing up at Mill Street. Guess those citizens were suspects as well? They were black after all.
"What jury retard? The one for the robber or the runner?"
The runner did nothing wrong except be black and frightened of plain clothes white assholes pointing guns at him. Guess that plain clothes asshole in Atlanta that shot it out by the other cop was just doing his "job" too...? Helpful hint in debating: throwing personal insults only diminishes your position. Guess LCCHS didn't go over that part or you were asleep...?
"Well Andy and Barney caught the guy.....not to worthless after all"
Really? The suspect turned himself in. Don't think they "caught" anything. My original assessment stands.
Sorry PD apologists, your boys overreacted, and then charged a frightened innocent individual with trumped up BS to cover their ass from being wiped out in a lawsuit.
No doubt the scum will offer a plea bargain in exchange for no suing. I wish Virgil Brown could sink his teeth into them.
I hope none of the respondents find themselves on the wrong end of what passes for "law enforcement". If so, they will find out how truly pathetic these people really are.
As for me, I truly hope I will stand for the jury of the runner. I will nullify their case instantly.
To all law officers. Do not listen to the negative people on here. Most of us realize how much you put on the line every day you go to work. We also know that you don't do it for the money. Just know you are appreciated. Hopefully those who are eager to bad mouth will not need your services on day.
The poor frightened black guy right? That's BS. Its almost funny. Lets continue to use the race card. I will bet a million dollars that this guy knew who he was running from. He was not in downtown Atlanta and no one was shooting at him. I guess running didn't make him look guilty. Now, as far as name calling, I think you need to take a look at your own comments. LCCHS education? Also, I think if anyone was trying to cover up some wrong doing, they wouldn't have placed charges on him.
One more thing...the PD caught him. Do you think he would have just turned himself in if he hadn't have been identified? If he wasn't plastered on the news? If he wasn't on this blog? I don't think so.
Suing? Suing for what? For running and making himself look guilty? Or suing because he is black and thinks he might get a little money? Who would have ever
7:38 The cop's dont have to cover their ass. They were doing there job. The man who ran was in the general area and run when he saw police. You are a racist who will cover up for a black person regardless of how guilty they are. That is why your race is in the condition thay are in. For years "white assholes" have done nothing but tried to help your race. I beleive a thank you is in order.
You sound like you have great knowledge about the white assholes...I bet they caught you doing something wrong...I'm sure it was a shock to you, being so smart and all. What a blow to your ego it must have been.
I bet you are one of the many that will vote for Obama just because he is black.
You are the swine. Hopefully a bullet will miss one of the officers and hit you right between the eyes. You are a piece of shit.
First you say the cops had no right to go after a scared innocent black boy. Now you say they had a right to question him? I'm sure if he hadn't ran, he would have been questioned and let go. But he chose to flee. How were the cops suppose to know if he was the poor innocent black boy are not. They were after a bank robber. A robber that had said he had a gun. A robber that threatened people in the bank. The cops did exactly what they should have done. Why you cant see that is beyond me. And as far as the black community raising hell...whats new. By the way, I dont think you were there. I dont think you saw anthing.
7:32 Please explain why this guy should not have been charged. Please use all of your knowledge about this issue, including what you think the police knew at the time they went after him. I'm sure you know how the call went out. I'm sure you know what the description of the robber was. Try to do this without using the frightened black boy nonsense. Don't say because white asshole, skinhead, judge Dred cops were after him with a gun. I say this because with simple reasoning, I would have had my gun out if I were the police just because the robber was thought to be armed. Why after wasting time chasing a guy, when they could have been after the real robber, should he not be charged with hendering?
thatz cuz you be profilin
No! I be styling and profiling.
Walter, you are absolutely right. Running is usually a sign of guilt, and who is to say the guy was not paid to be a decoy. The police have to just follow their instincts and not take time for long winded discussion before they act. It appears to me they did what they could.
This guy didn't know what was going on he fear for his life and ran. running is not a sign of guilt
this man could have been kill for a crime he did not committ. The cop should have review the bank video than assuming this was the right guy.
Judging from the security video I just saw the robber was a light skinned black with facial hair and the guy the cops chased was a dark black man with no facial hair. Sounds like a Barney Fife move to me. LOL!
you have got to be kidding me. you see alot of officers coming your way and you run, think about it, you as a officer would have gave chase as well. black this black that he should not have run bottom line. next time i hope they pop a rock in his ass
If he was runnin, he had a reason to be runnin and he didn't appear to be trying to get in shape.
Typical BLOG. If people apply some common sense it makes absolute sense to chase anyone running from a crime scene. It doesn't matter if the 911 report said black, yellow, or white. Anyone of any color or sex is a suspect if they run from the cops.
Someone would have to be pretty damn dumb to think otherwise.
The people poking fun at blacks ought to stop, and the black people (or people pretending to be black) thinking anyone calling 911 is going to give an accurate reflection index of skin are just as dumb.
Anyone running from the scene should be stopped and investigated, no matter what sex or color. What an idiotic thing to do!
