Tuesday, March 18, 2008

ida, city get $1.25 million grant...

in the last three weeks, over $2 million has come in for the general protecht project.

details where you would expect them at www.barnesville.com


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, IDA!! Keep up the good work!

wdm said...

There are thousands of communities General Protect could have chosen. To have chosen B'ville and Lamar County speaks volumes about the local people who put this all together. Job well done.

Anonymous said...

Barnesville struck a deal with the Communist Chinese. Is that like sleeping with the enemy? Done the road Barnesville will be sorry they struck a deal with the devil.

Anonymous said...

To any IDA member. Please tell the people how much taxes is expected to be collected from this company the first year alone. The second year maybe? What about the third year? Here's a good one. Tell the people who will own the land and who will own the buildings. Another future windfall for Barnesville. By the way the old Carter's Mill was sold too. Tell the people what the future holds for that.

Anonymous said...

1 word...JOBS

Anonymous said...

Thank you IDA for assisting in our future. The citizens of Barnesville should be proud that our community was chosen over communities from across America. Thank you to the forward thinking of our IDA and elected officials to do what is needed to bring new industry into our area. Remeber this simple formula- a resendtial property requires $3 of service for every $1 in taxes paid, Industry requires $1 of service for every $3 in taxes paid. This is a win win for Barnesville Lamar County.

Anonymous said...

Grants are one thing. Let's see if the plant actually gets built before we start congratulating anyone. These things have a way off running off the rails.

Anonymous said...


Nice thought, but that's ONLY true when the business pays tax.

The IDA gives businesses tax free status.

The general pattern of businesses like this is they take all the breaks to get started, then the exemptions run out. When they suddenly have to pay tax they either renegotiate a large tax reduction (like that plastic plant in Lamar and the old wood processing deal in Lamar), or they move.

For a recent example you can look at Yamaha in Thomaston.

Anonymous said...

Incentives have always been a hotly debated topic and I expect they always will be. However, uneducated ranting against their use generally has no value. The fact is that incentives are necessary to attract industry. That's just the way it is. Companies expect them and communities expect to offer them. If a community decides not to offer incentives any longer, then it would surely be fine with a company. They would just move on down the road to their second choice.

However, I do not believe that incentives are the issue. The fact is that there are no guarantees in business. (What?!!) A tax break may indeed be what is keeping a company alive for a few years. And if so, what is wrong with that?

The entire time a company is in business in a community, they are employing people who are receiving a paycheck. Families are impacted. Communities are impacted. Other businesses are impacted. Are you getting the idea yet?

Anonymous said...

For the most part, the revenue generated by having 200-300 additional employees in the county ( they spend portions of their salary in the county & pay taxes) usually offsets the grant money.

Anonymous said...

having jobs is a good thing but having a business generating zero tax revenues is a slap in the face to the tax paying residents. Property values increase and along with that the taxes - on everything except the freebies given to the company. So a few people have jobs and everyone pays the bill. Don't seen fair does it?

Anonymous said...

Way to go walter - give yourself a pat on the back. talk with all the other members about the super job yall do. always remember one important thing though. always use a condom. the county cant handle another screwing like the ag authority dished out.

Anonymous said...

Like anon 5:16 said, tax incentives for businesses are commonplace throughout the world. If a town, city, state, country want a business to locate there, it MUST offer the incentives. Virtually every business employing 100 or more people is enjoying some type of tax break.

No incentive, no business.

No business, no employment

No employment, hello welfare

Anonymous said...

whats gonnato this deal when one of our subs acidentally pops up in chinese waters...remember the weblo

Anonymous said...

ok for the government to prop up failing investment houses like bear stearns, ok for the government to give breaks to big foreign companies, but not ok for goverment to help out the small workers with healthcare help......old people have government medicare, poor people and children have medicaid, the rich have insurance.....but the middle class workers have the screws

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever do a summary sheet of the money GIVEN to the company and the taxes paid by the company?

Keep in mind it is unlikely any of highest paid management will be local or even USA. It is also not likely most of the low wage employees will be Lamar County, although many will buy lunch around here or Forsyth.

I'm just curious if it would have been a better investment to give any grant money to local resturants, or what the REAL numbers actually are. A line by line summary would show the wisdom or foolishness and cut through the hyperbole on both sides.

Anonymous said...

There has been a war on the middle class for some time now.

Anonymous said...

That's a good idea. Instead of barking opinions why not show some actual numbers?

Who owns the land?

Who owns the building?

How much tax is exempted?

How much tax is paid?

How much did we pay them to open a business here?

