Friday, November 03, 2006

could you vote for barack obama...

for president in '08?

why or why not?


. said...
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. said...

While I confess to know very little about the man, his allegiance to a party that is known for erroneous spending, over taxation and moral decay makes a slim chance for my vote.

Anonymous said...


. said...

I would venture that Democrats more accept spending, taxing and immorality. Although republicans are getting 'caught' - it is not being accepted by the party. Conservatism is the core of the Republican Party and it must prevail.

Anonymous said...

I can hardly pronounce the dudes name, much less vote for him. I cannot get a handle on what he stands for it seems to change alot.

Anonymous said...

(bu-rock oh-bah-mu). It's not that hard.

Anonymous said...

I must have stepped out for coffee at the wrong time, or living on another plant. Who is the world is barack obama?

Anonymous said...

Was this guy born in the USA? If not, where is he from?

Anonymous said...

You got to be kidding Zell Miller is a nut case. Tax and spend, tax and spend is all that both parties know how to do. The difference is the republican party tax the middle class and cut taxes for the rich and the Democrats tax the rich and cut taxes for the average income American. The middle class has taken tremendous hits from the Bush administration and is in need of a few breaks. I'll vote for whoever gives us those breaks no matter which party their in.

Anonymous said...

no way !! just read up on this guy

Anonymous said...

Barak Obama would definitely have my vote. He can take this country in a better direction than it's headed in now.

Anonymous said...

I,d take Obama over Buice anytime.

Anonymous said...

That doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

It will come to you one day what my point is simply put I,d never vote for buice again.

Anonymous said...

this isnt about buice....