by explosive sniffing dog following bomb threat but will remain closed for the rest of the day.
original threat called in just before noon by what authorities said sounded like a black male.
the courthouse will be the site of vote tabulations tonight as scheduled.
was it time for the vaughn case to come up?
*Snicker* at the previous post!
Is it just me or does the officer with the drug dog look a lot like Dr Cauthen?
I think it looks like a car salesman I know.
oh rudy don't take your love to town
more like someone in realestate
Noooooo......seriously like a car salesman I know and love.
Does anyone think this will affect the tabulation of the votes?
Seems more like it's Election Day and someone wants to cause a diversion. "Sounds like a black male."*lol*
That quote is laughable, what does a black male actually sound like?
I believe that in a few days, if the election outcome is the way a few people want it to be--this bomb threat will be used as an excuse.
The black male probably said "nowatumsain" countless times...
Or You Know, at the end of every sentence
Based on information provided by FREETHINKER, CNN now projects THE MASKED HITLER #2 the NEW, UNDISPUTED,GOVERNOR of the state of GEORGIA!!!!
Mike Stephens can imitate black people good he use to do prank phone calls all the time.
Scan through the comments on this blog and tell me what you think. It sounds like Lamar County is made up of a bunch of intellectual inferiors. If you want to know the quality of Lamar County students, look at the parents. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
for the post at 5:46 to be honest ive never posted anything on here but you seem like the type of person that doesnt want to hurt anybodys feelings. Im not racist, and have plenty of black friends and work with a bunch but everytime something happens that they dont like, the naacp has to jump in and their always claiming racism (ex. cynthia mckenny) "the officer only stopped me bc im a black female" that was a stupid comment. why cant ppl just realize we all have to live together and that not everything is going to go their way and to get over it and like you say grow up.
I hope that they don't go on a witch hunt searching for a black male, based on what someone said. I mean it's ridiculous in this day and age to make a friggin' statement like that.
Some people need to actually tune into the world OUTSIDE of small-minded Barnesville, and realize the fallacy of that statement.
I'll admit that I am ashamed to admit that I'm from Barnesville.The only thing that seems to change there is the weather.
Do you suppose someone dropped a "Gut Bomb" in the mens room and everyone evacuated the building?
thetruthasweknowit...if B'ville is that bad, why are you here? It's a big, big world.
To the truthasiknowit, Delta is ready when you are. Take Phil Dumaine with you it appears you two stur the same pot.
I agree. It just goes to show how up tight some people are
I left Barnesville approximately 12 years ago. I noticed from reading the blogs that some things in left never change. You cannot change the mind set of a small town mentality. I was appalled in the 21st century, that someone would even write "it sounded like a black male". I ask myself, what does a black male sound like? Because the world I live in, you cannot distinguish a black voice from a white voice. If you make an attempt, you aren't fooling anyone but yourself. You would think with the new generation, this type of racism would change, but I came to realize that the educated one's leave this small town menatility also.
I couldn't help but to address the gentleman's blog about he's not a racist, and have plenty of black freinds. He works with a BUNCH but "everytime something happens they don't like, the NAACP has to jump in and always claiming racism". I would suggest to this gentleman to read the novel "Black Like Me". Once he has read this novel and only then would he qualify to suggest racism doesn't exist. It really perturbs me to hear members of the White race to use the phrase, I'm not a racist because I have or work with Blacks. What they don't realize is that have just made a racist remark. Remember, you are friends regardless of their color. You don't have to use skin color to get your point across.
Frankly, I think you can distinguish a black male voice and white male voice. Its just a fact. I am not saying all black people talk the same, this is not a blanket statement. I just dont understand how someone can call that a racist remark. Dont play stupid or offended. Its reality.
I wish someone would publish " White like me." It could be about how the white person today is still being blammed for things that we had nothing to do with. Maybe it could be about how racist the Black community is.
for the record, the extremely bright, pleasant and competent young lady who took the call happens to be black.
I thought the comment asking if someone dropped a "Gut Bomb" in the mens room, was probably the only logical explanation for the action
If you think that you can always distinguish black and white voices, that's because you have always lived in Barnesville. Take a trip and see the world besides Barnesville. Then you'll see that everyone is not a "country bunkin".
I have been to many places, lived in several states, and have a great education....but here in the south you can distinguish between voices a lot of the time. Note, I didnt say all of the time, but most of the time. You are fooling yourself if you do not think so. And by the way, all you have to do is turn on the TV to know that not all black people talk the same.
Would it have been a big deal if the Black lady that answered the call told police that it sounded like a white man???????????
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