Tuesday, March 11, 2008

lcchs head coach finalists named...

details where you would expect them at www.barnesville.com


Anonymous said...

its down to 2 does anybody have a clue

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing Bland from Bay County FLA and Strickland from Charlton County.

Whoever they hire, I hope this person can come in and run off the apathy of some of the "supporters" of Trojan athletics.

I recently observed the parents of a varsity baseball player, a starter mind you, watch the game from the parking lot because they did not want to pay the $5 admission to sit with the rest of the fans in or near the bleachers.

These are "well respected" members of our community who choose not to support the program their son participates in.

That is not only apathetic but is also downright PATHETIC in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Now that's sad, especially for the kid.

Anonymous said...

What is really pathetic is charging parents $5 to see the game.

hp770 said...

I grew up going to a High School where every Friday during football season almost every student wore school colors and the stadium was always packed. Then I moved to Lamar county and and the lack of school spirit here is sad. Most football games the visitors have more fans than we do. Our kids have worked hard at the sports they play and would like someone to take notice. As a community we should show our support any way we can. If the kids weren't playing sports they would be getting into trouble and I bet that would get the communities attention. But if no one praises the kids for what they are doing they give up. It shouldn't matter what our record is or what the scoreboard says our kids are out there giving it their all and so should we!

Anonymous said...

No, what is really pathetic is parents not feeling like their kid is worth the five bucks to watch play.

The athletic programs sustain themselves through fundraisers, concessions and admission fees. Otherwise, school taxes would have to be increased to pay for uniforms, equipment, facility and field maintenance and officials for games.

Very seldom does anyone complain about having to pay to see an athletic event hosted by our school system and most of our parents are there to watch their kids play at every game, home or away.

I have even seen parents at soccer and football games sit on top of their cars outside the stadium to keep from paying to get in.

Again, that is pathetic!

Anonymous said...

who gives a rats ass abouut silly sports kids need to lern to read and cifer

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Trojan Baseball is not an entitlement sport.

The Trojan Dugout Club offers parents and other supporters of Trojan baseball the opportunity to purchase season tickets to all home games at a reduced price.

Anonymous said...

what the hell is "cifer"?

Obviously YOU didn't learn anything so stop complaining

Anonymous said...

Yeah 7:18 and that makes this issue even sadder that this set of parents refuse to get involved in their son's sport even at a reduced rate. They would rather sit in the parking lot and watch for free. And most of the time they are in uniform so they are not hard to spot.

Anonymous said...

For $4.00 you can watch the Rome Braves. $10.00 best seat in the house!

Anonymous said...

Someone complaining about have to pay 5 dollars to see a game is a sad person. First of all the school is not allowed to pay for officials and such. It has to come out of the athletic boosters fund. The money raised at those games is what pays for uniforms equipment, and officials for the games. Even though I am an intellectual that believes more enfaces should be put on learning than athletics I also believe that sports is an essical part of a young persons learning and development.

All in all we should show support for our county and pay the money. If anything it will at least let these kids know that their community is behind them. And that is also a very important part of development

Anonymous said...

i bet you can't watch the Rome Braves from the parking lot

Anonymous said...

If athletics are important to education, and I believe they are, then they should also receive a certain level of state funding. That will not happen as this is a state that will not even fund the basics of education. Every year of his term, the philsbury doughboy, our governor has taken funding away. This is the main reason property taxes are going up. Parents should not have to pay to see their children play, at least not in minor sports like baseball.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they shouldn't HAVE to pay but they do so the point is moot. These parents make themselves look bad for refusing to pay. That is the bottom line.

Anonymous said...

To the jerks that think they know everything.....did you happen to see the parents give the money to the coach? Yeah the whole 5 dollars that some are so worried about. Did you know that one of the parents had the flu and didn't want to sit it the crowd and pass it around? Obviously not. May I suggest you start worrying about yourself and stay out of others business. Especially when you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Maybe you should donate $10 next time since your such a wonderful person!

Anonymous said...

7:59.....they probably didnt want to sit with people like you.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Can't we all just get along and stay out of everybody else's business!!!

Anonymous said...

Not in good ole Barnesville