Wednesday, September 20, 2006

do you think it is reasonable...

to require voters to show a picture id before voting?

do you know anyone who does not possess such an id?



Anonymous said...

I think its a great idea.

Anonymous said...

If someone stole my vote and voted for someone I disagreed with I would be quite upset.

Anonymous said...

Kent K....

Voter ID is a good start and frankly I can't think of even a weak arguement against it. The liberal judges that continue to rule Voter ID unconstitutional frankly are just wrong.

There are many more reforms that should be instituted. In Lamar County absentee voting has historically been a problem area. Results from absentee voting often differ 2-3 standard deviations from the results at the polls. Statisticly that can not occur, but does on a rountine basis.

We should also have a paper receipt with the electronic ballots. That would provide alot of comfort to voters that don't trust computers and it provides a paper trail when results are questioned.

Anonymous said...

I see nothing wrong with requiring positive ID for voting as well as for voter registration. Of course, all potential voters should have access to getting some type of ID.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Free Thinker, I used to show ID when wrote a check. I dont understand the problem, am I missing something? Are they not FREE? I realize Driver's liscenses have a cost, but the Georgia ID is free, right??

Anonymous said...

I remember the news saying that they were free but the problem is transportation.
How are they going to get there?
If you can get a ride to vote you should be able to get a ride to go get a free ID.

Anonymous said...


Additionally, it should be a picture ID voter registration card. Not just a driver’s license. If the ID doesn’t show you’re registered to vote with a registration number and an address of where you are registered to vote. You don’t vote.

It’s an individual’s responsibility to carry a driver’s license when they drive and it can be an individual’s responsibility to carry a voter ID when they go vote.

Anonymous said...

Do the voter IDs show what district one votes in now?

Anonymous said...

I had to show ID at the doctor's office today. I have had to do this for several years now. I don't give this a second thought. What do these people do when they go to the doctor? Do they grumble and complain that they have to show ID? This is just another example of needing ID.

Anonymous said...

I say; No ID - No Vote - No Excuse.

Registration irregularities - No Excuse.

Replace the voter registra and get the list fixed.

Fix the problems with absentee voting. In my opinion, it has major problems. Some canididates obtain votes that shouldn't be allowed.

A good voting system might eliminate shady politicians.

Anonymous said...

I do not object to a picture ID in order to vote. I already have a drivers liscence with my picture on it. If necessary I will get a free state ID, if that is required.
I am proud of who I am and that I am a registered voter, and I am willing to prove that I am who I say I am.

Anonymous said...

I do not object to a picture ID in order to vote. I already have a drivers liscence with my picture on it. If necessary I will get a free state ID, if that is required.
I am proud of who I am and that I am a registered voter, and I am willing to prove that I am who I say I am.

Anonymous said...

Voter ID is needed. Any legal citizen can obtain an ID. The government is even offering to pay for them, so what is the problem?