Tuesday, January 23, 2007

grand jury recalled to hear rudy vaughn case...

do you think it is a good thing to go ahead and get this out of the way?

or, could added expense to the taxpayers have been avoided by letting the march term grand jury hear the case in 5-6 weeks? there certainly has been no indication of any sense of urgency about bringing this case to a grand jury to this point.

will rudy be indicted or will he walk?

will his property be forfeited or will he get it back?


Anonymous said...

Will the DA have the intestional fortitude to persue the case, or will he hide under a rock as he has done so many times.

Anonymous said...

DA Milam is afraid of Vaughn. I would not be surprised if he does not even get indicted.

Anonymous said...

i just wonder how many people on the jury are involved in that church he was so quick to join.

Anonymous said...

If Rudy walks, don't blame the D.A.
He can only prosecute on the basis of the evidence and the investigation done by the sheriff's office. They don't have the professionalism or expertise to prepare a case this complex. Now, if the FBI prosecutes Rudy under the federal RICO laws, he will go bye-bye. This other idiot needs to get off Rock Springs Church case. If Rudy truly accepted Christ as his savior and asked forgiveness of his sins, then his eternal home will be in heaven. God will forgive you of your sins too if you will repent and ask Him to come into your heart. Sounds like you need it.

Anonymous said...

Phil: You have watched too many TV shows about attorneys and DA's.
The Duty of the DA is to Present the States Case to the Grand Jury with all the Evidence he has available. It is mandatory he be convincing in his argument, not a reading of someone else's prose, about the evidence.

Anonymous said...

Phil you sure are quick to judge the S.O.. Try walking a mile in their shoes before you comment.

Anonymous said...

so no matter what crimes a person commits as long as he ask forgiveness(child murders,rapest,hitlers,Ect..they get a free pass?)then no wonder people dont care abut the crimes they commit,what do they have to worry about just go out and do as you please everybody then just ask god to forgive you, thats a load of crap in my book,you do the crime you do the time

Anonymous said...

I spent over 35 years in law enforcement. Maybe I type too fast and you missed something. Let me type s-l-o-w-l-y. The D,A, was not at the crime scene. The only thing he or she has is the evidence and written reports presented by law enforcement. Now for the other Bozo. God forgives...the state of Georgia doesn't. Rudy may have to do the time...but his soul belongs to Jesus Christ. Where is your soul going to spend eternity?

Anonymous said...

Phil how do you know that the investigators did a crappy job?

Anonymous said...

calling someone an idiot and a bozo for posting an opinion on a blog page,is that what christ is all about?name calling just because someone has a different opinion than yours.

Anonymous said...

My apologizes, sir or maam. You have a perfect right to be wrong. How do I know...the Bible tells me so. Don't take it up with me because I'm just a sinner saved by grace. Take it up and argue your point with God.

Anonymous said...

Phil you still have not answered the question. HOW do you know if the S.O. did a crappy investigation. Answer the question or quit commenting on it.

Anonymous said...

Heard it through the grapevine from personnel who work at the s.o

wdm said...

The old rumor mill, now that's a good place to get some information to start an arguement with.

Anonymous said...

Sure is! Start at the source. You want the truth. You can't handle the truth.

Anonymous said...

Phil, your comments are well taken. I wonder, if you spent 35 years in Law Enforcement, why do you have such a negative attitude about the way it functions?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Phil as far as the idiot talking about Rock Springs Church ,he needs to shut up! And yes I also agree that the S.O is one of the biggest rumors mills that there is. I've seen this first hand. Personal information being told by employees outside the sheriffs office that should be confidential.

Anonymous said...

the biggest rumors mills are the churchs

Anonymous said...

i think the person making statements about a church has the right to do so(i dont agree with him)but this is after all a blog page if you dont like what someone post go to another site everyone has an opinion but it seems from the posts on this page its the religious people that have a problem with freedom of speach

Anonymous said...

I don't have a negative attitude about how law enforcement functions, as long as it is done in a competent manner. The FBI or GBI has the skill and training to conduct complex investigations. With all due respect, Lamar deputies are not of the calibre to conduct such an investigation. It was the sheriff of a neighboring county who notified Joe Buice of the stolen equipment Rudy was involved in. If it were not for the tip, Rudy would still be selling bad bar-b-q and stolen John Deere tractors, and would probably have nominated for businessman of the year.

Anonymous said...

Phil I have a different opinion than you on the attitude. I think you have a bad attitude toward local law enforcement, no matter who is the Sheriff. Being Cynical shows you may have spent 35 years to long. Maybe you should have been something else.

Anonymous said...

What happens to all the drug money taken in?

It depends upon how high you are on the political food chain and if you have a need to know. And, how much of a need do you need to know.

Anonymous said...

