editorial from this week's print edition:
It is amazing how much the mowing of the rights of way and median along Highway 341 improve the looks of the community.
Personnel from the Department of Transportation dressed up the four-lane last week in preparation for Buggy Days and, boy, did it ever make a difference!
We are sure the DOT - like every other state agency - has suffered budget cuts and other financial constraints. But, we would like to see highway maintenance bumped up a notch or two on the priority list.
Highways - like residential lawns - just look so much better when the grass is cut.
We would also like to see crews out in front of the mowers picking up the litter. This job would be so much more easily done before mowing than after.
This would be the perfect job for crews manned by inmates. State inmates maintaining state highways is a no-brainer.
While on the topic, has anyone seen a work crew from the Lamar Pre-Release Center yet?
Neither have we.
There is no shortage of menial tasks available right here in the prison’s home county for its inmates to perform as they repay their debts to society.
It is my understanding that there are about 85 inmates at the pre-release center. Only 7 or 8 are assigned to any work details. The rest are sitting in their cells and would be happy to work. The time goes very slow when you spend your days sitting in a cell
maybe they are not as docile and harmless as we were led to believe.
when does 'minimum security' not mean minimum security.
They need to finish cutting the grass all the way to Griffin before someone gets killed! You cant see other cars and you cant see animals like dogs and deer.
In the state of Georgia there is no such of a thing as a chain gang any more. It is against the law and now days called crule and unusuall punishment
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