Friday, March 14, 2008

open thread. post as you please....

follow the rules!


Anonymous said...

A little over one year ago:
1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.

Since voting in a Democratic Congress in 2006 we're seen:

1) Consumer confidence plummet;
2) the cost of regular gasoline soar to over $3 a gallon;
3) Unemployment is up to 5% (a 10% increase);
4) American households have seen $2.3 trillion in equity value evaporate
(stock and mutual fund losses);
5) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $1.2 trillion dollars;
6) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.

America voted for change in 2006, and we got it!

Anonymous said...

To night Iampissed off .Icome home from fishing with my wife and friends,and all Iwant to do is take a shower. Iprocede to do said and the water is orange . So is the white laundery , the toilets the tubs . Now Ihave to clean this red mud stain up . What caused this to happen? Does the city flushing the hydrants out do this or did the city pond turn over again?

Anonymous said...

8:26 PM,

You are either just trolling or have never opened your eyes.

Bush has pretty much whined and weasled everything he wanted to get passed through.

This includes tax cuts for the richest and tax breaks for companies moving jobs offshore while at the same time running up a record defict. There is a TIME LAG between the effects of his trillion dollar war, tax cuts for those who don't need it, the moving of the jobs offshore, and when it finally hits home.

As a matter of fact the mortgage meltdown is all George Dumbo W's fault. He appointed a person charged in the Savings and Loan scandle years with watching the banks and setting policy.

The result was banks, like food and toys from China, pretty much went unregulated in the Bush years. This meant they could loan money to pretty much whoever they wanted.

All that money on these creative loans to people who never should have been qualified with terms that never should have been allowed peaked consumer confidence. People could buy big houses and cars, even when they really should not have been able to qualify. Even the auto finance industry has been allowed to make loans greatly exceeding the value of cars at RETAIL. Under Bush rules people can take an old car worth $3000 that they owe $10000 on in to dealer, the dealer can give them a new car at list and throw the old car loan balance on top of the new loan, and the people drive off the lot with a car that is now instantly worth $15-20K less than they owe.

Bush has screwed our country in more ways than anyone ever before in history. We are in the boiling pot now because we have no jobs (that started with Carter and Regan, accelerated greatly with Clinton and NAFTA, and went through the ceiling with Bush), we are paying for a senseless expensive mismanaged war, and the dollar is tanking because of the huge costs associated with that war and the astronomical level of imports from China.

This problem built slowly at first because it was isolated from most people. Most people just saw the ease of getting a seven bathroom house on a $80K combined family wage, a new gas hogging SUV, and with a $20,000 VISA bill they could have everything.

Now what took 25 years to gradually build up got slammed over the top by the stupidest poorest manager we ever had in history running the country. Bush slammed dunked it with his war and his deregulation of banking and trade.

We are really in trouble no matter what we do. We should be especially concerned because that draft evading chicken has now come up with the bright idea to give several hundred dollars of money the government doesn't have to everyone who has ever paid tax to a bunch of fools who will run out and buy a bunch more Communist Chinese crap, or they might hang on to their upside down house or car for one more month.

We are really in a boiling pot thanks to that Bush Family, and the Clintons for all their banter helped it along also.

Uncle Sam is really ruined. Hang on to your'll be a long hard ride downhill as this all falls apart.

Of course 30% of the people in this country are morons, and will steadfastly assume Bush is a hero and if we just had elected a few more Republicrooks everything would be rosey. By the way, Clinton was a HUGE part of this problem. Let's just pray that neither Hillary or McCaine get in to mislead us for another 4 years as we sink into national crisis.

It's coming, and it'll be weird to be a white well-educated minority who can't even afford a house or car. I'm saving a picture of Bush and Clinton to look at when I want to puke.

Anonymous said...

last time we had this much trouble was the saving and loan crisis during the end of regan and the begining of bush one ......its a republican thing.......and you cant blame the democratic congress for anything because anytime they pass a bill, bush vetos it cant be their fault....

