Wednesday, October 17, 2007

gordon students questioned in drinking incident...

that morphed briefly into a sexual assault probe in which gbi assistance was requested.

more where you would expect it at lamar's definitive news source


Thomas Jefferson said...

Hey did everyone hear about the new presidential candidate from South Carolina? Its Stephen Cobert!!! I'm so glad there is finally someone I'm excited about voting for. I sure hope he makes it through the primaries!!

Unknown said...

I'm voting for Harry Houdini

It'll take a real magician to undo the massive mess George W has made out of our once great country.


Why is it that a person can vote,go to war and will be charged as an adult if there 18 and commit a crime yet the same people half to be 21 to drink?

Thomas Jefferson said...

Because that was our will, show some respect.


Yea like respect the law that says no sunday alcohol sales..... It makes bootlegers ritch!..........Show some rspect for our right to choose when we want to buy alcohol! What gives you the right or the govornment for that matter to intrude on my private life and tell me when i can or cannot buy a product because of the day of the week?

liberleft said...

sure isnt as much fun without all the anonymous redneck right wingers writing blogs


I am pro choice but, Why can a woman have the right to take the life of there unborn child but I dont have the right to choose not to put my seatbelt on?

Thomas Jefferson said...

My apologies Gillrilla. It seems the desire of the public has changed. I will now work to see that alcohol is served seven days a week, 365 days a year! I will also work to lower the legal drinking age... how does 10 sound? It will also be mandatory for every citizen to purchase alcohol, regardless of race or creed, on President's Day and the 4th of July! Hooray Beer!


First off T.J. I didnt say beer I said alcohol(of all kind) And 365 days a year sounds about rite. You are the 1 who said lower the drinking age to 10(like an idiot)! I said lower it to 18, a person is considered to be an adult at 18. Or am I rong?,.........And if you want to make somthing mandatory make it mandatory that if a person is 18 or over there grown,And if they want to drink 365 days a year, its none of your buisness!


How about this T.J. If you want to work for somthing work to see that our right to do what we want to do is ours! They let them immigrant illegal aliens change our society.All the auotomated phone services ask if you want to hear it in english.....We have changed everything in america because mexicans are ither to sorry or to lazy to learn the language BUT our collage students over 18 who have commited there selfs to learning cant even have a beer?....Let me put it another way. If you are 18 the IRS will tax you as an adult! You can be taxed as an adult at 18 but you cant drink?...SOUNDS LIKE.. B to the ULL..S to the HIT!

Thomas Jefferson said...

My apologies yet again Gillrilla. I agree with you and lowering the drinking age to 10 was meerly a bit of humor, not meant to be backhanded. Although I agree that 18 year olds take on great responsibilities, the greatest being military service, I am still not sold on the idea of lowering the legal drinking age (although it should be considered). It seems that many 21 year old are not mature enough to handle drinking responsibly (although there are 80 year olds who are just as bad, so this argument may hold little water). But many 18 year olds have more young friends and still attend high school parties, where their freedom to buy alcohol could have tragic consequences. But having said all that, if a 16 year old wants to get alcohol, it is very easy anyway. What do you think Gillrilla?


I agree! You make a good point but I think the drinking age should be 18 in my opinion. No backhand was ment T.J. I do have an open mind and you make a good point.

Thomas Jefferson said...

Thanks Gillrilla, It is refreshing to discuss topics without insults. Thanks for the comment and have a great day!