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tired of paying for those who refuse to work and don't own property yet?
Sunday, October 01, 2006
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this is an open discussion forum. keep it clean. personal attacks on private citizens will not be tolerated. you may discuss politics if you like but you may not rip or endorse specific local candidates.
I can't blame any one person for the unemployment problem in this country. As far as, the numbers published by our government, I believe it's far worse than stated.
It's hard enough for those who are educated and skilled to stay employed much less those who aren't. And what if you have a police record. One mistake and you are screwd for life. Considering the list of violators in police blotter of the Barnesville paper, along with the problems in the public schools and in a town of less than 7000...no wonder unemployment is a problem, especially when there are very few job to be had in the first place.
I believe most people would work if given a chance and if the odds weren't stacked so high against the middle class. The majority of the problem comes from Washington, which for some time now, has been selling out the middle class.
Why do retired persons have to pay school taxes, since their children are grown and gone. Why cannot the Apartment Owners, and Rental Gurus, whose tennants comprise the largest part of the school population, pay a higher tax to make up the difference.
All it would take is a fair sales tax and we wouldn't even have to pay property taxes.
In response to the person who asked why Seniors have to pay property taxes, well why do people under the age of 30 have to pay for Social Security? It's not like we will ever see a dime of it anyway! The United States tax structure is not fair--deal with it or elect a someone who is willing to actually reform the system.
Buggytown, come on, homestead exemption is not enough to make a difference.
Seniors should not have to pay school taxes. Cant you read?
Homestead exemption is a pittance.
No one ever said Seniors should not have to pay property taxes, just school taxes. I know sometimes you have to explain to the mentally challenged.
Some don't pay their fair share because of conservation however, I believe many don't really qualify but they are taking the tax break anyway. What do you think?
Two general types of specialized of preferential assessment programs are available for certain owners of certain types of property. One of these programs authorizes assessment at 30% instead of 40% of the fair market value for certain agricultural properties being used for bona fide agricultural purposes.
The second type of preferential program is the Conservation Use program which provides that certain agricultural property, timber and land property, environmentally sensitive property, or residential transitional property is to be valued and assessed for ad valorem tax purposes at its current use value rather than its fair market value. For more information on Conservation Use we have included the following Information.
Conservation Use was approved by an overwhelming majority of Georgia voters in an effort to encourage agricultural landowners to keep their land in production in exchange for favorable tax treatment. This favorable tax treatment is designed to protect these property owners from being pressured by the property tax burden to convert their land from agricultural use to residential or commercial use, hence the name ''conservation use'' assessment. In return for the favorable tax treatment the property owner must keep the land undeveloped in a qualifying use for a period of ten years on incur stiff penalties.
Applications for current use assessment must be filed with the county board of tax assessors on or before the last day for filing ad valorem tax returns in the county (April 1). A $10.00 recording fee must accompany all applications.
• Owner must be an individual or family farm corporation, estate, trust or non-profit organization.
• Owner agrees to maintain the property in a qualifying use of ''good faith'' production of agricultural products or timber for 10 years.
• Owner cannot have over 2,000 acres statewide in the Conservation Use Program.
• The Tax Assessors Office may request additional information regarding the use of the property if the office feels it is necessary to determine if the property qualifies for the exemption. Information that may be requested is Schedule F (Profit or Loss from Farm Income), Form 4562 Depreciation, or Crop Production Records the owner maintains. (mandatory on tracts less than 10 acres)
• Conservation values are set by the State of Georgia and cannot be appealed by the taxpayer, however the Board of Tax Assessors must still maintain the fair market value on the property which may still be appealed by the taxpayer.
• The Conservation values established by the state are made up of a combination of the capitalized income that could be produced from the land and market value. The ratio is 65% income and 35% fair market value.
• The maximum amount that conservation values may be increased is 3% per year or a maximum of 34.39% over the 10-year Covenant.
• The amount of savings on your tax bill cannot be determined at this time. The valuation for conservation use is available on your property upon request. You then can compare the fair market value to the conservation use value.
• Agricultural buildings may be included in the covenant. Although, the current values will not change on the buildings, these buildings would be subject only to the 3% per year maximum increase.