Anonymous said...

Well said, both of you! I am a victim of the mortgage crisis, and now (thanks to anon 10:05), the auto loan crisis as well. Where was George Bush when i maxed out my credit card? Where was he when I bought a house I couldn't afford? Where was he when I traded in my 4 yr old car for a brand new one? They said my payments would go down, and they did. So how come I still owe so much on them? Where was George Bush when I signed my 5 year ARM for 95% of the value of my home? I went all the way through highschool, but I took shop class instead of economics. How the hell am I supposed to know about stock markets and the so-called global economy?
And don't get me started on NAFTA. Damn mexicans and chinese taking my job. So what if the company was loosing money bc of my union negotiated contract? So what if they couldn't compete on a price level set by your global economy? So what if I have never taken one step to further my education and make myself more marketable to my employer? Hell, I already work 40 hours a week. I don't have time for anything else. And besieds, it is my RIGHT to have a job. It is my RIGHT to have a high standard of living.
And if I can't earn enough to pay for that standard, I will just get another credit card. Hell, why should i have to save money for retirement? I already pay into social security.

Anonymous said...

you say it as a joke, but it is all true......jan. 20,2009 cant come soon enough.......kick the bums out.......time for change

Anonymous said...


Nice to try to blame people borrowing money, but most people in this country don't have budgets or even know how to plan purchases. We are as a population spoiled, and it runs through all recent generations.

Even the schools stopped teaching general classes on how money works.

The bottom line is nearly everyone depends on a bank or loan officer to tell them how much they can afford. For many years real estate salespeople and banks offered good guidelines on how much to borrow and no one would loan money to bad risks.

The fact is Bush changed all that. All the regulation stopped, the Feds pumped out money, it was a free-for-all. Without reasonable guidelines on anything, including imports and trade, our entire economy was placed in harm's way.

Sure, it allowed the Bush family and friends, and the Clintons, to make big money. It set all the rest of us up for failure because when Bush allowed uncontrolled lending it is everyone, even those of us who never borrowed money unwisely, to suffer. All of us have to pay that money back either through loss of value of what we own and/or inflation.

The problem just isn't the $50,000 a year person who lost his car and house, it's what that does to the responsible people.

Then we added bad trade deals like Clinton's NAFTA and Bush's trade policies with the communists, we lost all our manufacturing jobs.

If that wasn't bad enough Bush went into Iraq to kill a guy who was over in Pakistan or Afghanistan, and removed the only ruler over there who could control the radicals and keep them out of his country.

It's the combination of all of this that is killing the economy, and you haven't seen anything yet. here has to be an adjustment in our standard of living because our Government has allowed a big tall seventeen bathroom twenty bedroom house of cards to be built, and there is no longer any way possible to support it by piling on more cards.

The very reason we have a Government is to prevent exactly what our Government has slowly created. It wasn't just Bush, but he is the single worse leader by far we have ever had in power. Everyone else, especially Clinton, wore down the backbone of America and Bush simply took a big Mac truck and ran it over.

We have to radically change direction, but that will only happen after people stop making excuses and defending idiots like Bush and Clinton.

Anonymous said...

Good counter argument. Stick to the vague references when approached with an argument. That is the best way to never have to face up to the fundamental flaws behind your ideology and social philosophy.

We are in this situation because somewhere along the line the American populous decided that it was someone else's, namely government's, job to educate them. Therefore, whatever the government didn't teach them they assumed they weren't responsible to know. The problem with that, though, is that when dealing with contracts and law - you know....grown up things - there is a general assumption that both parties are competent, rational, and acting in their own best interest. Thanks to our failed socialistic education system, and the general population's assumption that they will never be held responsible for their actions or lack of knowledge, one side of the table is extremely ill-prepared, and thus incompetent.

