Friday, March 28, 2008

old rotary photo; who do you know...


Anonymous said...

John T. Middlebrooks
Lester Yarbrough
Dr. John Corry and Mrs. (Aileen Pitts) Corry
Henry Wisebram
Dr. J. H. Jackson
John B. Hewitt
Mrs. Bush

Anonymous said...

Kenneth King
Elijah Wisebram
Scoop Dennis

Anonymous said...

Mr. Shelor
POP Banks

Anonymous said...

what is a rotary club and what do they do?

Anonymous said...

Rotary is an International service organization "google it" to read all about it....

Anonymous said...

I see Reid, Kenny and Goober. Ain't that Kenny Hutto on the left?

Anonymous said...

Which one is Dr. J.H. Jackson, I can't tell.

Anonymous said...

BG Homer Sappington appears in the photo

Anonymous said...

I see James (Dude) Butler. 2nd row, left middle.