Tuesday, December 02, 2008

final lamar numbers...

turnout was 42.92%

chambliss 2928, martin 1462.

mcdonald 2685, powell 1371.

doyle 1552, sheffield 1977.


Anonymous said...

George D # 12 time you know where

Anonymous said...

Well, atleast I don't have to listen to any more of that GOP
propaganda garbage for a while.

Anonymous said...

Sen. Saxby Chambliss won... Thanks GOD!!! Save marriage, Save boy scouts, Save baby......

Anonymous said...

Chambliss won...what a shock.

Anonymous said...

this means 2928 of the people voting have a head on their shoulders...and 1462 others that voted need their head blown off their shoulders.


Anonymous said...

Propaganda? And you dont think the left wing did this also? I say thank God it's ALL done with... by the way... I put in my two weeks notice... Obama is going to take care of me and I only need to inflate my tires!!

Anonymous said...

Saxby is a joke. And after the campaign he ran against Max Cleland (one of the greatest americans of our time) I could never bring myself to vote for such a horrible and hideous man.

Anonymous said...

Wooo!!! Warship BACK!!!! War in Venezuela. America, Europe, Canada, Panama and Australia -vs- Russia, Venezuela and Cuba.

Anonymous said...

6:25 PM, Oh well... Gang!!! Red neck, White trash, 619, SLC Punk, LC Punk, England Punk, Pink, Pimp, 187, and Black rape. What the F*#k?

Anonymous said...

6:23 pm,
Obama don't know. But... Do first go to college after 6 or 8 years then granuation. Ooops too hard! If you pass or fail the test?

Anonymous said...

this means 2928 of the people voting are idiots.

Anonymous said...

Georgia is such a backwards state

Anonymous said...

I read in the AJC that Chambliss thinks he is a “model” for Republicans and he's leading the way for a GOP turnaround. The ONLY reason he won is because he's in Georgia and we just haven't caught up with the rest of the country.

Anonymous said...

if you hate ga so much leave. i promise we won't miss you. delta is ready when you are.

Anonymous said...

No, the reason Saxby won is because the good people in Georgia out number the idiots such as you and the other fools that put their liberal trash on here. Why dont you take your dem-butt out to California or Massachusetts where you can float with the rest of the immoral fruitcakes...you pussfoot!


Anonymous said...

7:57 am, Country first. We're from Europe, Caribbean, Middle East, Australia, South America, Russian and Egypt. We are very strong and never afraid. Geek and Nerd. No redneck and No rape.... Christian-other: Roman Catholic and Jewish. No Muslim....

Anonymous said...

The reason Saxby won is because the idiots outnumber the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...@ 6:25 PM: Saxby is a joke.

- You have no business voting if you are unable to separate feeling from intelligent selection. Max gave much for his country but that still don’t qualify him for a position that someone else may be able to perform better in. Saxby is a very good senator but he will be replaced someday also. He won because he was better for the job than Martin and the majority of people could see that rather than allowing feelings to make a selection for them.

Anonymous said...@ 7:53 AM: Georgia is such a backwards state.

- You are free to leave if you are a Georgia resident. If you are not a resident, your comment isn’t worth the time it took you to write it because you have no say in the matter anyway.

Anonymous said...@ 7:57 AM: The ONLY reason he won is because he's in Georgia and we just haven't caught up with the rest of the country.

- Then don’t wait to catch up. Move! The fewer immoral degenerates we have in the state the better we all will be. I bet if you identify yourself that we can assemble a team to help you pack and collect donations to help you get out.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that Republicans see their party as "moral." What a joke. Explain to me how Republicans are moral????

Anonymous said...

4:18 you need to be worried about the ones that out number you. For the day comes when a 180-grain metal object has your name on it.


Anonymous said...

5:12 The same idiot posted all those comments. He/She (and I mean that literally) is just pissed off that they cant force their sick wickedness off on us in Georgia. We aint having that and the hermorphidite should take up residence in some other state where all the other butt-packing fairies flock!


Anonymous said...

QUESTION: What the heck is a ghostofaviking.

Anonymous said...

ANSWER: When a Viking dies his spirit becomes a ghost. His spirit then embarks on a flurry of comments on his local blog.


Anonymous said...

Viking ghost passed through Stupidville on the way here.

Anonymous said...

12:16 I stopped by your mom's house while I was there too..... BTW she's doin just fine...I told her the feeling would return to her legs shortly too.


Anonymous said...


Mom said to tell you "come back when you grow a ****."

Anonymous said...

Foot?...Knee?....Hand?...neck?.....back?...chin?...head?...face?...oh that thing that you and your mother both like to play with, got it!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A question was asked and the reply was a bunch of mama jokes. Smart!