The sinking of our economy and our dollar's value and the corresponding rise in inflation is linked to one thing; the apptly named mortgage crisis. The mortgage crisis simply put is that people bought over-valued houses they couldn't afford with financial vehicles they couldn't understand. Inflation is set in place by anyone in our economy who consumes more than he produces. (You will have to take me at my word bc i don't have the time nor your attention span to explain it.) In 2005 we, as a population, spent more money than we made -consumed more than we produced. This is not sustainable activity for a person, a household, a business, or a country. Concurrently, when the bubble under the housing market burst, the fed started dropping interest rates to bail out irresponsible "homeowners" - I use that term loosely - and banks. Lending rates and inflation are inversely related. Everytime the fed drops the interest rate, that decreases the demand for the US dollar abroad bc foreign investors are forced to accept a lower return on their investments in our currency. This sets into motion the increase in the price of exports and the decrease in the price of imports. What we are seeing now is the lag delay for the increase in the price of consumer goods, i.e. gas and groceries.

The solution? you ask. Our government has to let this work itself out. By lowering the rates to bail out the big corporate banks and the homeowners, we are all suffering by paying more at the pumps and the grocery store. They are merely distributing the punishment to the entire population instead of the guilty parties.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me the legislation or act that Bush signed to deregulate lending. Just want to look it up for myself.....not that I don't trust you.

NAFTA is here to stay. It is an essential piece of our economy and our competition in a global economy. Globalization is a fact. That ship has sailed and there is nothing we can do about it. Free trade always benefits the parties involved. An isolationist approach to trade would destroy our nation. Yea, you may get your job back at the plant, but only until your company filed bankruptcy. Then where would you turn?
Will one of you do me a favor and tell me how many jobs have been created since NAFTA was signed? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

How many American jobs created is what i'm looking for.....


Anonymous said...

if it is not the presidents fault, and if there is nothing a president can do to prevent or help these problems,,,,then i have to ask, "what the heck , do we have a president for anyway"......and i still say we didnt have these problems with clinton.......whether you like him or his behavior or not, the economy was good and we werent in a big mess of a war

Anonymous said...

You say trolling and you won't admit to facts. Democrats are tax and spend. Always have been and always will be. I'm sorry that a white, well educated person cannot see this. It's much to easy to blame someone else. I'll be the first republican to say that I am not overly satisified with Bush. However, Bush didn't do this alone. In fact, Bush can't do anything that Congress doesn't want. Sure he can veto, but congress can override it and pass something anyway. Most of our problems came after electing a democratic congress. Now ignorance wants to include a democratic president. For what?

- For National Healthcare (Tax and Spend) (Socialism)

To end the war.
- These idiots keep talking about ending a war that has already been ended. (You figure it out)

Before it's all over they will want to microchip everyone.

Can't any of you see that they are all the same. They try and tell you what you want to hear to capture your vote. They don't give a tinkers damn about you or your problems.

It's all about POWER. The real people that cared about this country and the people are dead. Change actually started arounf 1913. It started over power and money.

We might as well give the country back to England and look for another King George III.

Anonymous said...

i agree that i had rather give it back to england instead of having another four years of bush-like leaders.......england, where a pack of smokes is ten dollars, but a heart transplant is free....

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I can jump in and help set the record straight on this.

It was Regan who championed deregulating banking lending to the S and L crisis, and George Bush senior.

read this time line:

Bush senior, not junior, bailed the S and L's out to the tune of $60 billion, and this taught the loan companies that they could do what they wanted and be saved.

On November 12, 1999 Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act into law. This act repealed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which would have kept the problem at a low rate.

The Bush family is a mired as the Clintons in crooked loan deals.

George W's role in this is he did nothing to enforce the laws we already had while a major problem unfolded. This encouraged more bad loans to irresponsible people. George W also turned a blind eye to what is going on. He does the same thing with trade, its part of his management style.

Read this:

This is a long and complicated problem that started with Regan and George HW Bush (and his sons); it was escalated by Clinton, and allowed to skyrocket by GW Bush.

Bush's real crime is inaction. Just like with bad trade enforcement. He's too busy looking for Binladen in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

I can't argue with you 9:58. You sound much more educated on the subject than I. On the other hand, I will with 8:51.