There isn't any defense for anyone of any sex or color being that stupid.
Maybe the guy that was running was 'going to rob the bank'. Perhaps our authorities prevented a 2nd robbery.
Thank God for the Police-
I'm sure the real robber is thanking God for Barnesville Police too anon 4:21
i have no problem with the cop chasing the man fiting the description......but i will also say that i dont have a problem with a black guy running from a white man chasing him with a gun,,,,,,,i do have a problem with the guy that runs getting a charge made against him......he is not guilty of anything....except not running fast enough........
You are wrong.
It is illegal to run from the police.
When they say stop no matter what you have or have not done, you are supposed to stop.
I think it is more likely the guy running based on past local history thought Milam would let him go by dropping charges, Kenny Roberts would bring him a free hamburger, the Commissioners would try to hire him to watch the bank he was running from, someone would sell him a new bulldozer at great discount, or Harwick would wake up a judge to bail him out.
I've always thought if I ever wanted to commit a big crime I'd do it locally. Maybe he was running just to get some of the advantages and support we give to dishonest people?
It's called ARS (articulable reasonable suspicion). When the police observe someone fleeing from a crime scene they have "ARS" to believe that he MAY have had something to do with the crime.By law, that is enough to stop and detain the individual. If that individual chooses to run the law officer's duty is to chase and apprehend him. This individual is a suspect, once vendicated he is realeased. No harm, no foul. All is justified by law.Good job Barnesville P.D.!
Chad Moxon
in the original post you said he had a resemblance of the robber, meant, he was black.........someone else mentioned that it is illegal to run from cops....yes, if they are in uniform, or show indentification........but we are told that if a suspicious car tries to pull us over, we should drive to an area where there is other people before we stop......just because someone at the door of our house says they are cops, we shuld ck the id before we unlock the door.....again , if you are downtown atlanta and a big black in taggered cloths with a gun runs after you and then says that he is cop, do you stop...
This guy knew who he was running from, no doubt about that. He knew it was a cop. There is really no argument to be made here. This isnt downtown Atlanta.
my guess is that he thought he had a warrant out on him
you are right about this not being atlanta....but if you read the weekly paper and read the arrests made in this county, you will see that per capital we have just as much crime, violence, drugs, and corruption as the big is just like politics, we dont like senators and rep from other states, but we lose ours....our political buddies may be crooks,but they are our crooks
I look at all the comment on the blog first of all this guy was not running from the scene. he did not
look like the robber. From the video the robber was light skin and short. the guy that the Cop chase was dark skin and tall. The
cop act like it's was 1910 the first black man they saw walking down the street they chase. that what use to happen years ago. and we living in a new day and time and the cop should no how to conduct and investigation better than this. It's is a shame that we are in the Year of 2008. and the law and certain people are acting like it's slavery days...........
use to be a time you could say a black man done something and he was
puinsh for a crime he did not committ but think god the laws chance so it wouldn't be that way.
The person who make the comment the cop should have pop a rock in ass. why dont' you go hunt for some of the (white man) who are killing old people and young girl why they are hiking why don't you pop a rock in there ass.instead
of want to hurt a guy that done nothing. you are sick for make that
i stand by my comment. and will add this the white scum of the earth should have a rock bust their asss as well. i don't care if you are black or white if a policeman says stop damit you stop and none of this would have happened. so take your i'm black so everyone be scared of me or i will sue you shit and load your gun ass hole
anon 10:30
Open your narrow mind. This is not a black/white issue. When you have a call like this it is the cop's duty to stop and question anyone in the area. I dont care if this man looked like the suspect or not.
The typical "Black Victim" hoopla. If you really see prejudice in this issue you are deeply, deeply troubled. You have lost touch with reality and are probably prejudice yourself. It would have to take one to even THINK you know one in this case. Get a life.
How stupid can people get??
Do you really think the cops had time to study the video and look at the skin shade of the black or anythjing else?
Almost anyone who is able to tie their own shoes should be wise enough to reason through a problem like this. The man was running from the bank, he wouldn't stop on command. Can you really imagine the cops saying "hey, let that guy run until we have a chance to look at the video"??
No one can be stupid enough to think that the cops should let people run away without stopping them, so this just has to be people just trying to irritate others. No one could be stupid enough to think otherwise.
everyone has his own thought of who is right or wrong on this issue.....and all the talk in the world is not gonna change anybody's we need to stop this talk that will only divide us.....lets just hope the police catch the real crook and hope tht the cops drop all charges on the innocent man, and hope that the innocent man doesnt press charges that the city will have to defend
The police should charge him for failure to obey an officer's orders to stop.
He can't sue the city for squat. He's the bone-head that failed to obey.
You should have proof read your comment before posting. Pathetic!
From your writing and grammar, I think you are the one stuck back in 1910.
You are a dumb ass!
Way to go Barnesville PD!
Hats off to the investigators at the PD. Awesome job! That didn't take long at all. Hopefully this jerk will be spotted soon and put back in jail where he belongs.
