Thursday, January 04, 2007

would the death penalty in this country...

be a greater deterrent to crime if executions were carried out as swiftly as that of saddam hussein was?


Anonymous said...

I watched the video of the hanging. It was very uncivilized and reminded me of those images of Americans having their heads cut off with those small knives. Saddam didn't get the opportunity to scream like our people did but his example once again reinforced my beliefs that we need to get the HELL out of there. In 1000 years, those folks will still be doing things like they are today.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't know if it would be a deterrent to crime, but the person being executed would never commit another crime. I agree that we need to get out of Iraq. We need to refocus on the originaL mission...get Osama Bin Laden. He's the one who proudly took credit for 9-11

Anonymous said...

I take it the question is if the death penalty in this country was as quick as in Iraq, would it deter crime. I think quick swift punishment is a crime deterrent. We take too long as the present system goes. The accused has told himself/herself so many times they are innocent they actually believe if before the execution date.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes -

I believe anyone that receives the death sentence should have an automatic appeal within an established time limit not to exceed 1 year. If the appeal also hands down the death sentence, it should be carried out swiftly, within 30 days.

Anonymous said...

Yes, a quicker execution would be a deterrant.

And yes, a quicker execution would ensure that some innocent people would be executed. Now granted it want be a high percentage, but if I'm the one falsely sentenced, being in that low percentage would be no concilation.

At the end of the day, we would be better off to eliminate the death penalty. As a society, we can't stomach the thought of an innocent person being wrongly executed, so we are not going to allow quick executions as they do in Iraq.

Our current system takes so long that it is not a deterrant. Further, we waste a tremendous amount of tax dollars representing death row inmates. It would be a lot cheaper to lock them up and throw away the keys.

Anonymous said...

"eye for an eye"

there are consequences for our actions on earth, luckily if forgivness is sought, there are no consequences when they die, but that does not mean there are not earthly consequences for our actions. WE should forgive in our hearts, but still hold people accountable for their actions. God will take care of whether or not their souls are forgiven.

Anonymous said...

I know several people who are corrections officers. Each one has told of times when a prisioner would re-enter after having been free for a while. It is like old home week. They are only inconvenienced by a prision sentence. Most function perfectly well in prision. If prision is that easy,it is no deterent. Capital crimes require capital punishment.

Anonymous said...

There is too many damn liberals in this country for us to ever worry about this topic. Wouldnt want to infringe on the rights of any criminals would we........

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am positive it would make criminals think before doing the crime.

Anonymous said...

THINK ON this: I know it is terrible to wait for years to take someone's life as punishment but has there been anyone executed that was ever proven innocent like we hear of occasionally.If someone is beyond a shadow of doubt guilty; then get on with it. We all would say kill them unless it was us.

Anonymous said...

Lawyers use the Death Row Inmates as a vehicle to make money. They constantly appeal until the courts cease to grant an appeal. Since this fee for this legal work is at the cost of the taxpayers, it is free money for these lawyers, to be exploited in every way possible.

Anonymous said...
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