Come on people, LCSO is infamous in all surrounding counties as well as our own for being a JOKE!! Other law enforcement officers who work closely w/ Lamar make it a daily routine to rip the intelligence of our LCSO employees. They are mostly all badge heavy minus a few good ones who mainly keep their mouths shut about the going ons so they can keep their jobs and support their families. It is very well known that if you speak out against Buice then your job will be ripped from you like felcro! We have a dictator as a Sheriff and some wanna be bad boys bad boys. I would HATE to see some of these guys working in a city like Atlanta with the chips on their shoulders running up on a group of gang members. I can imagine the tails being tucked and the rethinking of a new career!

Anonymous said...

The good Sheriffs I have know were Autocrats, and ran a tight ship. Employees who were unwilling to be in line were not needed. All I hear about our Sheriff is if you dont follow his rules, you get fired. Wellllll If you worked at Burger King that would be the case too. I find people like Phil who seems to cry alot in this blog, about spending 35 years in Law Enforcement, and not liking the way it is run. while calling people names, and claiming to be born again. I just dont see how that holds water. A contradiction, as I see it. If Rudy gets True Billed, then the DA will have done his job. Lets all wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Very well said jms mlton!!!! You hit the nail on the head!! Most people would not be this bold as to state the truth!! Thank you very much!! You have many supporters that totally agree!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I will have to agree with JMSmlton to a point. the majority of the the road deputies and some of the other personell that work for LCSO are excellent people that are trying to do a thankless job. however they work under extreme conditions.they do not know which Sheriff is going to show up on any given day. the good guy or the *****.

Anonymous said...

btdt you are 110% right about that.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:26: The statement of following rules by the sheriff and being fired was never made as I can see. The problem with our deputies not following rules is not the issue, the issue is if your personal opinion doesn't meet his then you will be terminated as quickly as you were hired! He is a dictator and I personally feel sorrow for the men and women who have to follow under his leadership. I don't even think we have deputies anymore just Captains! You are right if you don't make the hamburgers without onions at Burger King then you are fired but if you don't bow down to the almighty Buice regime here in LC you are cast out like a demon. Go to work for him and go against his opinion and then come back and support him!
All of the deputies putting their lives on the line everyday are never given the credit they deserve until one screws up and they all get drug through the mud with them. Its not fair to the ones who only want to be what they spent many long hours trying to be. I commend most of them. The ones who are a waste of skin, their day will come.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that not only does he dictate what they do on the job, he also tells them what they can do on their free time. Invading in their personal lives. How can someone tell them what they can or cant do when they get off of work? Whats sad is that these guys listen to him because they are scared they will loose their jobs. I do believe they should always conduct themselves in a way becomming to an officer but this has gone too far.

Anonymous said...

2008 is an election year. Time to start giving thought as to who you want as the chief law enforcement officer in Lamar County. Do you want four more years of Buice? If not, who do you feel should fill that seat?

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely correct about telling these guys what they can do in their free time. He dictates what second jobs these guys can hold to support their families. Nevermind their children as long as they do as HE says. Someone really needs to report him. I have written letters to my representatives and hopefully they will look at it but its a proven fact that the more people who open the book the more it gets read. Please, someone stand up to this man and lets get him out of here. Call channel 2 if you have to. Officers should not walk on eggshells in their line of work. They have enough stress as it is but to have to deal with him on top of that. My hats off to you guys. He is going to bully the wrong person one day and hopefully it will be someone with some authority over him. 2008 cannot come quick enough for most of Lamar County. I personally would not want to be as hated as this man is. All the empty promises he made and look at him now. He is on a never ending power trip and I can almost bet everything I have that when he is voted out of LCSO then DNR will say to Haites with you, we don't want you either! In fact, they probably had party after party when he resigned! I know I would!

Anonymous said...

Don't call channel 2 Mark Winne and him are big buddies sure would'nt want to mess up that relationship after all the news shows they have produced in the past 2 years.And yep the folks at d n r are very happy these days makes you wonder don't it.

Anonymous said...

thats true Buice wants his TV time. wonder why they weren't called when his son was busted or his nephew? guess he didn't get hair and makeup that day!!

Anonymous said...

I find this amusing, speaking of the present Sheriff. Before the election, there appear to be a large number of persons supporting the election of the present Sheriff. Now he has gotten on several persons badside, because he didnt do like they wanted him to. I find that Interesting.

Anonymous said...

you know he will be indicted and will be convicted in Lamar co...he should be tried in a different co. if he wants fair trial....all the jurors from Lamar co. will be thinking about all the property and money the county will get if he is found guilty....you dont hear as much about the other persons in this case because they dont have the funds and property that Vaughn has

Anonymous said...

Phil, you may say the members of the Sheriffs office, fail to meet your standards. However, it appears they and the DA got a true Bill from the Grand Jury.

Anonymous said...

WOW BIG DEAL Rudy did everything but sell the stolen items to the Grand Jury!!! Of course it got true billed. I couldve busted him and got it true billed w/ the evidence. The SO didn't do all the work themselves ya know!