Friday, December 26, 2008

donald clark's honda found in forsyth...

where it had been for over five weeks under the noses of forsyth-monroe county law enforcement personnel who failed to find it despite a nationwide alert.

details where you would expect them at


Anonymous said...

I'm suprised the hotel manager didn't call it in for being in his parking for so long.

anotherkindofdrew said...

Am I the only one that finds it suspect that:

A) a business owner would allow a car to sit idle in his/her parking lot for 5 weeks or so?

B) with the search extending as far as it did that NO ONE saw the car sitting there in the past five weeks?

C) that the folks over in Forsyth apparently don't read the news?

Anonymous said...

I agree. Someone should have reported that car just sitting in the parking lot for all that time. Some folks just do not want to get involved.

Anonymous said...

thanks to the sheriff and his investigator for remaining vigilant in there search wish them well are truly professionals.

Anonymous said...

professional, that remains to be seen.

Anonymous said...

reckon how much its going to cost us when the new sheriff comes in and changes all the uniforms and lettering back from green to brown. it will cost us taxpayers again like it did last time when buice did it.

Anonymous said...

i'm more worried about the cost to the people of lamar county by being taken BACK to the good ol boy days

Anonymous said...

you dont have anything to worry about. he has changed his way of doing things and told me he is sorry for past mistakes. i wood steak my reputation on him.

Anonymous said...

Have you actually seen that hotel? I doubt the manager pays any attention to what car is in the lot for a month at that hole.

Anonymous said...

Silly people. Can't you understand that running radar speed traps on I-75 at Forsyth takes manpower and time?

They can't be concerned with silly things like looking for murder victims cars.

Here in Lamar County, we should be thankful this case was solved before LarryJBT was sworn in. He never did find out who killed that woman on Piedmont Road. But we "brought him back" for some reason.

Anonymous said...

dont know about that but i am thankful for what JO and RICK have done these last few day in office .you both will be missed