I have been reading all these comments and theres a few saying "Way to go Barnesville PD" I think before all the congratulations is in order they need to catch him first.
DISOLA? HMMM, how many times have I read that name in the local arrest record?
They identified him and took warrants out on him. Hopefully, now he will be picked up by some agency. I guarantee you, if he was still in town, they would have found him by now.
"It's called ARS (articulable reasonable suspicion). When the police observe someone fleeing from a crime scene they have "ARS" to believe that he MAY have had something to do with the crime."
Bovine excrement...
There was a TRAIN working between the "crime scene" and the location of the alleged "suspect". Unless the gentleman in question can fly, how did he get from FNB to Atlanta Street? Jump over the train...?
I was THERE and witnessed this latest episode of Andy & Barney. To compound the situation, the idiots with guns covered their ass by charging the innocent man with trumped up nonsense. Meanwhile, our "heros" in blue have YET to actually catch the REAL criminal! Typical worthless cops.
I HOPE I get called to the jury that tries this case. The City Of Barnesville will learn what "Jury Nullification" means!
What jury retard? The one for the robber or the runner?
You are a moron. Have you been smoking the crack rock again?
Hey 5:31, we know you are lying. Andy was on vacation.
For you to see so much, what side of the train were you on?
"We'll do these one at a time.
"For you to see so much, what side of the train were you on?"
Dairy Queen side. Train was switching back and forth. No one crossed through the cars where I was at. Some were crossing up at Mill Street. Guess those citizens were suspects as well? They were black after all.
"What jury retard? The one for the robber or the runner?"
The runner did nothing wrong except be black and frightened of plain clothes white assholes pointing guns at him. Guess that plain clothes asshole in Atlanta that shot it out by the other cop was just doing his "job" too...? Helpful hint in debating: throwing personal insults only diminishes your position. Guess LCCHS didn't go over that part or you were asleep...?
"Well Andy and Barney caught the guy.....not to worthless after all"
Really? The suspect turned himself in. Don't think they "caught" anything. My original assessment stands.
Sorry PD apologists, your boys overreacted, and then charged a frightened innocent individual with trumped up BS to cover their ass from being wiped out in a lawsuit.
No doubt the scum will offer a plea bargain in exchange for no suing. I wish Virgil Brown could sink his teeth into them.
I hope none of the respondents find themselves on the wrong end of what passes for "law enforcement". If so, they will find out how truly pathetic these people really are.
As for me, I truly hope I will stand for the jury of the runner. I will nullify their case instantly.
To all law officers. Do not listen to the negative people on here. Most of us realize how much you put on the line every day you go to work. We also know that you don't do it for the money. Just know you are appreciated. Hopefully those who are eager to bad mouth will not need your services on day.
The poor frightened black guy right? That's BS. Its almost funny. Lets continue to use the race card. I will bet a million dollars that this guy knew who he was running from. He was not in downtown Atlanta and no one was shooting at him. I guess running didn't make him look guilty. Now, as far as name calling, I think you need to take a look at your own comments. LCCHS education? Also, I think if anyone was trying to cover up some wrong doing, they wouldn't have placed charges on him.
One more thing...the PD caught him. Do you think he would have just turned himself in if he hadn't have been identified? If he wasn't plastered on the news? If he wasn't on this blog? I don't think so.
Suing? Suing for what? For running and making himself look guilty? Or suing because he is black and thinks he might get a little money? Who would have ever
The cop's dont have to cover their ass. They were doing there job. The man who ran was in the general area and run when he saw police. You are a racist who will cover up for a black person regardless of how guilty they are. That is why your race is in the condition thay are in. For years "white assholes" have done nothing but tried to help your race. I beleive a thank you is in order.
You sound like you have great knowledge about the white assholes...I bet they caught you doing something wrong...I'm sure it was a shock to you, being so smart and all. What a blow to your ego it must have been.
I bet you are one of the many that will vote for Obama just because he is black.
You are the swine. Hopefully a bullet will miss one of the officers and hit you right between the eyes. You are a piece of shit.
First you say the cops had no right to go after a scared innocent black boy. Now you say they had a right to question him? I'm sure if he hadn't ran, he would have been questioned and let go. But he chose to flee. How were the cops suppose to know if he was the poor innocent black boy are not. They were after a bank robber. A robber that had said he had a gun. A robber that threatened people in the bank. The cops did exactly what they should have done. Why you cant see that is beyond me. And as far as the black community raising hell...whats new. By the way, I dont think you were there. I dont think you saw anthing.
Please explain why this guy should not have been charged. Please use all of your knowledge about this issue, including what you think the police knew at the time they went after him. I'm sure you know how the call went out. I'm sure you know what the description of the robber was. Try to do this without using the frightened black boy nonsense. Don't say because white asshole, skinhead, judge Dred cops were after him with a gun. I say this because with simple reasoning, I would have had my gun out if I were the police just because the robber was thought to be armed. Why after wasting time chasing a guy, when they could have been after the real robber, should he not be charged with hendering?
Do you personally know any of the people involved in this?
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