Have you ever talked with anyone from England about health care? I'll answer it for you. NO!

I have many times over and I've lived there. Their free healthcare is very simple. They let you die and you don't need it any more. If you want free government run healthcare, you damn well better have private insursance to see a real doctor when you need one. If you don't, well the government is always there to give $255 to your family for buriel expenses.

I guess all of you that refuse to believe it - well you'll be the first ones to go.

Anonymous said...

We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

This is not a ritual based on specific words, but rather, a prayerful guideline for your sincere step of faith. “Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

Anonymous said...

Can we atleast agree that healthcare is not, and never will be free?! No matter the system, doctors will not work for free. Prescription drugs will not be produced for free. Research will not be performed without the incentive to make money. Researchers will not work for free. Liberleft, quit calling it free healthcare. You have been posting that for months on different posts. Call it what it is. It is socialized medicine. At least name the evil by which you want to live.

Anonymous said...

And just because there isn't a law to protect you from yourself, doesn't mean the government should bail you dumbass out. There isn't a law that says i can't go out and spend all my money today. We don't need a law to protect us from our stupidity. Without education, these idiots will just find a nother way to make bad decissions.

Anonymous said...

The proof is in the pudding. Breaking News for all you liberals and don't know what's really happening folks.

America voted for change in 2006, and we got it when voting in that Democratic Congress in 2006!

Democrats’ budget for next year = $683 billion tax hike and massive increase in spending. The Democrats’ record-breaking budget $683 billion tax hike and massive increase in spending PASSED on a tight PARTY-LINE vote. This tax hike is three times bigger than the Bill Clinton tax hikes of 1993 that outraged Americans and led to the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994? It calls for tax rate increases for every American worker.

The budget calls for a $683 billion tax hike over five years. It will fuel wasteful new spending – the plan will increase discretionary spending by 8.8 percent. Further, it raises marginal rates for all workers; eliminates 10-percent bracket for low-income earners; reduces the child tax credit; reimposes the marriage penalty and death tax; and eliminates incentives for investment in U.S. businesses.

Way to go.

Anonymous said...

Obama and Hildibeast are at it again about ending the war in Iraq. Would someone tell these idiots that the war ended long ago. So what war do they want to end?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


* New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet

* New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already)

* New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity)

* New taxes on retirement accounts
and last but not least....

* New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!

Anonymous said...


15% (no change)



How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.


15% (no change)



How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama or Clinton become president. The experts predict that "Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit."


(no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250

(reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750

(reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750

How does this affect you? No explanation needed. This is pretty straight forward.


(No change, Bush repealed this tax)

keep the inheritance tax

keep the inheritance tax

How does this affect you? Many families have lost businesses, farms and ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will not only lose them to these taxes.

Anonymous said...

Small taxes rate changes like that are unimportant. We are not even close to paying for the two wars we have going and other things. We clearly we need more tax just for that reason alone, or we have to stop the wars. Your choice. We can't have it both ways.

We all get greedy and forget how taxes work, or the reason why we are in a big problem (that is getting bigger) with the economy.

For example I don't care how much tax, within reason, I pay in Lamar county as long as I get a good value for my money and as long as it is equally shared by others. What pisses me off is when the tax people raise my taxes year after year but they don't raise other taxes. The constant increases while other people's taxes did NOT increase, and the money given to Barnesville, forced me to use conservation as a tool to stay even with "favored people".

Health care costs me about $1000 a month and some pre-existing conditions are not covered. I care less if my taxes went up 10 thousand a year for national health care like Australia, New Zealnad, Canada, Great Briton, or others have. It would be as good as or better than I have now.

The real reason we are in troble is politicians play favorites to the big money.

1.) We lost good paying manufacturing jobs at an ever increasing rate. The displaced workers are at best less of a contribution to the tax base and at worse a drain on the welfare support systems.

2.) We allow illegals to work and drain resources while shipping money out of country and not paying tax.

