Monday, December 15, 2008

morehouse stands by its man....

campus police chief vernon worthy will not be disciplined for lamar county hunting incident.

details where you would expect them at


Anonymous said...

that moorehouse cop is lucky he didnt get the wrong guy to pull this off cause one time a cop pulled Dane over for speeding,85 in a 25, and when the cop peered into Danes pinto the sheer badassness he saw caused the cop to put his pistol to his own head and squeeze the trigger. Dane sped off laughing and went 95 just for the hell of it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a suprise.I would say justice will be served in a courtroom but if Nichols doesn't get the chair then Vernon will probably get nothing.

Anonymous said...

Vernon was lucky he didn't pull a gun on Dane.

Anonymous said...

of coarse, they'll all stick togeather.

Anonymous said...

We'll see how far Morehouse goes when their boy becomes a convicted felon...

Provided the idiot DA doesn't let this waste of flesh plead out for something less.

Frank said...

Dear Fire & EMS,

Monday Night Drill

Monday, December 11, 2008
From: 7:00 PM To: 10:00 PM

Empty Stocking Fund

Dollar General
128 Westgate Plz
Barnesville, GA 30204

Thank you,
Barnesville-Lamar County Fire Departments

Anonymous said...


Please put an end to this Dane garbage. It doesn't serve the purpose of this blog and it's really getting sickening.

Anonymous said...


Please do keep the Dane blogs. I find it very informative and comforting knowing such a wonderful,extrodinary, grand human being walks among us. The fact that when I open my eyes each morning in this wonderful, God- blessed town , I know, somewhere Dane is here.

Anonymous said...

everyone knows that he isn't guilty because he's black and whitey made him do it

Anonymous said...

Messing with the wrong family that will come at him with every available resourse if provoked.

Losing his cool in a situation that could easily have been cleared up peacefully.

Pulling a gun when out of jursidiction/ out of uniform/ not informing that he is an officer of the law.

Verbal abuse

Forcefully Apprehending other when he himself is the one trustpassing.

Doing all this in the wrong neck of the woods......This will get interesting before it's over.

Anonymous said...

he has provoked every law abiding hunter in lamar co to bad its a jury of his peers in this co. i hope he gets to go to wallers bed and breakfast