Monday, November 06, 2006

rudy vaughn popped in pike...

county at a liquor store.

he was arrested friday after federal indictments against him were unsealed and, at last report, was a resident of the pike county jail.

details in the print edition of the herald-gazette.


Anonymous said...

its about time!!

Anonymous said...

he is out on his own accord and doing fine. this will all be over soon and we will know who the real criminals are. look around you in your own back yards

Anonymous said...

look around in our own back yards?he and his crooks buried stuff in our yards? holy smokes!! thanks for the tip

Anonymous said...

where do i look? i need a little extra cash

Anonymous said...

Yeah a victim...arent they all. Im sure he and his family and friends think all that stuff was owed to him anyway so there was nothing wrong with stealing it.

Anonymous said...

money, money, can't stand a black man having some. Mr. Vaughn has worked all his life and now it seems that it is ok to just throw him and his family out of their home and business and give it to anyone for the taking. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? The facts will soon come out and I hope that he and his family can get on with their lives. After all they are citizens too and the last I read, nothing was buired in Mr. Vaughn's backyard.Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone has the facts straight but you. Money isnt the issue....its how you get the money thats the problem. Who cares if he is white or black???? But leave it up to someone to try and make it an racial issue. If he gets off it will be because of loopholes in the law. Just like some people who went to jail for child porn and are now not on the sex offender list because their laywer found a loophole. Doesnt make sense but it happens.

Anonymous said...

because he is black,that has nothing to do with it, how about his criminal record,that should be enough to let people know where the money came from

Anonymous said...

Mr. Vaughn has done work in your community as well as surrounding counties and I really don't beleive that he had made a life of stealing to earn his liviing. He was popped in pike because of a past record more than 25 years ago that he has served time for and came back into the community and I think has lead a clean and hard working life and living until now and will live again despite hatred and illwell just because some people beleive otherwise. The courts will prove justice and fareness and have a fair and open mind. I pray and wish his family well and will pray for justice

Anonymous said...

I will pray also....that he goes to jail!

Anonymous said...

you dont get arested for something you did 25 yrs ago if time has been served for the crime , wake up. just because the guy runs out and joins a local church doesnt make him "not guilty" of the crimes,smart move for these parts though, you got to hand him that.

Anonymous said...

The man is being covicted and sentenced BEFORE he has had a trial. This town should be renamed as "Harper Valley." The only thing Rudy is guilty of at this point is making bad bar-b-que. You only had to eat there one time to figure that out. If you can't detect the smell of pit cooked bar-b-que before you enter the building, that should send out a message that the food is being nuked in a microwave. About two months ago Rudy rededicated his life to Christ and joined Rock Springs Church. Can I have an amen to that...or do you want to criticize and judge him for that?

Anonymous said...

So its ok to be an alleged "crook," charged with multiple crimes as long as you join a church??? You know what, that is great for him, but if he is guilty, then he can repent from jail. Just because he now goes to church doesnt mean a thing. Just look at all these Priest....doing drugs, molesting kids, committing adultry, living homosexual lifestyles...shall I go on. Doesnt impress me at all.

Anonymous said...

You didnt smell it cooking because it was stole BBQ.....right?

Anonymous said...

Jesus probably wouldn't impress you. The truth is that Jesus loves you and Rudy. You may see Rudy on the outside but Christ sees his heart. He's the one that will judge. Your opinion does not matter...and I thank God for that.

Anonymous said...

Dont preach to me. As far as you know, I might be a member of your church. I just dont like hypocrits and quite frankly the churches are full of them. Just showing up to church does not make you a saint. But like you said, only Christ knows his heart but that does not take away his past in the eyes of the law. Wonder what he was doing at a liquor store????

Anonymous said...

maybe buying wine for communion

Anonymous said...

For all you know he might be your pastor.

Anonymous said...

great move,rudy-i would never thought of that-join the largest church in the comunity,give your soul to god,sing the song of love,because after all ,who is the jury going to be picked from? sounds like someone has been down this road before.either that or he got himself one smart lawyer.

Anonymous said...

you are exactly right and its sad people are going to be fooled by him....very smart move on his part.