3.) We allowed banks and loan companies, and even the investement and stock brokers, to make bad loans. Then when they fail we bail them out!!

4.) We export cash and import almost everything we use. That will always, without fail, make a nation poorer.

Not a single person running will fix any of this. None of them have the interest of our nation at heart. We are screwed. Oil will keep going up for Americans because it is based on the dollar, and the dollar is collapsing.

Within a few years this will be a new country no matter who is elected, and it won't be pretty. We'll be exactly like modern Russia.

Anonymous said...

Wrong Sir.
By decreasing taxes you increase federal revenue.

Increasing taxes slows growth and investment resulting in an actual loss in revenue.

There is a problem with SPENDING and the overall SIZE OF GOVERNMENT.

If we can get your kind off the TIT we would be headed in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

10:43 sorry, but you are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

So let me see if I have this.

By decreasing taxes we increase revenue. That means if taxes are zero government revenues are maximum.

I expect people who think like that, and who think our problems are taxe rates or methods and not the fact we have:

1. Two wars costing us trillions of dollars to win a fight against a small group of people who invested a few thousand dollars

2. A policy of increasing exports of jobs and money and increasing imports

3. The only advanced nation with a health care system that will bankrupt sick people who otherwise were productive people all their lives

4. Deregulation to the point where loans are made based on lies and speculation, and when the bad investment loans fail the government bails out the bad business people who already made billions but lets the people just hang.

5. No control over illegals coming in or what they bring in or out, but great security at airports.

The real problem we have is taxes, and not management of the five points above.

This is an unfixable economy until we do something about the five points above.

Anonymous said...

You claim decreasing taxes increases federal revenue.

So zero tax would result maximum government tax collection.

And you think I'm an idiot???

Anonymous said...

this blog proves the point that even idiots can type......if decreasing taxes improve revenues, then why are we deeper in debt.....jan. 20, 2009 cant come quick enough.....happy times are a coming...cheaper oil is a coming......higher stock market is a health care is a coming.........

Anonymous said...

5:11 that's not what I said. But I understand because yes - I still think you're an idiot. You have one thing in your favor though. 7:17 looks to be a bigger idiot that you.

Anonymous said...

President McCain and Vice President Perdue (a Guess) is coming in 2009. Obama is a racest and that will be uncovered and proven. Clinton is running on an ego trip without the slighest idea of what it takes to be a president and Commander in Chief. Even liberal supporters are not so stupid as to vote 2 times the amount of taxes they already pay. And only the truely stupid think national healthecare will work.

Anonymous said...

Decreasing taxes on the FILTHY RICH creates more investment which creates more jobs which creates more people applying their labor for the purpose of government spending.
And that is just the FILTHY RICH.
It would also increase your productivity.

Why do I try? It is easy to see that a democrat and a basic understanding of economics cannot fit into the same void.

Quit being ridiculous. This is a childish attempt at backing your original point- which is not a good point.

If you want to boost revenue to the government you CUT taxes. Not all the way to zero but enough to get the ball moving again, then cut spending.

Your argument sounds just like the ANTI-GUN nuts who claim that a conservative's idea of the second amendment is grenades and nukes for all.

Do you want an increase in taxes the size of 100% of all income?

Would this have any side effects?

See, that is how stupid your argument is.

Anonymous said...

This is the problem when illogical people who don't think on their own or look at a statement start parroting a favorite catch-phrase.

What you clearly said was reducing taxes increases revenues because it grows the economy.

The way we can test that statement is to take it to the extremes. At infinite tax revenue would be zero, and at zero tax revenue would be maximum.

Very clearly only a fool would swallow a line like that!

There is almost certainly a complex curve where revenue peaks, and where below that it declines and above that it eventually declines.

If you actually understood what you were saying you would be smart enough to say something like "Government revenue peaks at a tax rate of xx percent and declines as the tax rate is increased or decreased".

Instead, since you can't think for yourself and reason through simple problems, you simply parrot what you heard someone else say.

