Monday, November 05, 2007

planning commission says 'no' to c&d landfill...

risking a contempt of court charge in the process.

over 100 concerned citizens, including medora pelt (right), were in attendance at this morning's hearing to do battle with the proposed dump which they say will do more harm to property values and the environment than it is worth.

many commented on what they perceived as arrogance on the part of james vaughn, attorney for the firm that wants the dump permitted.

for full coverage of vaughn's remarks and those of citizens speaking out against the landfill, see the 11.06.07 print edition of the herald-gazette.

more where you would expect it at your news source


Unknown said...

I haven't understood why anyone would have ever said yes to an unlined landfill. Actually, I can't believe our state leaders have never banned them...I guess money talks.

GMAC said...

I'm happy the people stood up and said NO. The people live and pay taxes here and should have every right to say what they allow in. It's no different than someone saying who they will allow in their house.

I say if they want this landfill so bad, let them build it in their own county. If I'm not mistaken that would be Monroe.

And if they get their way, they should be forced to put up at least a 300 million dollard bond for any environmental or water table damage. That way when the environment or water is damaged, money is available to assist anyone put out immediately without years of court tag.

wdm said...

I bet the Judge is hot under the collar that his opinion is thought so little of by 3 members of the planning commission?

Unknown said...

I live in Monroe County near the proposed landfill and I help to manage timber property beside the proposed landfill area. Not only am I afraid of my property value falling but also of my clients land. An unlined landfill near all of the creeks and streams could propose future problems. I'm going to fight this along with my clients. If enough people come together on this it can be defeated....