Sunday, December 21, 2008

falcons are going to the playoffs...

and the local vikings - living and dead - are mighty quiet.

who'd a thunk it?


Anonymous said...

where's spook now?...ha ha ha


Anonymous said...

LCVFD called out to put out burning purple material on Cannafax Rd. shortly after 7 pm Sunday night. Two topless white males seen fleeing the area. Film at 11.

Anonymous said...

1:24 am,

I live on Cannafax Rd. No fire... No one

Anonymous said...

1:24am.....that was a jab at the lanier brothers.......not really meant to be real

Anonymous said...

who cares about the falcoons?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen Buddy or Brock since Sunday. Merry Christmas from the Falcons.

Mr Arthur Blank

Anonymous said...

The Laniers are good boys. They are both Tech fans. They are just a bit misled when it comes to the NFL.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunate that Adrian Peterson proved that he is human. Or was it a mere "fatting of the turkey"? You see my fellow dirty terders, looks like the vikes merely just fattened up their bird meal for the wildcard game. And if we loose that one too...well then.. up yours!

Anonymous said...

Men who love the color purple, well I wouldnt call them men if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

There may not be a wild card game, the birds could win their division and the purple pecker eaters, oops people eaters could be out all together with a loss!!

Anonymous said...

Poor,poor Brock......where's my money that you owe me now lol.