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me like some folks on this blog need to make the same commitment that Rudy made. You're convicting hlm without a trial. One day, you too, will be judged. What is your Judge going to say about you? Think about it long and hard before you post another comment.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where you get the BBQ was bad. He served the best BBQ, stew, BBQ chicken, and desserts in this area. He always talked to you and made you feel like your opinion was important. My family really misses the restaurant!!

Anonymous said...

if you think that was good bar-b-q. you realy need to get out some,if you miss it so bad you can buy it at the citgo ,owned by mr Chaveze, "birds of a feather" comes to mind

Anonymous said...

If he got right with God then praise the Lord, but he still has to take responsibility for what he was caught red handed doing. They found stollen property in his barn and in his truck. His crimes were serious and there were a lot of them. Jesus does love him, but he still did these things and should be honest about it if he is a christian.

Anonymous said...,
I just read your post and it took me about 2 seconds to "think about it." Everyone is going to be judged. I know that. I also know that if you break the law you should be punished. And I can say I have never done anything illegal.

Anonymous said...

The church is a front for him just like the BBQ restaurant. He is a crook.

To the person who liked his BBQ. Guess what the majority of the food had been stolen from other restaurants. You really dont know what you were eating.

Anonymous said...

To the one who said he has never done anything illegal, let me touch the hem of your garment. I guess you don't drive a car. You never went over the speed limit or violated any motor vehicle laws. You never took anything home with you that was not yours, such as a pen. You never cheated on your taxes. It would be better to say you never were caught doing anything illegal. To the one who said the church is a front for Rudy. That's the same as saying Jesus is a front for Rudy...and yes, Jesus is Rudy's protector. Is He your protector?

Anonymous said...

are you saying, as long as you find christ all your crimes are washed away?.i wonder how many times this scam has been used in the past,quit a bit i would guess.but the sad part is, in lamar co,it will most likely work.sad but true

Anonymous said...

No, I did not say that! Let me type r-e-a-l s-l-o-w so you will understand. I havw led many inmates to the Lord and I always tell that that Jesus has forgiven them of their sins, but the State of Georgia has not. They still have to finish their sentence, but that have a better chance in life than they did before accepting Christ as their savior.

Anonymous said...

Nope never cheated on my taxes nor do I intend to. Have never stole anything intentionally. I do drive a car and have been caught for a ticket and paid the fine. I think you are way off base though. There is a huge difference between an ink pen and hundreds of thousands of dollars in INTENTIONALLY stolen property. No one on this earth is perfect and in no way was I implying that I was. Maybe I should have phrased my comment better. Everyone knows what this man has been charged with and everyone knows his past history. Do you think he was framed? Do you think he should not be held accountable for his actions? Do you think that just because he goes to church now wipes all of that away? I think Rudy is a hypocrit. I am glad he found God after he got caught. Good for him. I just hope that he really is tring to turn his life around and not thinking ahead to the trial time and trying to get brownie points. But like you said, God knows all.

Anonymous said...

Rev Black,
Out of all the inmates that have been in the Lamar Co jail, how many of them end up right back in there once they have been released?
I am sure the precentage is very high. I know that just by reading the SO and PD reports in the paper each week. No one is putting down your work or what you are trying to do. It is commendable. The point is that some people never change, it is thier way of life, its all they know.

Anonymous said...

mr black,
of all the post you have made about mr vaughn and all the criminals you have helped,not once do i see you saying anything about the victims of these people,why is it that the victims of these slim bags are forgoten about when it comes to the churches going to the jails and leading the so called downtroden souls to the would seem to me the first people needing help would be the victoms.

Anonymous said...

I'd try to explain it to you, butI'm afraid eyes are blinded to hate and anger. It's about love and forgiveness. It's what Jesus preached.

Anonymous said...

If the victims need to hear the message of salvation, I'd be glad to share it with them. That's the only help I provide for those who are in prison.

Anonymous said...

If the victim is taking the dirt nap, it is a little late. That is why executions are paramount.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He may get off on all charges. Who knows? I have heard there have been a lot of blunders in the investigation. Dont know if this is true or not. I hope not, but if he does get off, that does not mean he is innocent.