• If the owner breaks the Covenant a penalty of twice the taxes saved by the taxpayer will be imposed and interest at the rate of 1% per month will be assessed if not immediately reported.
• If the Covenant is broken as a result of death or eminent domain (condemnation) no penalty will be assessed.
• If the Covenant is broken as a result of medically demonstrable illness or foreclosure, the penalty will be the amount of taxes saved for the current year only.
• Leases or contracts for billboard signs, cellular towers, or any type of non-qualifying use will breach the Covenant and all penalties will apply. Hunting leases are allowed.
• If the property is sold, and if the purchaser continues using the property as it was originally covenanted then no penalty would be assessed. Purchaser must sign covenant agreeing to no change in use. However, the taxpayer should be aware that if the use changes during the 10-year period all penalties would apply.
• If the owner desires to omit a portion of a tract from the Covenant they must present to the Assessors' satisfaction a clearly defined description of the portion under the Covenant and a clearly defined description of the portion not under the Covenant.
• The property owner may give up to 5.0 acres to a relative within the 4th degree of civil reckoning provided that relative builds a house on the property received within one year and resides in the house for the remainder of the 10-year period.
• Property is allowed to lie fallow or idle for up to 2 years within any 5-year period.
• Property owners over age 65 who renew their Covenant may elect after 3 years into the second 10-year Covenant to terminate the Covenant by filing in writing a declaration with the Tax Assessors' office.
Each of these specialized or preferential programs requires the property owner to covenant with the board of tax assessors to maintain the property in its qualified use for at least 10 years in order to qualify for the preference. The Board of Tax Assessors can explain the ownership and use restrictions regarding property qualifying for either of these programs. Substantial penalties result if the covenant is broken.
This is a copy of the form that should be kept on file. Go to the tax office to see how many you can find.
Unemployment is nearing a 5 year low and the levels of the mid 90's. Look at the facts on the economy before making assumptions.
10:56 PM
I know what the numbers say and I just don't believe them a bit. They can't be right. My wife works for a company that at time puts want adds in the paper for certain skilled positions. Presently she is receiving anywhere from 4 to 6 hundred resumes on the first day and has to discontinue the add because their fax machine goes nonstop from days at a time. There are more people looking for work with less jobs available. The jobs that are available pay less and most have no benifits. Many people end up working for a temp service with less pay and no benifits at all. I know what I see. Most all the nonskilled jobs are snapped up by "undocumented workers" and thousands of skilled jobs are going overseas everyday. Many of the skilled jobs in America are now being filled with H1B workers.
The American middle class is be sold out right underneath they own noses. Wake up America before there is no middle class left.
Landlords pay their property taxes more than likely with the money they've earned from renting out their property. So the "rental gurus" do pay property taxes via their landlords. If not please tell me how or where they get that money. If they aren't making enough to pay the taxes and then some it hardly seems worth it.
Cameron you weenie,
How much did you earn last year?
I'll bet you still live with mommie and daddie. Am I right?
I bet that one day your personal experiences will turn into a huge wakeup call!
-Johnny Carcinoma
Why shouldn't seniors pay school taxes?: they benefitted from the school system themselves when they were children and, later, if/when they had children in the system.
I can't argue with someone who has no regard for facts, and would rather base their assumption of our national economy on their own personal experiences. How can our economy be struggling when the Dow flirted with record closings all last week? When our production is up? When employment is up? when unemployment is down? When average earnings are up?
The increase in the comsumer price index is up over 18% in the last 5-6 years and the minimum wage hasn't budged in over 10 years. Gas has gone up at lease 100% in the last 6 years. Companies are cutting loose their workers in their 50s and then replacing with a younger staff and getting away with it. What is deemed as bussiness friendly has become hostile to employees. The minimum wage has had to be increased by 12 state governments. I have been working nonstop for over 40 years and have never seen such a cold and uncaring bussiness culture.
The American dream is turning into a nightmare for the middle class.
Cameron Frye........You will find out on your own some day...mark my word. You better get it while you can because the good times are short lived.
It's not about not being valuable to your employeer. You bust your butt and work your way up the pay scale, which can take a life time to do. Due to your age you become a greater risk on the group insurance plan. You're coming close to the day you can draw on the company pension plan and the company is then required to increase its contribution.