Giving people to right to vote when they are swayed by false soundbytes is probably the reason the Republicans and Democrats have been allowed to push our country to the point where it has to collapse.

There isn't a person in the world who would think if their rich household sent money across the road to another poor household, and that poor household never sent any money back, that their house and family would remain wealthy for infinite time.

What puzzles me is why people are so spaced out they swallow the lie that when our country pours money out at a rate hundreds or thousands of times wealth comes in it won't drain our wealth.

Here is what has happened. In the 1800's and on we had great resources. We had cheap labor from immigrants, we had energy, we had water, we had food. We exported more than we imported and we gained wealth by selling our labor, energy, and food. We became rich.

Then sometime around 1970 that changed. We slowly started exporting jobs. We started importing goods and energy.

The rate started to curve upwards. We let electronics go. We let steel go. We shifted our energy sources offshore so we import energy. We are now at a point where we shifted our brains offshore, our food sources offshore, and even our defense hardware is from offshore. We even allow offshore illegals to come in, use free medical and schools. We actually increased the cost of education by requiring schools to have special teachers for illegals who won't learn English.

The way we floated all this money was by credit. We couldn't possibly pay for it all, so we print more money.

This makes the money worth less.

To keep it propped up the Government depended on our consumer market increasing faster than the vacuum sucking our wealth. This is why they encouraged all those bad loans.

The loose money supply made everyone THINK things were great as we drained the cookie jar.

Now all of a sudden the demand for things isn't expanding. We can't move any more people who should be living in bungalows into large energy hogging homes, or sell them cars they can't afford.

It isn't the tax rate, the wars, or stupid people that caused the was the policy of electing people based on what we "feel" short term. All they had to do is do things that made us feel good even while destroying our future, and they would get our votes. As long as we felt good at the moment the heck with the future.

It is impossible to sustain an economy based on unlimited growth when that economy is all outgoing cash and incoming goods.

We can't even sell cows or sell our fish anymore. If you go to Florida the seafood is from China. We pay farmers in Iowa, because it is an early state in primaries, to grow corn that is converted to a fuel that yields less energy than it takes to produce.

Barnesville and Georgia are so desperate for jobs, after having had jobs exported through NAFTA and other causes, that we are paying China to move a few hundred jobs here when the move will cost several hundred other Americans their jobs.

If we put aside our greed and look at this logically, we can see what we are doing to our nation. The problem is none of the politicians will fix it because trying to fix it means they won't get re-elected.

This is really why the dollar is sinking like a rock, which means oil and everything else will cost us more and more. The longer we correct it, the worse the hit will be when we have to change back to the way we were. That won't be long, it is almost unsustainable.

In a couple years we will see who the idiots and suckers really were.

Anonymous said...

Hey moron!
You said we need to increase taxes, well how much before it declines revenues from a reduction in growth?
All I read from your post is the need for an increase.
You ask me to state the XX % well how about yourself there smart ass.

Here's something else for your genius self to think about- when did we get the right to vote that you speak of? I'm assuming you are referring to Federal Elections but I may be wrong, but hey, according to you there is nothing wrong with jumping to far out conclusions.

I will let you in on a little secret Bud, raising taxes right now would completely destroy us.

The problem resides in the Fed Reserve system, high corporate taxes, government controlled free trade, and on and on and on.
You ,on the other hand, seem to have a grip on a lot of things but you fail to realize your own personal thirst for a nanny state government that has enabled all these out of control, non capitalistic, socialist, freedom destroying programs and deals that help to lead to our demise.

I am no parrot sir. I do not mock the empty rhetoric of Free Health Care like you. This, along with tax increases, have been proven to be vote baiting flops and monetary vacuums!

I would love to see government back where it belongs- protecting our borders & liberties with the states having the say so in how their states should function for almost all instances.
I want the rights to Life, Liberty, and Property without interference.
"Interference" includes tax hikes when we should be reducing spending first.
AND, if you do not approve of trade with other nations, you might want to refer back to the roots of this country. We are founded on free trade.
Maybe you just don't like the trade agreements - but I don't know.
I would hate to jump to a conclusion like you certainly do.
We have a lot of the same concerns, just differing answers.

Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

You are the one that made the all encompassing statement that things go better and tax revenue goes up when taxes go down, not me.

Don't get mad at me because you have egg on your face for buying the Republican Party line that the republicans themselves don't follow. I'm not the one who swallows their lies.

You appear unable to apply common sense to clear issue, or get a feel for what a country is. If you argue trade agreements that cripple our industry, farmers, and technology can go on forever without a price to all of us then you should be able to explain how that would work.

It started with Regan and Carter and has only gotten worse with Bush and Clinton.

Repeating what lobbyists tell the politicians to tell us in spite of the fact it contradicts basic God-given common sense is not the mark of a wise or logical mind. It's more the type of mind I'd expect to find in 1930's Nazi Germany.

Here's a simple test.

Explain how anything...a county, a state, a city, a neighborhood, or a family...can pour significantly more money out than it takes in year after year after year without becoming significantly poorer.

If you are correct and if you actually understand what you are saying (and not just repeating something you "hear" or "feel") you should be able to do that.

Anonymous said...

people are not so crazy that they will stop producing just to avoid taxes.......if you could produce a millon dollars of income, would you not produce it if you knew the taxes would cost 600,, you would like the extra 400, is almost as crazy as people saying they give to the church only to get deduction, or they dont pay off their mortgage just so they can get the deduction.......if these crazies wont a deduction, let them give me a thousand dollars and i will give them 900 dollars cash back......that is alot greater deduction for them......bottom line is that we do need to increase taxes on the rich so the government can continue to support the big investment banks, the IDA's of the country, the big insurance companies when a torando strikes or a terrorist attacks or a hurricaine strikes........but be assured that we cant afford to help the middle class families with two working adults who cant get or cant afford healthcare......

Anonymous said...

What they have done is buy into the lame arguments of Republicans and Democrats.

Our country has been bleeding from the juggler vein since Clinton.

Only a fool would think we can shut down manufacturing, shut down food production, get most of our energy off shore, allow millions of illegals who drain the system without paying tax, fund two wars, pay welfare to unemployed workers, and sustain a good economy.

The only real effort politicians make is dividing us into groups so they can sooth the larger group with enough lies to get re-elected.

Did you know Visa and the rest lobbied Georgia very hard to get bankruptcy laws changed so they could get paid, but at the last minute the automobile loan sharks highjacked the bill? The loser in the whole thing is the person that COULD have been brought back into the tax system, but now is excluded.

Once again the general population got screwed in the name of business, and the tool they used was lobbying. That's a fact!

When an entire country is run on that system it has to eventually fail.

Anonymous said...

I guess my jury is still out on this one but I would like to get some of the local peoples thoughts on why the local BBQ & Blues festival is being presented by Monroe Academy from Forsyth? Doesn't make sense to me, maybe some local politics.

Anonymous said...

half the kids in monroe academy are from the parents in lamar who dont want their kids to go to school with the poor blacks,,,,they are too good to go to public schools......thats why lamar schools are getting bad test scores......the parents who have influence dont care because their kids are going to flint river and/or monroe academy

Anonymous said...

I want my children to get the best possible education, and that sure isn't in the Lamar County school system.

Anonymous said...

you keep praising the school system and you keep kissing their butt so you live with what you got until you have the balls to make change in an election.

whine - whine - whine

you deserve what you vote for.

Anonymous said...

Thought you might be interested in this, at 6:10p today say a B'ville Policeman at the corner of Thomaston Street and 341 talking to white female who had her shirt pulled up bearing her breast for him and everybody else!

Light turned green and I had to go, cannot begin to comment on the conversation between the two, however, there is no way I'm the only one who saw this.

BTW she was far from hagdome.

Anonymous said...


