Wednesday, January 24, 2007

poster suggested topic #1: raising the minimum wage...

essential to help the poor and downtrodden or tremendous burden on small business?


Anonymous said...

I have just turned 62 and should get my first check in the mail in April. I'm not waiting until I'm 66 because too many of my friends have checked out before then and never get to use any of their s.s. Fortunately I have a government retirement or else I would never be able to survive with what I will be receiving from social security.

Anonymous said...

enjoy your retirement and if and when you get bored write a letter to your congressman and ask that the minimum wage be increased every 5 years not every 10 or when ever.

Oh yeah, this is what ticks me off!

Anonymous said...

A problem of raising the minimum wage, tends to take some current minimum wage jobs out of existance. Those jobs are priced at the minimum because that is all the company thinks it is worth. They will probably spread it over a number of employees and give them a raise smaller than what they were paying on the minimum wage.

Anonymous said...

what makes you so special

mr. CAPS man 1:14

Anonymous said...

I know this may take more work than most are willing to do, but by looking at this information you can see why we need a raise in the minimum wage.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If you are an adult over the age of 21 and are still getting paid minimum wage it's nobody's fault but your own. This country affords every citizen the opportunity to get education which in turn gives you the resources to find a job that pays better than mininum wage. The only people who should be making minimum wage are high school and college kids working after school.

Anonymous said...

It's impossible to raise the miminum wage.

Some of those CEOs may have to give up some of their 7 figure incomes along with some of those 7 figure bennies. I'm sorry to say to all of them - you just ain't worth that much. No one is.

Anonymous said...

to c. mcfrye......the government has certainly made alot people rich....all the insurance ex., drug co ex., Sonny P., defense cos, etc.....the government should help those who cant help themselves but not those who wont help themselves......there is alot of educated people looking for work.....bottom line===a democrat would like everyone to make $20....but a repub. would rather make 12 if everyone else makes 9...

Anonymous said...

I just don't see how the gov't can say that we are living above the poverty level on minimum wage. They should try to live on it for a month and see what life is really like. YOu have to be a millionaire to get into gov't so therefore you really never have had to struggle to make ends meet so how can they say we are alright on minimum wage.