I have a close friend who had to take long term disibility to fight cancer. He was a dedicated and very bright employee and was with the same company for almost thirty years. When the cancer went into remission and the doctor released him to work. The company laid him off before he could even walk in the door. Now, what is he to do with a prexisitence illness like cancer? He is now uninsurable.
I have meet many like you who think it's always the fault of the individual. What you don't realized is when life, all of a sudden, deals you a crappy hand, you cann't rely on your employer or the employer's group health plan to be there for you. It is something you must experience for yourself, especially, those who have some ideological mind set of the rights of making a buck trumps the humane responsibility to you fellow man most always have to learn for themselves.
It is your type of thinking that well bring into reality socialized medicine in this country because at this rate the masses that are uninsureable will prevail over the few that are. Then you will blame socialism for the lack of conscience that prevails in capitalism.
It's interesting that Republicans like to blame 100% of the problem on welfare, while a large part of the problem surrounds people in our local govenment and their friends not following rules.
There are entire pages in a book at the tax department where people are benefiting from conservation on what really amounts to residential or investment property and NONE of those pages have any signatures.
Then in response to publication of those pages the tax assessors magically come up with improperly filled out signature cards for some of the properties. Lose a card for a friend and he gets all the tax benefits and no disadvantages.
Included in those properties? A person who worked in the assessors office. He now works for Pike county in a similar capacity. His own small (under ten acre) parcel was placed in conservation without the proof normally required. Tax benefits of a farm while being a small residential property.
I just filed for conservation on my land. I initially didn't file. Although I logged trees and keep cows here, I figured I would rather not reduce what was a reasonable tax payment to my community. Taxes on my property where I live more than doubled since 1999 while other people using land for investment or simply having a few acres and an inside path to buddies in the tax department paid less money than me, suffer significantly smaller increases than I do. If they sell their property or break conservation covenants they won't have to pay the penalty prescribed by law.
I'd bet money my conservation agreement would be enforced if I broke agreements.
It would be nice if our community leaders and local media would tell the truth and treat everyone equally. Quit pointing the finger exclusively at people too lazy to work when it is a crooked finger.
If we really put aside prejudices and look into the sickening behavior of our local and national politicians for many years, both the alleged "party of values" and the alleged "tax and spend" party, we will see they are all erroding the middle class. If you aren't one of the special group you will pick up the tab not only for the welfare scapegoats, but for the moral majority that are telling us where the problems are.
To get a break you either have to be crooked or lazy. Pity the poor person working in the middle class today.
Let's stop pretending the problem is all one thing when we are all part of the problem. It's time we held people accountable instead of pointing a finger at one part of the problem.
By the way, I'd also like to see a blog on Abreu's "appology". Why isn't there one? The Abreu case is similar to the recent case in Florida. Why do people in our trust prey on those they are supposed to protect? In my view it is because we defend or ignore other bad or questionable behavior, so they naturally think they can get away with following any urge they have.
Why am I hiding my name? Because I don't trust people to be honest and follow the law. By now we should all be learning how honest our government really is.
B Duck
The statement, if you read it correctly was not whether Rental Gurus paid property taxes, but they should take a larger share of the School tax, since they have the larger numbers of children in the school system.
What happened to the Lamar County Tax Assessors web site? Last tiem I looked you could search for your property and get a map of it...now there is no option for anything.
Gary Mccall, you did not state the primary factor for the conservation exemption.The primary use must be agricultural.
Cam old boy,
You better pull off those elephant gray colored glasses and look at the facts.
Bush and the crew in Washington have been lying through their teeth for years.
The wheels came off Iraq years ago, they just can't keep it hid any longer. Congress is full of self-interested crooks who constantly screw the American middle class. The Republicans sell themselves as the "moral family values" party while they know about and protect perverts who go after 16 year old boys.
We ought to send our local ex-Bville judge up there as a represenative, at least he chases girls instead of boys!
Take a little time off the Internet Cam and have an honest objective look at things like the national debt and the buying power of the average middle class American.
What about those illegal aliens Bush wants to absorb? We give them medical care, schooling, and all kinds of things and they send most of their money tax free to Mexico.