Then we can see how smart a deal the IDA cut. Anyone can close a deal when it is a money loser.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 10:00PM. I am on the very low end of middle income 60K per year and I have to pay for my healthcare. And it aint cheap.

Stop complaining about letting the government provide it and get it yourself. You can deduct the cost from your taxes. But if you let government provide it you will pay 5 time what it would cost you now in additional tax - no deductions - and it won't be worth buttwipe paper.

Anonymous said...


You are not correct. You are repeating what the health care industry has put in ads. They ran ad after ad against any healthcare. They want to be able charge us five times what the same drug costs in Canada, and to have all the extra charges here for doctors and hospitals.

It's all about the money for the industry.

If you look at the rest of the world, we don't lead in anything anymore. Yet other nations, Cuba, France, Aurtralia, Great Britan, Norway, Sweden, Austria, New Zealand, the list goes on and on, not only have national health care they don't pay anywhere near the amount in taxes that we pay in a typical insurance policy.

No one, not a single country, pays anywhere remotely close to what you claim. Not only that people live longer and they have lower infant mortality rates.

It's time we stopped letting big business lie to us and it's time we stopped mindlessly repeating stupid claims they make. They would love us to swallow all the crap about us having long lines, poor care, and great expense.

What you are saying is you don't think we can match what Cuba or the Netherlands or France or Japan are able to do for their people.

You think Americans are unable to do what almost every advanced nations, and many third worlds nations, are able to do.

Stop repeating nonsense.

Anonymous said...

10:34AM don't make assumptions. I know exactly what I've said and know it to be facts. It is you that refuses to believe the truth when it is given to you. You want to live in denial. Well a lot of us don't want to live there with you because we know the facts. You continue to think as you wish. Later on after you've used it you will say I should have listened when I had the chance. Then you cann get one of those government sponsored 255.00 plantings.

Someone once said on this blog that you can't argue with an idiot so this case is closed. I won't argue with you.

Anonymous said...

Good. I didn't want to argue with a potty mouth who can only express himself by swearing or asking us to "take his worrd for it" anyway.

Facts are all over the place. If you want to believe the crap the insurance lobby puts out, stuff that is EASILY disproven, then call me any name you like. The record speaks for itself.

The USA is not first in preventing infant mortality, it is the only developed nation without protective healthcare, and taxes aren't much cheaper here. Our dollar is dropping like a rock which will spur a huge wave of inflation and make everything we buy including oil go way up in price. We are bleeding to death because of stuff that started with Carter and Regan and you want to cling to the same old way that has bankrupted what once was the leading nation in the world.

That doesn't seem very wise to me.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i confess my bossman made me post it. business is slow.

Anonymous said...

Team oddducks in action. Time to growup.

Anonymous said...

7:49 PM

If you're going to call people names, please be specific about what you're calling them. A few examples, but feel free to use your own.

Results for: potty
1. A seat of reduced size fitting over a toilet seat, for use by a small child. 2. Of little importance; trivial.
3. Slightly intoxicated.
4. Somewhat silly or crazy; addlebrained.
5. A small pot for use as a toilet by an infant or young child.
6. A plumbing fixture for defecation and urination

Arabic: مَجنون، أبْلَه
German: verrückt
Italian: matto
Polish: stuknięty
Russian: чокнутый
Spanish: pirado, chiflado

Results for: mouth
1. The oral opening or cavity considered as the source of vocal utterance.
2. An opening leading out of or into any cavity or hollow place or thing: the mouth of a cave; a bottle's mouth.
3. The outfall at the lower end of a river or stream, where flowing water is discharged, as into a lake, sea, or ocean:
4. To speak sonorously and oratorically, or with excessive mouth movement.

Arabic: فَم
German: der Mund
Italian: bocca
Polish: usta, pysk, paszcza
Russian: рот
Spanish: boca

Anonymous said...

go to city hall and ask to see the spread sheets for projects done in the past.. they will ask you whats a spread sheet..ask for a print out of the city dam project and print out of where every penny was spent and see if they have a clue..

Anonymous said...

go to city hall and ask how much money the city lost when it got into the gas business several years ago...this was mr. roberts big idea.. how much did the city lose? maybe they should deduct that from his big paycheck..oh no no they made that up when they got ridd of the fire chief...

Anonymous said...

is there a list available anywhere of cost versus tax revenue for this project?

Anonymous said...

3:46 and 3:49 PM I know who you are because not many people know of the fraud that went on. Somebody sure got pockets lined with green on those deals but the plain people are easily deceived and would rather deny than admit to truth. Thats why they get screwed over so many times.