Friday, December 05, 2008

aerial search for missing man underway...

details where you would expect them at


Anonymous said...

its about time

Anonymous said...

so does that mean he's assumed dead?

Anonymous said...

no it just means they are finaly getting rid of there tunnel vision and looking in other places

Anonymous said...

At least three people I knew were killed because of the people they hung around with.

One who married a nut case was killed by his wife in his sleep over a petty argument. Her boyfriend helped her get rid of him and it took years to finally find him in his car in an old flooded stone quarry. Some recreational divers found him years later. His skull was smashed and it was a match for a metal pipe they found years earlier at his house. The whole time she whined about being innocent.

One was was shot and stuffed in a trunk and the car was set on fire. no one knows who did that. He liked women and drugs and had a step brother who was a nut.

One girl I grew up with was run over by her own husband when she was walking home after having a flat tire. He got caught because he let the air out of a perfectly good tire by stuffing a pencil lead in the valve stem. The dumb *** got caught because he left the rest of the pencil in the parking lot where she worked. She knew she married a mean drunk.

I never knew anyone who just up and left their kids and jobs and credit cards and all. They all talked about how unfair it was, just like OJ did.