There are 40-50 Mexicans where my wife works. When they ran the SS numbers, NONE of them were good. They claim 8 dependents so no tax is taken out and think nothing about getting free medical because their income is so low.
When they get caught they just get another card and go somewhere else.
We had to dump 700 Iraqi cops, we are losing that war big time. People are too blind to see what is really going on here and in Iraq.
The world is falling apart.
Time to wake up.
Iraq is 100% Bush's war. He led us into it.
His excuses were:
1.) There are weapons of mass destruction
2.) Iraq was a threat to us
3.) Iraq sponsors terrorists
None of the above were true. Since those words came from Bush's mouth, what does that make him?
Second, Bush hired and retains Rumsfeld. Bush is the boss.
1.) Rumsfeld refuses to give the ground troops needed. He has badgered our Generals into keeping ground forces down because a draft would be unpopular.
2.) Our troops are undersupplied and overworked.
3.) We are not advancing in Iraq, things are going backwards.
4.) Lack of necessary troops for ground support allowed Bin Laden to escape.
Regardless of what WE want, most people in Iraq want us out. The wheels have come off in Iraq.
Bush lied to us about Iraq sponsering terrorists, he deceives us about how the war is going. He has us stuck in Iraq while Pakistan funnels part of the money we give them directly to mountain terrorists, and while Opium production from Afghanistan that funds the terrorists is at record levels.
Bush has put nearly all our resources in Iraq while the real problem is Afghanistan and Pakistan. He can't admit a mistake (tell the truth), and he supports and defends fools like Rumsfeld who won't listen to the troops on point.
Almost 2/3 of our country is smart enough to know all this. Just look at the polls.
Kent K says....
Here we go again, another koolaide drinking true believer that can recite line and verse of the liberal left and their allies in the press.
Let's pause for a moment and look at your rantings
Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction. I must assume then you also feel Kerry lied, Clinton lied and Hilary lied. Everyone thought Sadam had weapons of mass destruction, including the Brits, French, Russians and Isreal.
Least you forget Sadam used weapons of mass destruction on Iran and his own people, the Kurds. Everyone thought he had them, there was some disagreement on his intent to use them or when he would be ready with nuke technology. No one thought they did not exsist.
Nobody with any sense thought he didn't have them, Bush was misinformed like everyone else.
Next, Iraq was never a threat to us. No Iraq could never invade the U.S. but it was a threat in the region and a threat to our vital national interests. Using your logic we should not have fought the Germans in WWII. Germany didn't attack us and didn't have the capability to invade us, no Navy. Does your Monday morning quarterbacking also say no to the Germans in WWII?
We fought the Germans because it was in our vital national interests. Plus Germany was the main war effort not Japan. Do you find fault with that too?
Iraq sponors terrorists. Bush only spoke in that area after the invaision as I recall. There where terrorists bases in Iraq and known ties to Bin Laden. That was not a major reason we invaded.
Rumsfeld- If you wanted Rumsfeld out, you should have worked harder to defeat Bush in 2004. I'm not a big fan of Rumsfeld, not because of Iraq, but some of the structure changes in the Army I disagree with.
Our troops are not well equipped. That is pure and simple hogwash. We are the best equipped military in the world. Does everyone have everything they would like? Of course not, in the first Gulf War we didn't have alot of things, but we made due and did quite well. Every war is a "come as you are war", always have been and always will.
Your comments are full of "problems". Where are your solutions? Cut and run? Send more troops? Problems are easy to idenify, much more difficult to solve. Frankly every soldier I have ever known wants peace, but if war is the public policy, then every soldier wants to win! We can't continue to be a nation of quitters.
2/3 of America wants according to the polls are concerned about Iraq. One thing you will have to give Bush credit for, he does what he thinks is right, not what is popular. Can you give him that much credit?
Finally, I am not defending Bush because I think he has done a great job. I'm very disappointed with many of his domestic failures, particularly not supporting the Fair Tax. I do support his Iraq policy.
Yes, very tired of supporting folks who are able bodied enough to do everything but work...lol
Cameron, when you grow up, get a job, stop believing everything you hear on talk radio and the net, maybe then people will give a damn what you think.
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