Sunday, October 22, 2006

free and reduced price public school lunches...

part of the solution or part of the problem?

do they curb hunger or do they reinforce the entitlement mentality?


Anonymous said...

Has Bobbie started fixing the voter registration records yet?

Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

She's not there.

Anonymous said...

This is a stupid question. Has anybody checked into the local wages paid for what few jobs we have in the area? To often, this is the best meal a child gets. And, these cost are paid by the state, not the local taxpayer.

I doubt the records are being fixed. Walter said they would be and that the state would investigate them. More BS? I don't know. Maybe he could readdress it and let everyone know the deal.

Anonymous said...

As an educator, I see students everyday who only get that free breakfast and lunch at school. That is all they have in their bellies until the next day. I believe that this is part of the solution. I know there are some who bash the fact that free lunches are available, but we can't punish these children for what their parents do or don't do.

Anonymous said...

children can't help how sorry there parents are. children need good food in order to learn. make there dead beat parents "not all" work off the bill some how. now before some lberal we have no jobs here start giving me hell. there are jobs here i just seen 3 sighns asking for help needed.

Anonymous said...

A question like this would only be asked by someone who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Anonymous said...

I think you mean a question like this can be asked by someone born with a silver foot in their mouth

Anonymous said...

How 'bout the Dawgs chances of playing in the Music City Bowl?

Anonymous said...

walter what does silver taste like? i know what gold taste like, very good by the way. people are so thin skinned. whaen you ask a question that bothers someone the apple pie and mom answera come back. sosad

Anonymous said...

Little out of touch with the real world are you?

Anonymous said...

On the school lunch issue. The first thing to remember is that people have choices in this world. If they have kids than they had better be in a position to take care of them. This includes getting a job and putting food on the table and packing them a lunch.
I am so sick of these liberals making excuses for pure laziness and sorry parents. Here we go again, lets let goverment take care of us.

Anonymous said...

The welfare state does seem to perpetuate itself doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

How do you help the children without perpetuating it?

Anonymous said...

Would making a few million dollars off the school system make a person a liberal or a conservative?

What about Bush and that mess in Congress? Are they conservatives or liberals?

Congress is working less, the deficit is at record levels, the budget is at record levels, The War is going so poorly even Bush is flip flopping, Congress passed and Bush signed bills with record breaking pork, Government is bigger than ever.

So tell me, is a liberal someone who feeds a starving kid or is a liberal someone who lies, steals, cheats, passes pork bills, over spends, and works 100 days a year for $150 grand plus all you can get from PAC's?

Anonymous said...

Republicans need to rethink their heros.

Rush Lindenbaugh takes illegal drugs while bashing Michael Fox for NOT taking legal drugs.

They want to starve children while stealing money from the schools supported by the middle class who actually pay taxes.

wdm said...

I would hardly classify Viagra as an illegal drug. Go to a NASCAR race and they have are handing out sample 6 packs.

Anonymous said...

any person having a prescription drug that is not not prescribed to that individual person is illegal. Just think about pain pills or valium. How could anyone just hand out something like that at a race? Just curious......

Anonymous said...

Rush is really a great example.

He makes fun of a guy with a serious illness while he can't handle his own addictions.

A typical "family values" christian conservative Republican who says one thing and does another.

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh is backing republicans right now, but let things change and he will be backing Democrats. Rush is a jerk in my opinion, who has used the media to insult persons who cannot help their affiction. He gives no understanding to those who have problems, but are willing to do something to help their problem. He just waits for the midnight plane to come in with another load for him.

iceman said...

lets all work hard today, there are millions on welfare depending on us!