Friday, March 28, 2008

needs identified at milner planning session....

what do you think milners needs, assets, strengths and weaknesses are?

details where you would expect them at


Anonymous said...

Milner needs a real estate office to start moving some of those subdivision lots. That's when it's going to get interesting in Mayberry.

Anonymous said...

need to let rudy out....he was only one that tried to increase business in milner

Anonymous said...

needs to get the "better than you" crew out of town and let the couple get their updated home into town. Would look much better than the "better than you" crew's money making "duplicates of a single wide" apartments. GW's eyesore on the corner isn't much better.

Anonymous said...

One of its strengths is it HOT Police Chief!

Anonymous said...

Why does Milner need a police chief, and even further, why does Barnesville need a police department? The S.O. is capable of handling all the needs of the county. Do away with the higher salaries of the chiefs, hire a few more deputies and handle all the enforcement out of one office and save a lot of tax payer money.

Anonymous said...

and the SO has some HOT deputies to like the SRO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dont think that would work because the SO doesnt know how to win cases.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You must be a stupid ass if you think the SO is responsible for winning cases.

Anonymous said...

I think the post said the SO cant win cases

Anonymous said...

Merittt taylor one said " when we got that caboose by the depo "we should put the entire police department in it and hook it to the next train going to macon, one way"

Anonymous said...

You are speaking of the wrong dept as far as I a concerned. All I Thank GOD I live in the city!

Anonymous said...

who is Merrit Taylor?