I imagine that the bloggers on this site could probably come up with some interesting ideas of what that conversation was about.

Were they real? Or store-bought?

Anonymous said...

stop picking on her. if i was in her position i would have done the same.

Anonymous said...

Come on....what some people will do to get out of a ticket...

Walter, why don't you delete these post about the PD or better yet why don't you start a blog about one of your headlines....the Hines suppression hearing? Illegal searches would be a good topic.

Anonymous said...

If they were real they were probably sagging a little...if they were bought, they were all perky and in the right

Anonymous said...

was she bleached

was she bleached (store bought) blond?

Anonymous said...

hate to bust everybodies bubble but the girl in question had escaped from pinewoods and was a mentally unstable person.

Anonymous said...

Im sure. Who would really believe a law officer would pull someone over in such a public area and ask to see their boobs....thats almost funny. Im sure the person that made the post about it almost wrecked trying to get a look.

Anonymous said...

Someone is lying about healthcare in England.

Shame on you for lying. It is just as good as healthcare over here, if not better. If you REALLY were from England you would know that.

You must be a Health Care Industry troll. Liar liar pants on fire.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Rudy plead guilty....if he would have held out for a while he would probably have got off..I bet Hines gets off. How do things get so screwed up?

Anonymous said...

yes england healthcare is better.....and the doctors are dont see englands and canadas doctors flowing into the usa......only the indian, middle east and far east doctors are flooding the u.s. healthcare.......we will wake up, but will it be too late....

Anonymous said...

11:11AM and 2:23PM I am absolutely certain about one thing. You don't know sh** about healthcare in England. That makes you a dumb a$$ in the USA. Post your number and I'll have a true born English citizen give you a call. It's one thing to tell a lie but it's another to try and convince other people of something you know nothing about.

How many people will die the first year alone as a direct result of government run health care. On the most low end - over 100 thousand people. And there won't be a single damn thing you can do about it. You will lose your ability to sue for malpratice. Be careful what you wish for.

Anonymous said...

11:34 you are probably right from what I'm hearing there are some big cracks in the case and the jb team aint looking so good.

Anonymous said...

Word is that the money that was missing from the S O has been found, now what are they going to do with the one who they know took it?????

Anonymous said...

China deploys 80 truckloads of troops to Tibet

Wars and Rumors of Wars!

Does anyone know where the winter SEASON disappeared to. I really never noticed the change from Fall to Spring?

Anonymous said...

If your right with God why worry?

I assume that's what your hinting at.

Anonymous said...


Aside from your dirty little mouth... I visit other countries and have guests here all the time.

No one I speak to, and I speak to dozens of people, have expressed the concerns that issue from your dirty little potty mouth.

Every advanced nation in the world, and even many third world nations, not only have free health care....they have reasonably quick service and pay less than we do for our private system.

This information is all over the place.

Stop repeating the insurance and health care industy lies. I know many many people in countries with national health care and they are perfectly happy. I haven't found a single person who is unhappy. They all think we are idiots for keeping the system we have.

Anonymous said...

10:44 get a clue and stop with tha lies. Tell us - what countries have you visited? You have to actually go there and experience the culture, not just what you've seen on the Travel Channel.

Anonymous said...

I not only travel, I have overseas visitors all the time.

Over the winter I've had guests from Brazil, Japan, Australia, Belgum, France, and Spain.

They all wonder why we let our government do what it does, and why if we are so rich we work so hard and pay so much for healthcare.

You need to quit listening to the propaganda put out by the healthcare inducty and just look at how other systems work.

Anonymous said...

canada, where a pack of smokes is ten dollars, and a heart surgery is free,,,,,,,wake up america.....we is living in the dark ages

Anonymous said...

smokes should be ten dollars.

why should something that kills us be free, and something that saves us or makes us better cost a fortune?

canada is smart. we are dumb. that is why tthe canadian dollars is whipping the usa dollars in world markets.

i hoipe ciggies go up to $100 a poack. then maybe fools will quit killing themselves.